What is React Native?

React Native is a JavaScript framework which is used for developing mobile applications for iOS and Android. Ā It uses the React framework and offers large amount of inbuilt components and APIs.

Discovery of React Native by Facebook was an intriguing phenomenon since Mark Zuckerberg announced how amazing this framework is for mobile app developers.

It is because of its potential to bring all the basic features of web development in mobile platform that captured a lot of attention among both app entrepreneurs and developers.

Ever since its introduction to mobility world, React Native as a complete cross-platform app development framework continued to drive a lot of interest and global adoption.

mobile app development

When a framework is believed to be beneficial for mobile app developers, its myriad benefits also automatically appeal to entrepreneurs with its ability to reduce cost and time.

However, to understand that the limelight React Native is getting is not too exaggerated and it is comparatively better than native app development, we are going to go through a tutorial of this framework in the following discussion.

This tutorial will help beginners in the space of React Native development broaden their perspective about the technology and know what all factors they should consider when opting for React Native for mobile app development through this tutorial.

Who Invented React Native?

This open-source mobile application framework was created by Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook.Ā  Ā He released an early prototype of React called “FaxJS”.

React was first deployed on Facebook’s News Feed in 2011 and later on Instagram in 2012. Ā In May 2013, React was open-sourced at JSConf US.

In this tutorial, we shall have a broad view about react native and also have some topicsĀ  should go through before starting learning.

What is difference between React JS and react native?

react native tutorial

Due to obvious presence of React in React Native framework, entrepreneurs and beginners often get confused about their exact use and applications in the world of development.

It is therefore important to imbibe the fundamental difference between React and React Native technologies. React uses React DOM for rendering web development solutions while React Native stands as a custom solution for rendering React files for mobile equivalent.

React Native uses native components as building blocks for developing mobile apps unlike React that uses web components. As a first-time learner of React Native, it is inevitable that you must gather enough basic overview of the React concepts such as its class, components, JSX, state and more.

Even if you have know how about React, you will have to explore the Native components of React Native that makes React code work for Android and iOS.

Read Also: Difference Between React JS and React Native

With the deep confusion around React Native now clarified, it is time to focus on the business-oriented benefits of using React Native over other cross-platform frameworks and tools.

The upper hand of React Native over other frameworks

react native tutorial

  • Intuitive User Interface
  • Advantage of JavaScript
  • Ease of setup and configuration
  • Mature, impeccable structure
  • User-friendly development environment
  • Diversity of invaluable tools
  • Easy to learn and adopt
  • Impressive performance
  • Community Support
  • Efficient Testing
  • Proper Documentation
  • Affordability and economy
  • Better Lifecycle Management

React Native: Pros and Cons

Of course, like any framework, perfection and imperfection both co-exists in React Native framework although the cross-platform technology boasts of more pros than cons for active react native app developers.

Cultivating basic insight into all the benefits and limitations will help fuel the development process and make developers more proactive, vigilant and confident in their space.


Slim Coding: Write once run everywhere

The most exhilarating part about working with React Native app development is that it allows you to adopt single code base for all platforms (Android, iOS, Windows).

This goes to imply that the team of Native developers would not have to write separate codes for different target platforms. They can follow write-once-run-everywhere approach, having to code the app just once and make it live across available platforms.

Rapid App Development

react native tutorial

Another pro that is most likely to be the comforting answer to React Native conundrum is that the framework facilitates rapid app development, minimizing both the team size as well as time required to finish the project.

The mobile app development company does not need to involve too many developers especially to individually work for all platforms. As single team is enough to look after all the requirements efficiently and project doesnā€™t demand extensive timeline, the overall efforts for design, development and testing are too massive.

Read Also: React Native App Development Company in UK

Lean Learning Curve for Web Developers

React Native is based on JavaScript and existing web developers who possess good familiarity with this JS can easily get their hands on React Native app development.

Hence, it is not a massive struggle if you want to learn and eventually switch to mobile app development using React Native as a core technology in this tutorial.

Open Source

react native tutorial

At the start of any mobile app development project, developers emphatically seek open source nature of the technologies being used. React Native, being the open source, thus pleases developers by allowing them to freely inspect code.

Not only that, due to being open source, its library is generous and updated with components that even work for rare platforms like tvOS.

Comfortable team composition

The nature of React native development is such that it also comforts entrepreneurs who often brood over assembling great number of developers to create a huge team.

The framework allows you to dispense with a small size of development team which is composed with merely:

  • Tech consultant
  • Project Manager
  • React Native Developer
  • UI/UX Designers
  • Business Analyst
  • QA Specialist

In case of pure native app development, you may end up choosing almost double the number or more is depending on the project size.

