Apple Watch has got a miserly screen frame when compared to other Apple devices. Well! You can’t expect more from a watch.. Right?! But that doesn’t restrict developers from building gaming apps for Apple Watch and players from playing them.

Here is a list of the most popular gaming apps for Apple Watch that’s worth a try.

1. Lifeline

Lifeline is one unique gaming app that is really designed to play from the Apple watch. The main attraction is that the game happens in real time.

In this game, you receive push notifications from time to time, sent by Taylor, an astronaut whose spaceship has crash-landed on an alien moon.

He is looking for help and the only person that he seems to be able to contact is the game player. The player has to take crucial decisions so as to keep him alive.

Download : Apple Watch

2. Runeblade

Developers claim that it is “the first award winning fantasy adventure game for the Apple Watch”. The game story is about the order of the War Mages faced with a serious threat, as the angry Arai is determined to destroy the world.

In this adventure game with mighty spells and magical artefacts, you are the armored heroine who fight against the rising darkness; grabbing your Runeblade and slashing away at mystical creatures & bosses.

3. Spy_Watch

Spy_Watch is a text based adventure game with a bewitching storyline. Your father, head of a spy agency, has been put to death by unknown enemies. Now you are at charge and your missions include enemy assassinations to rebuilding the organisation.

You have to complete operations by taking crucial decisions and giving directions to your fellow spy agent. The game notifies you of updates and action progresses in actual time.

4. Rules!

This cute and colorful puzzle game is a bite-sized mini-version of the same iPhone game with 10 different stages. As a simple picture sorting game with multiple sorting rules getting added on each turn until you lose, this app can provide you brain exercise on a daily basis.

Download : Apple Watch

5. Trivia Crack 

This game tests your general knowledge whenever you can have a few minutes to spare. All you have to do is just spin the colorful category wheel – “Willy”.

You can start growing your knowledge by answering the hundreds of thousands of fun and exciting questions, touching topics from geography to entertainment.

Read also : Top iPhone and iPad Apps on App Store

The game also allows you to pair up with random opponents that keep up the challenge.

Download : Apple Watch

6. LCD Games – Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion is a simple game that runs harmonious with one of those classic LCD handheld games in the 1980’s which are made popular by Tiger and Nintendo.

In this game, the goal is to collect/save all the little transparent aliens escaping from the earth’s atmosphere before they explode in the vacuum of space. You should use the digital crown to move your ship left or right.

There are also two optional modes A and B, by which you can increase/decrease the level of complexity by increasing/decreasing the speed.

Download : Apple Watch

7. Tamagotchi Classic

The handheld game toy you obsessed in the 90’s is back with its digital pet game, the Tamagotchi Classic. In this game, you’ll get notification when your Tamagotchi needs anything like feeding, flushing their droppings or playing with them. You should give them more time if you want to raise them well.

8. Sonic Dash 2: Sonic Boom

Although not available by itself as a game, SEGA’s Sonic runner has this sonic-themed pedometer companion app for the Apple watch.

Read also : Essential iOS App Development Tools (2018)

It uses Apple watch’s fitness tracking to unlock additions like rings and sidekick sprites in the Sonic Dash 2 game for iPhone based on how far you have walked.

Download : Apple Watch

We often face difficulty in making children learn even the basic lessons. Video games can motivate kids to learn faster.

Kid’s education games are designed to make them more amenable to learning. It can channel their enthusiasm and vigour into productive ways by providing an environment that is conducive to learning. Here are some of the ways that kids education games make them smarter.

App cost calculator

1. Games offer fun ways to learn and make kids happier

Today’s children are already familiar with mobile games. One way or other they spend a significant amount of their time playing games on a number of digital devices. This time can be effectively utilized for learning things by using kids education games. Games will let kids involuntarily learn memory-related and practice-related learning of concepts through challenging, engaging and fun ways.

2. Games provide ideal learning environments

Video games provide better learning environments than traditional learning environments. They can seize childrens’ interest and concentration for a longer time by rendering the activities as challenging and pertinent.

Read also: Ways to Come Up with Groundbreaking Mobile Game Development Ideas

Kids put more effort into learning things unknowingly when provided with an engaging game. Games also allow kids to socially interact, compete and collaborate with each other to perform the tasks given. It is also easy to track their progress and give them feedback instantly.

3. Games route the focus to the challenge

Through kids education games, complex topics can be taught easily, especially if the lesson requires a lot of practice or memorization. Games can incorporate different adaptive methods and approaches based on individual abilities of each student. The pupil will feel that the topic is much more less dense than learning through any other methods. For e.g. the game slice fractions, helps your kids to learn all about fractions through cool games of slicing through ice and lava to clear the mammoth’s path.

4. Games and encouragement

The challenges in games are designed to be encouraging and motivating in nature. Students will feel confident when they advance through each level of the game.

While learning, failure is one thing that will be encountered too many times. But in order to accomplish something, there should be persistence and the will to try again and again until the goal is finally achieved.

Recommended read: 4 Awesome Tips to Improve Indie Mobile Game Development

Games are entertaining in itself and so they naturally instigate the necessary stimulus to continue further. Rewards, scores, and advanced levels in the game will force kids to move forward trying different types of techniques and strategies to reach the target.

Also multiple attempts and continuous failure while playing games affect kids lesser than failing in other learning methods. This is because regardless of the results, players get enjoyment from playing the game.

5. Games can simulate processes and phenomenons

A lot of things are learnt better when they are seen. Game simulations can help to re-create processes and phenomenons in the real world that are too costly to build. A lot of abstract and difficult concepts are effortlessly learnt this way.

Students can experience and interact with things more closely while learning a lot of rules and procedures. For e.g., they can safely understand the reaction between chemicals, see what happens in a nuclear reaction, or go on missions to the moon & Mars.

A certain category called epistemic games allow role playing, where the students are required to play specific roles or complete tasks imitating real-world situations. The roles can range from being police officers to businessmen and what not. These games assist in acquiring real life skills and helps to understand various value systems.

6. Global reach

Several games allow the students to socially interact with players from around the world. While building a foundation of skills and interests, these games can give kids exposure to other cultures.

Also Check: Latest Updated Educational Apps Directory List

Mobile game development is a job that needs a passionate heart towards what you do. The developer goes through the same excitement as the game player. You rejoice at every small accomplishment that your game character makes. But before all that comes, there is one thing that you need before anything else- A good “idea” for game development.

“How could you be resourceful when you need to come up with some groundbreaking mobile game development ideas?” As a mobile game developer this is one crucial question that contributes a large share in shaping your destiny.

Dream a lot

If you are a game developer, you should dream a lot. We all had our dreams and fascinations as a child. Our favorite heroes and imaginary friends were alive in our little minds. We flew in clouds and we jumped into chocolate pools. And our favorite holiday spot became Disney Land.

Most of us are still fascinated about our childhood heroes. We day dream putting ourselves in their shoes and we ourselves become the heroes in our dreams – the one man army and the last hope of earth. We solve mysteries and we join the fights.

Read also: Will Mobile Game Development Kill Gaming Consoles?

Adventures with mesozoic creatures, alien life forms, monsters, mechanical men and robots makes our daydreams highly imaginative. But as adults, we more easily realize that they are just our imagination. Games have the power to bring the improbable and intangible into reality.

With mobile game evolution, early developers began experimenting with queer story lines. They gave an element of surrealism, and allowed the impossibilities to happen that kept the player’s interest level high.

Mobile games became the right platform to create new worlds and new systems. As a game developer, you should look around the world and observe things happening around you more attentively to generate cool ideas. With a lot of focus and practice, this will become one of your instinct.

Search other media

One of the greatest inspirations for mobile game development comes from the stories that we have read and the movies that we have watched.

Remember the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? And the evergreen children’s novel Alice in Wonderland? All are great sources to think about new ideas. From Aladdin to Batman, games are created based on world famous fictional characters.

Growing up, we shifted our interests more towards Sci-Fi, horror and similar categories. We loved to watch Terminator, Star Wars, and Star Trek. Yet, as adults, we also loved to read and watch the Harry Potter series.

Inspiration can be sought out from all potential fields like movies, stories, cartoons, and even poems. For e.g., The Rape of the Lock, a mock-heroic poem by Alexander Pope, provides a possible theme which includes a kingdom, palaces, elaborate rituals, a boat journey, a mission, and supernatural characters like fairies.

Although you can’t take characters and themes as such from others intellectual property just like that, a little bit of inspiration from them could do wonders. All original ideas trails from good old ones, as Wilson Mizner said, “Copy from one, it’s plagiarism; copy from two, it’s research.”