How much does react native cost?

react nattive tutorial

The cost factor of mobile app development that drives major concern for businesses also works in their favor. React native app development brings down the spending which is another great benefit for both developers building the app and entrepreneurs worried about ROI.

This means having a dream about mobile app development does not necessarily mean you will bear enormous cost if it is done using React Native ā€“ another reason why the technology is so popular as an effective way to reduce the investment.

app development cost

React Native example

Here are a list of some popular apps built using React Native

  • Snapchat
  • Tinder
  • Instagram
  • AirBnB
  • Myntra

Read Also: 13 Famous Apps Built With React Native

Scalability for future

Even after hearing about its several incredible benefits, what developers and app entrepreneurs worry about is whether or not React Native is flexible and versatile enough to fulfill unpredictable scope of app scalability in future.

As business grows and marketplace evolves, the need to meet the loads of requirements of increased real-time users becomes inevitable. To their relief, this overwhelming expectation is fulfilled efficiently by the flexible capability of React Native cross-platform framework.

If developers are experienced and aware of how they can tune React Native structure to handle increased volume of customer activities, your app can be as successful as one of those big brands like Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb or Walmart. They are all powered by versatile React Native.

Hot Reload Option

Another technical aspect that developers ponder over while figuring out technologies is the amount of time consumed when actually writing and running application code. Thankfully enough, React Native affords hot reload solution which is a brilliant time-saving functionality.

With this capability in place, developers find it easy to view in real time how any change in code appears in target device. The action of checking the effect does not demand burdensome efforts, which lucidly proves that React Native has developer-friendly environment.


Poor connection with deviceā€™s Native environment

react native tutorial

A little unpleasant blow for React Native developers is that it does not directly interact with deviceā€™s native elements such as Camera, Voice recorder, etc. this is the kind of challenge that even its closest alternatives like Xamarin and Flutter donā€™t seem to solve completely.

Hence, in certain technical dilemma, native app development outweighs the cross-platform capability of React Native to an extent.

Limited Native APIs

In React Native, developers are restricted from using certain Native APIs as there isnā€™t much support for all Native APIs. However, the technology is working on providing support for those Native APIs. For now, this is one of the plights where Native app development seems to overshadow React Native power.

Insufficient Third-Party Libraries

third party

Another down point in React Native development is that it lacks third-party libraries. Developers have to depend on native modules to leverage libraries ā€“ which somewhat adds to development efforts in the long run.

Adoption rate of React Native

By mentioning all the pros and limitations associated with using React Native for cross-platform development, we could clearly see how React Native, when compared with other tools or app development methods, emerges stronger and more reliable.

The reason why React Native still holds its significance and is widely adopted is that it has all the functionalities developers need for cross-platform development process.

Pros the framework offers are too great to be overwhelmed by its limitations, or by native app development approach. This is why there is a steep rise and interest in adopting React Native for creating sophisticated, business-class mobile apps.

To understand the size of React Nativeā€™s adoption by global businesses, we must be driven to take a good look at those eminent big brand names that turned to RN to build the backbone of their applications.

Who are using react native?

Apart from the companies that are now starting to feel positive about React Native for mobile app development, here is the glance at globally recognized applications:

  • Facebook
  • Bloomberg
  • Tesla
  • Uber
  • Walmart
  • Instagram
  • SoundCloud
  • Townske
  • Gyroscope
  • Vogue

Why we use React Native?

The reasons to use React Native are that it is a popular framework that is used to build web applications. React popularized the use of a virtual DOM, this in turn greatly increased render performance for web apps.

This open-source mobile application framework maintains a virtual representation of the view hierarchy.Ā  So, when changes are made, you no longer have to do expensive operations on the view hierarchy.

React uses an efficient diffing algorithm to compare the virtual hierarchy and then necessary changes are made to the actual view hierarchy.

Encapsulation of components is another fascinating principle of React. React encapsulates each single component into a single file.Ā  With React Native, you can save a lot of compile time.

React Native helps build app that can work across multiple types of platforms including iOS and Android. Ā Ā This cross-platform feature helps large or small company to save their time and money.

React Native has Rich Text Editor which helps increase the overall productivity. Ā The key benefits of Rich Text Editor are that it will not crash, hang and lose syntax highlighting.

React Native: Possibilities and Potential

While the world of developers and entrepreneurs are still hoping to use React Native for applications of any kind, in the moment the type of mobile apps that can be built with the framework are categorized as:

Simple and intuitive UI

ui ux

React Native helps develop mobile apps with simple, interactive and intuitive user interface. Since the technology offers unparalleled capabilities like hot reloading and slim coding, it is a viable solution for building a high-performance mobile app with best UI elements and features.