Games from games

Game ideas can come from other games as well. It is so obvious that when you play a game, you wish for a hundred new features to be included or you think that an alternate story line might make the game more interesting. Critically looking at other games can automatically brainstorm new and creative ideas.

Playing games have other advantages too. For e.g, you can know what things make a game interesting, up to where you should continue providing a particular feature or resource and where you should halt, how difficult should a level be etc. All these insights can allow you to adjust your game complexities and architecture accordingly.

Lastly, there is something that should be remembered always. Ideas have this strange nature – You are immediately struck by one waking up from a dream and by the time you finish your coffee, it vanishes from your memory.

A great tip- Do not forget to jot it down as soon as you get one!

One of the most revolutionary contribution of technology towards the field of education is none other than the educational apps. It has allowed teachers and students to think out of the box. It changed how education is imparted and how learning is assessed.

With time, educational app development companies might come up with more miraculous ideas. In this blog, let us find out how far educational apps have succeeded in positively impacting the institution of education.

1. Simulate the phenomenons and processes around you

Teachers often have to deal with extremely unmotivated and bored pupils when explaining topics that are abstract or too difficult to comprehend. If that is the case, you might have seriously thought about engaging them by choosing the avant-garde.

You might have faced problems explaining to your students chromosome pairing taking place during the different phases of meiosis or describing the material dispersion in a prism or explaining the chemical bonds formed during a chemical reaction. What you can do at the most using conventional systems is, making use of a pictorial representation while you explain the concept. But still that is not a refined solution. These classes are still uninteresting for most of the students.

By educational app development, you can provide students with simulations and models corresponding to various topics. These interactive demonstrations will develop interest in the subject and allow them to approach learning through newer perspectives.

2. Provide a global reach

With educational apps, you can give your students the advantage of exposure to other cultures. For example, second language speech classes can be organized by collaborating with educational institutions in another country. From these classes, children can learn to speak a language by interacting with the native speakers. This is far better than the traditional method of learning a language by practising the grammar rules.

3. Use virtual manipulatives

From the old days itself, physical manupulatives like the abacus, helped in grasping skills like problem solving, reasoning, understanding the connection between things etc. Virtual manipulative apps are now widely available to aid your children in learning difficult concepts, relationship between objects, variables etc. Geoboard is one such popular manipulative, that helps kids explore the basic geometrical concepts such as perimeter, area etc.

4. Probes and sensors in education

Apps are used along with sensors and probes to measure data, such as the pH, temperature, position of an object etc. Sensors can collect these data and communicate them to your smart device. These set of values are instantly turned into real time graphs or tables as per choice. Ideas such as energy, mass etc. and natural processes such as weather, photosynthesis, cellular respiration etc. are better learned by the students this way.

Recommended read: How to be Successful at Educational App Development?

5. Better evaluation methods

Traditionally, evaluation meant nothing more than asking curriculum related questions and obtaining predefined answers. Students learned definitions, but did not have any mentionable or practical knowledge about the essence of a concept. There were good grades, but there were not enough understanding. Through educational app development you can benefit from various methods of assessment, whereby you can check whether the actual concept is clear to the student.

Another benefit of using apps for assessment is that it provides real-time communication between the students and teachers. Instant sharing of assignments and grades along with simultaneous guidance are features unique to this system. A teacher can track the method used by a student and the time consumption for doing each individual task. This will help them to analyse the exact topics that the student finds difficult and assist them by providing more examples and explanations.

6. Using the multimedia

The technology can be utilized as an effective educational tool. Multimedia is more attention holding than learning from the regular printed text or listening to the teacher. Students nowadays are already accustomed to information sharing through pictures, videos, animation, podcasts and other various information formats.

7. E-books

Applying e-books into the educational system will be a breakaway movement. Future students could bid their backpacks goodbye forever. There will be no more carrying a lot of heavy books around. Digital textbooks will replace paper textbooks in smart schools. These electronic textbooks also include supplementary visualizations that aids in better understanding.

8. Epistemic games

These are role playing games, where the students are given specific roles or tasks imitating real-world situations. They have to provide well thought-out solutions for confronted problems and during the process they learn about various important concepts in the real life. Epistemic games focus on developing creative and innovative ways of thinking. It also helps in acquiring real life skills and gives exposure to various value systems.