Strategic Prototypes

The mobile app industry deeply believes in first generating the app prototypes in order to validate the idea before plunging further in. App prototyping is another need addressed by React Native because of its ability to deliver the software model in less time.

Also, the cross-platform framework makes the entire process of prototype creation less costly than other frameworks in the app development market.

Basic functionalities

For an app built without deep complexities or any challenging functionalities, React Native could be the best option to look forward to. You can easily consider it suitable for mobile apps with not many heavy functionalities to go.

Industry-specific apps

Since React Native does not typically provide you with much ground to fiddle with native device elements, apps that donā€™t directly interact with native features can be perfect for React Native development.

Still, React Native has bred apps for huge brands as seen above ā€“ apps that donā€™t solely exist as an independent software. For instance, Facebook, Instagram and Uber are all using real-time features that require making connection with local device setup.

Hence, it is important to notice that React Native framework can be used as a versatile and adaptive structure to build industry-specific apps.

Read Also: Comparison Between Flutter Vs React Native

What is the future of react native?

A survey conducted by Stack Overflow Developer in 2018 reveals that React is the framework that every developers wants to work with and alsoĀ  many developers are interested in React Native.Ā  The future of React Native is fabric and it boils down to three major internal changes.

  • New threading model – A new threading model makes it possible to call synchronously into JavaScript on any thread, maintaining responsiveness while keeping low-priority work off the main thread.
  • Async rendering capabilities – Async rendering capabilities will be incorporated into React Native.
  • Simplified bridge – A new simplified bridge will make direct calls between native and JavaScript and make it easier to build various debugging tools.

Sophie Alpert, Engineering Manager on React at Facebook says that existing React Native apps will remain fully functional with no or just a few changes.

How do I become a React Native developer?

The following step by step procedure will help you become a good React Native developer.

  • Sharpen your basics from tutorial on react native app development
  • Learn to build static web pages such as Html, CSS
  • Learn Javascript-ES6/7/8
  • Learn basic Nodejs and npm
  • Learn basic React
  • Learn Redux
  • Dive in to React Native
  • Learn React Navigation

Words in nutshell

By ending the tutorial, we can firmly say that Facebookā€™s React Native equally benefits both front-end developers and web developers wanting to dip into the pool of opportunities pertaining to mobile app development.

Having in-depth knowledge about React, which is a declarative view library of Facebook for web development, can also lead to gaining mastery in native mobile app development with React Native.

hire mobile app developers

Given how React Native triumphs over other cross-platform tools when it comes to building diverse mobile apps for iOS and Android, it is crucial to learn this incredible framework and ensure a competitive advantage in the business.

The framework also offers simplicity and flexibility along with the power to create the imagined. Hope in this tutorial about react native app development, we cover all the basics that one should consider before learning it.

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React.js was originally developed by Facebook team to create a highly responsive and dynamic UI with uncompromised performance.

The react.js library was released in 2011 with an intent to leverage JavaScript speed and ability to render pages and dynamic user input. Two years later, as React.js became quite recognized, the team open-sourced React.js.

React-Native was developed and launched by Facebook team in 2015 and became quite an interesting and popular framework among mobile app developers.

It can be used for building cross-platform mobile apps. The framework was later customized by contributors to use it for building desktop apps as well.

Though React-Native looks very similar to ReactJS, there are certain differences in their use and structure. In this post, we will see a few points that separate React Native from React.js technology.

Read Also: 13 Famous Apps Built with React Native


React.js is basically a JavaScript library built to create user-friendly and responsive UI components. Also known as React, the library is responsible for the rendering of UI components in a typical technical sense. It is leveraged to support both front-end and server-side operations.

React Native

React Native is a powerful JavaScript framework used to build native applications as it compiles to React Native components. Like React JS, React Native also has the base abstractions of React DOM.

This suggests that while components are different, their syntax and workflow remain similar.

1) Setup and running process

React.js is a JavaScript Library that you can use for the web development. While starting a new project and setting up ReactJS, you will need to choose Webpack which is actually a bundler. You will then decide which bundling modules will specifically suit your project.

setup react

In React Native, you have everything you need to set up and get started. It is so easy and fast to launch the framework. All it takes is to run one command line in terminal and you are ready to start coding your first ever React native app.

You will need Xcode (for iOS) or Android Studio (for Android) installed on your computer to run the app. Use an emulator of the target platform or test its performance on your own devices.