Narendra Modi’s Government is all set to develop a centralized mobile app, touted as “The mother of all apps”, for the public to avail over 200 multiple services of the Local, State, and Central Governments from a single platform. From applying for passports to filing of income tax, from booking railway tickets to surveying land records, UMANG (Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance) is the “one app to do it all”, the “one app to find them”.

UMANG is developed by the Union Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s National E-governance Division (NeGD). The project will be available in 13 different languages.

“Everyone is carrying a Smartphone and using the internet on mobile. So we want to provide services wherever the citizens are,” an NeGD official told the media.

The app is promising and will carry Modi’s Digital India dream to further heights. It is expected to make the long lines in front of various Government offices, a memory. The same services are available via SMS and a toll-free number that people without Smartphones can make use of.

“UMANG platform and mobile app, in addition to the services on-boarded through the platform, shall have functionalities to integrate with mobile applications developed by various government departments separately. This is one of the big challenges,” the official added.

The app will start with about 50 services, and will reach a total of 200 services by its 3rd year of deployment. A detailed proposal document hints to the possibility of including several third party services as well.

A short list of UMANG services are as the following:

1. National Scholarship
2. Women’s Safety (Nirbhaya)
3. Healthcare Applications
4. Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS)
5. Passport Seva
6. Income Tax – ITR, PAN
7. CBSE/State Education Boards
8. E-Municipality
10. Utility Bills

Mobile is the largest gaming platform by market share. The gaming industry has become an area of interest for MNCs globally to invest billions. As for indie game developers, now there are lower barriers of entry into the field. With wider audience, an open market, and extensive technology upgrade, the quality, demands, and expectations are growing in the industry everyday.

A major number of games in the mobile space belongs to Android. The audience share for the market in recent years shows a greater growth potential towards east, after setting firm bases among the western populace. As market continues to mature, subsequent scopes are generated with opportunities outspread to explore.

Many studies that delved into this particular digital gaming world have acquired significant insights on the mobile game market. Here are some of those figures that will make you familiar with how the enormous market is stacked up.

mobile game market statistics

Consoles ruled the gaming world from the beginning, starting with the introduction of Magnavox Odyssey in 1972. Down the line came the most popular Atari, Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox. The first ever handheld game happened to be the Mattel Auto Race in 1976. Later, Nokia came up with Snake in 1997, which got hugely popular with Nokia owners.

Magnavox Odyssey
Magnavox Odyssey

 Entry of handhelds and Smartphones

Handheld consoles, Nintendo DS and PSP hit the market in the year 2004. Later, in 2007, the first iPhone was released by Apple, subsequently opening its iPhone App store as an update to iTunes in 2008. The release of the iPhone into the market made a huge impact on the mobile game development industry. Competitors grew and a large list of successful games like Angry Birds, Temple Run, Candy Crush, Plants & Zombies etc. were made to entertain the mobile game lovers.

The market demand is gradually changing its course in support of more mobile gaming devices. Some of the mobile hardware nearly match the power of gaming consoles that deliver players with quality gaming experience on mobile. A lot of big gaming studios and indies are up to mobile game development these days. Furthermore, what users love the most about mobile devices are its cheap price and easy availability as compared to gaming devices such as Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo. Additionally, factors such as portability and connectivity are also in favour of mobile games.

Answering an important question

There is no doubt that mobile games will hold its popularity and fame in the near future as well. The question now turns out to be, will gaming consoles survive this fierce battle with mobile gaming? There has been a lot of discussion going on around about whether mobile games will replace console gaming or not.

Recently, Nintendo launched Militomo, it’s mobile game app and Sony has come up with ForwardWorks, it’s very own gaming studio. Now we can genuinely suspect whether the big bosses in the console gaming industry fear that the mobile market will push them out!

Has mobile gaming actually surpassed consoles?

While it is true that mobile gaming has grown immensely over the past years and have affected the sales of consoles like Vita and 3DS, one could not hold the view that it had surpassed console gaming all together. The thing that many don’t understand is that, though mobile gaming and console gaming may overlap in several areas, both of them are focusing on two entirely different markets, at least for now.

A user playing a gyroscope-aided game

For e.g., there are many new arrivals in the field of mobile gaming, that can’t be mimicked by a console game such as location based games and gyroscope-aided games. Conversely; gesture detection, motion sensing etc. are still very alien to smartphone gamers. After all, hardcore gamers would always like to play their games on consoles, as the raw power and display size of mobile devices wouldn’t beat consoles in anyway. But casual gamers need their devices to play games on their commutes and short breaks.