2) Animations

Unlike React JS where CSS helps bring alive animations, React Native makes you learn entirely new ways to use JavaScript and create animations for components of your app.

With React Native, developers can animate components in the app by using the Animated API. There is quite known JavaScript library Velocity.js that you can use and compare Animated API with it.

react animations

The famous Velocity.js allows developers to form assorted animations. They work based on time and velocity of gesture and can be used in many combinations. You also have LayoutAnimation in React Native that comes off cool for transitions especially on iOS platform.

Compared to React JS that allows you to play with creative animations, React Native offers you good freedom to do a lot more in animation space.

Read Also: React Native App Development Company in UK

3) Developer tools

Rapid app development seekers would be happy to use React in their native project since you already get a few great tools without actually installing anything.

This unique quality saves a lot of time and efforts for developers. In addition, hot reloading enabled by React JS comes handy when there is a need to make small changes to overall app styles.

You can leverage Live Reload if there are bigger changes to add to the app logic so that your app reloads upon changing the code.

React Native developers can use many developer tools present in React JS. You can use Chrome Dev Tools to inspect the network requests, handle logs and for debugging.

You also have Redux DevToolsĀ for further assistance in inspection. However, the native inspector is not much helpful since you canā€™t inspect DOM with React Native like you are able to do on the web.

4) Business benefits of React.js

  • Reactā€™s DOM (document object model) that manages data inputs and outputs is much faster than the conventional refresh model. Since it only partially refreshes certain parts of the page, Facebook never knew the process of refreshing would prove faster. By positively affecting the re-build time, the partial DOM refresh eventually boosts performance and speed while writing program.
  • The phenomenon of reusable code components in React JS further saves you a lot of time.
  • React.js also improves the debugging speed which highly favors developersā€™ work.
  • The possibility of rendering the pages from the server to the browser helps positively with SEO part of your app.
  • React quite easily comes to even beginners in the space. Because it is effortlessly readable, unlike other frameworks, React doesnā€™t require you to get thorough with an extensive list of concepts.
  • Since it is based on JavaScript, developers are free to reap the maximum benefits of all the progress and updates in the Java ecosystem.

5) Business benefits of React Native

  • React Native contains Native modules and components that help render certain code components directly with Native APIs to improve performance and speed. It does not depend on WebView for code rendering unlike other cross-platform frameworks.
  • Since React Native also lets developers reuse code and common logic layer across iOS and Android, the need for building the applications separately for both is avoided.
  • React Native offers all the mentioned benefits of React.js such as delivering a user-friendly UI.
  • The component-based development model of React Native framework creates an agile web-style approach for developers to build apps without actually relying on any web.
  • React Native is easy to learn if you are familiar with JavaScript. A front-end developer could turn into a mobile developer if they know enough about JavaScript and platform-specific APIs, native UI elements or other design essentials.
  • By delivering high performance, agility and responsiveness in app development, React Native gets rid of typical struggles involved in native app development such as inefficiency, slow deployment and unsatisfying developer productivity. It also results in best user experience of native apps.
  • Another React Native speed booster is its ability to add UI components directly into existing appā€™s code without aiming to rewrite. So you donā€™t have to overhaul the entire app when updating.

Read Also: A Comparison Between Flutter & React Native

Final remarks

The process of mobile app development using React Native framework is swimmingly fast. So you can quickly get an app ready in its mature shape. Building the complex UI design elements in React Native is also quick as it usually is with React JS across both iOS and Android.

For React Native learners who are especially keen on JavaScript programming, it is easy and agile to switch from React JS web to React-Native app development.

Developers also have a huge advantage of getting the best out of the big and benevolent React Native community. Thus, Facebookā€™s original framework React Native has a lot to offer and is a recommendable technology for any web developer who wants to build mobile apps.

React Native has evolved to be a fascinating lynchpin amid the most preferable and trending technologies today ever since Facebook developed it for its own internal apps projects in 2013.

Developers adopted this powerful framework for iOS and Android app development. The technology was made available on GitHub in 2015 as announced by Facebook in F8 conference and now it is vibrant with 1,408 contributors.

The future possibilities of what React Native development can produce add thrill to the anticipation around its potential among mobile app developers, which makes the technology quite popular across the globe.

The big brands including Fortune 500 companies have already leveraged the power of this incredible tool and created compelling apps.

We have put together a list of 20 famous apps built with React Native here.

Airbnb Pinterest Grasshopper SoundCloud
Instagram Myntra Townske Wix
Salesforce Skype Tesla Discord
Ubereats Bloomberg Walmart Shine
Delivery.com Facebook Ads Manager Facebook Analytics KFC


1. Airbnb

airbnb - react native apps

AirBnB is another remarkable examples of React Native success for mobile app development. the company uses RN to build its service booking app that demanded real-time performance. React Native worked miraculously and brought delight for software engineers at AirBnB.