Virtual reality in games

The main things that give console games an upper hand over mobile games in the present environment are majorly battery life, storage availability, and the bigger screens. But with VR glasses, cloud storage and other improved alternatives coming into the scene, mobile games are not going to be held back.

Recommended read: 5 Reasons Why Mobile Game Development Companies Fail to Win the Global Market

Current trend

Very recently, the trend has been shifted to multi platform games. This could mean that consoles and mobiles may collaborate with newer technologies like wearables such as Apple watch, Android Wear, and Google Glass and will continue to change how we play games. Imagine yourself starting to play a game such as FIFA 15 on your Smartphone, and continuing to play it on your console and moving on to play it from your PC – that is what cross platform gaming is all about.

What would be the future of consoles?

The future of console games cannot be exactly predicted for now. Strictly speaking, whether the console games will evolve or die is something that time needs to show us. But if the console games do die, that will be because of some revolutionary discovery in the field of mobile game development. Otherwise, the possibilities and capabilities of both console and mobile are very immense. One may overpower the other, or they may augment each other.


If we consider what happened in history, the chances are high that new genres of games and introduction of new technologies may replace existing ecosystems. Or the console games may even undergo extensive facelifts through some serious R&D steps and incorporate new ways to satisfy it’s cutomer preferences. Taking into account the current trends, we can conclude that mobile games wouldn’t replace console games, but each of them will explore two different niches.

There are so many apps to choose from in the educational app category for children on all major app stores. Still, possibility is high that all your efforts may turn out unrewarding in the end. So, it is imperative that you should have a better knowledge on what makes the difference between a truly educational app and something that is just an eye candy. Here, we discuss about the features that every best learning apps for kids share in common.

  • Meet the State Standards: The learning apps for kids should focus on the state’s curriculum standards. For this, advice from teachers should be sought while developing the app.
  • Simple UX and Easy Navigation: The user interface should be simple. It should be designed and structured so as to make navigation easy for children.
  • Use Illustrations, Speech and Music: Children learn better if they are provided with enough examples and illustrations. For e.g., when teaching them simple operations like addition and couting, you can provide them with illustrations of the same. Apps can include music to keep them entertained, but a mute button should be provided in case they are needed. Additionally, speech should be offered in apps that target children who haven’t learned to read yet.
  • Short Activities at a Time: Learning activities should not be too time consuming, since kid’s tend to lose their concentration when a certain activity takes too much time and is confusing. There shouldn’t be elaborate learning procedures. All activities should be well-explained, short, simple, and directly related with the concept to be learned.
  • Set Goals that Aid Learning Naturally: Apps should promote activities that aid learning naturally. Your learning goal shouldn’t be too apparent to the children. This will make the activity seem monotonous and repetitive. Kids tend to like apps providing entertaining activities more than apps calling them to do memorizing activities. Apps should promote acquirement of qualities such as critical thinking, problem solving, creativity etc.
  • Complexity should be Fit for the Learner’s Age and Cognitive Development: The concept and activities of learning apps for kids should be apt for the cognitive ability of the target audience. If an app is designed for children of an age range, then there should be options that will allow adults to select the right level for their children. More advanced levels can be chosen as the child progress with their learning. Also, if the chosen level is too easy for a child, then he or she will lose interest in the activity very soon. There should be something exciting and challenging for them to do in every activity.
  • Apps should Promote Social Involvement: The learning process is enhanced, when there is the right amount of social involvement. Parents, teachers, and peer groups should interact with the children in their activities to give them support and competition.
  • Locked Menus and Settings: Kid’s apps should be devoid of any unwanted distractions that take the focus away from the set goals. There shouldn’t be any popups, advertisements, links, social media, or similar distractions coming in between an activity. Everything should be locked and access should be given only for grown-ups.
  • Linear Advancement: The advancement of any activity should be made in a linear fashion to ensure flow. There shouldn’t be too many choices given. This will result in the kid’s loosing attention from the central activity.
  • Track Progress: There should be a well defined grading mechanism in place to check the kid’s learning progress. Feedback should not be restricted to positive ones alone. It is also not advisable to be too harsh on them or discouraging, when they are wrong. Negative feedbacks should be so designed that they will motivate the kids to keep on trying.

Also Check : Latest Updated Educational Apps Directory List

Mobile game development has turned out to be a lucrative revenue source for many years now. A great amount of planning and a stroke of luck could bring success to your doorsteps. Casual game is something that many young developers and small scale mobile game development companies find profitable to invest. Find out what gets you to success in casual mobile game development from this article.

What is a casual game?

Casual games are those games, which can be played without advanced gaming knowledge, skills or commitment towards gaming. It has got a wide audience range including women, children, and even elders, since the effort that needs to be put into learning to play them is much smaller than hardcore games. One of the most successful casual games recently had been the most celebrated, Angry Birds.

Read also: First Steps to Successful Mobile App Development – Define a Purpose and Validate Your Idea

What makes a casual game different from other hardcore games?

Talking about casual games, the first thing that draws attention is its simple rules and mechanics. Literally, anybody can play them. There is also the fact that on an average, only a lesser amount of time is being spent playing them. Casual games require inferior skill sets to master the game, as compared to hardcore games which can be mastered only by elite gamers.

Casual games can be played in short bursts and in small intervals. In the producer’s point of view, they typically involve lower production and distribution costs.

Here are some tips for successful casual mobile game development.

1. Offer simple plot: Casual games are known for its simplicity. Twisted plots will tamper with the overall unsophisticated nature of casual games. Complicated story lines are more characteristic of hardcore games.

2. Offer simple game play: The controls incorporated in casual games should also be simple. Use one touch/ single keystroke controls to execute actions such as throw, jump, shoot etc. Usually simple to understand, interesting, and easy to play games can attract a majority of targeted audience.

3. Applaud all victories: Casual games should not fail to applaud even the small victories. Since the plot and game play of casual games are simple, there will not be much chance to honour greater achievements. Players usually get bored of a game, if there is not enough encouragement or successive accomplishment that will keep them interested. The developers should carefully plan the plot to include all possible challenges that can give recognition for triumph.

4. Constant entertainment: Games should always showcase the fun element. Including the right amount of music, instructions, praise, shouts, etc. at the right place is very important to every game’s success.

5. Include a lot of levels: An easy way to make a simple game challenging is by increasing the number of levels included. Having a lot of levels to conquer and victories to celebrate, can build the player’s interest in the game.

6. Don’t forget to consider the hardcore gamers too: Developing casual games shouldn’t give you the idea that you should totally neglect the hardcore gamers. Casual games, by definition itself accounts to those games that are pleasing to all audience groups, irrespective of their talent level and personal interest. Therefore casual games should include greater challenges, focusing serious players.

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7. The game physics should be fun: Casual games should incorporate attractive and fun physics into the game. Since these games lack any serious or sometimes even meaningful plot, they shouldn’t abandon promising features that will raise the player’s interest level.

8. Cuteness attract: Just like cute bunnies please the most of us, cute game characters also have the power to build an emotional attachment with the players. People can easily sympathize with their motives and will wish if they were actually real.

9. Patience, the right strategy: Like in every other field, patience is something that you might need to practice a lot in order to savour victory. All successful ventures have a history to tell of failures and waiting calmly and patiently, before getting there.

These 9 tips can be golden advices while you travel your path to success in casual mobile game development.

Sony takes one more step in the gaming world with its new mobile game development studio, ForwardWorks. The new division was launched on April 1st, and is set in Tokyo, Japan. It will target the Asian markets initially.

Sony says that “ForwardWorks” will leverage the intellectual property of the numerous PlayStation® dedicated software titles and its gaming characters as well as the knowledge and know-how of gaming development expertise which was acquired over the years with PlayStation® business to provide gaming application optimized for smart devices including smartphones* to users in Japan and Asia.”

Similar efforts were taken by the company, back in 2011, when it came up with cross-compatible games developed under the PlayStation Mobile initiative. But these games were only meant to be played on the Playstation Suite and selected Android devices. Unfortunately, the company had to halt the venture last year, due to failure in appeasing its audience.

Sony appears to be following the footsteps of its rival Nintendo. Nintendo’s mobile-game app Militomo had been launched last month, reaching millions of downloads in just three days.

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. has also re-branded itself by merging its PlayStation business from around the globe, under the banner Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

“SIE will vigorously maximize the corporate value and create new business opportunities through the establishment of ForwardWorks”, the company announced.