The company has an extensive development team that involves as many as 60 individuals who are all dedicated to working on this JavaScript technology.

The technology helped them to build reusable code across iOS and Android platforms and refactor them, saving a lot on their development cycle.

App Features

  • Local experiences led by native experts
  • Holiday home rentals across 191+ countries
  • Ability to search by price, neighborhood and amenities
  • Add experiences and events to your itinerary

Ratings: 4.7

Installs: 50,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

2. Pinterest

pinterest - react native apps

Pinterest runs on Pins, so that when you have interesting ideas for projects or have other fascinating stories, you can simply pin them on your personal boards. It is used as a photo sharing and visual bookmarking social media app where you can save posts and even upload your ideas.

You can promote a blog story under a post, share DIY tasks such as home improvement inspirations and cooking recipe or define travel plans and do much more using pins boards on Pinterest.

App Features

  • Find pins, people, brands and whatever you would love to see in feed
  • Discover more than 100 billion possibilities in life
  • Letā€™s invite and collaborate with friends

Rating s: 4.6

Installs : 100,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

3. Grasshopper

grasshopper - react native apps

This app is the best way to start your coding experience with fun games and puzzles that teach you to develop or code JavaScript. You can go through different programming levels and expertise with fundamental skills as a coder or developer.

App Features

  • Develop your problem-solving skills
  • Use industry-standard JavaScript
  • Real-time feedbacks
  • Collect achievements as you learn

Ratings: 4.6

Installs: 1,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

Read Also: Comparison Between Flutter & React Native

4. SoundCloud

soundcloud - react native apps

SoundCloud is a brilliant app for artistic creators where they can create and manage their accounts and keep their community alive. React came handy when the company struggled with the lack of enough developers to design the second set of react native apps.

Due to insufficient number of iOS developers, they faced the possibility of a large gap between iOS and Android release. The SoundCloud research team tested React Native prototypes for user experience and found a few challenges.

Even then, they found themselves positive about the technology since working with React Native application was easier than a pure native approach. To top it all, SoundCloud team was able to successfully build the complete app without much efforts from specialized developers.

App Features

  • Find and connect with your community
  • Connect directly with artists and fellow listeners
  • Create playlists for any occasion
  • Access the most diverse catalog of content

Ratings: 4.5

Installs: 100,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

5. Instagram

instagram - react native apps

After Facebook, if there is any other social networking app that made sensation, it is Instagram. Instagram was thought to have a unique leverage due to its ability to allow users to share photos and videos.Ā  Users relished the idea of capturing and sharing on the app the best and most important moments of their life.

Instagram lets you take a snap with your phoneā€™s camera and turn it into a work of art using its various filters that you can apply. You can even post them on other popular media like Facebook and Twitter and use it as your investable marketing platform.

App Features

  • Letā€™s you post photos and videos
  • Browse feeds posted by other users
  • Go live in public or with your followersā€™ group
  • Letā€™s you add Hashtags, Filters, etc.

Ratings : 4.5

Installs: 1,000,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

6. Myntra

myntra - react native apps

Myntra is one of the shopping apps that one must have to shop while on the go is built on react native. With 5 lakh of products and 2500 brands of clothing, footwear, accessories, etc. categories, customers can get 100 percent original products.

App Features

  • 30-day hassle free product returns
  • EMI option included in the payment gateway option
  • Get the best prices of products with Myntra coupon codes

Rating: 4.4

Installs: 50,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

7. Townske

townske - react native apps

This social media publishing platform allows people to share and discover any city on earth. In other words, Townske is a community of thousands of local people blogging about the places they love.

You can look quickly through city guides and ā€˜likeā€™ anything that you may like to visit later.

App Features

  • No need to create account
  • Allows you to create a list of the places that you may like to visit and share it with your friends
  • Helps you to discover nearby places

Ratings: 4.4

Installs: 5,000+

Downloads: Android

Read Also: React Native App Development Company in UK

8. Wix

wix - react native apps

Wix is a software company that provides web hosting and web designing. Users can design using HTML and CSS using drag and drop functionality.

App Features

  • Developers can create their own application
  • Create website without knowing codes
  • Share your latest content
  • Manage and edit past, present and future events

Ratings: 4.4

Installs: 5,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

9. Salesforce

salesforce - react native apps

This app allows you to run your business faster and easier. Ā The Salesforce mobile app unlocks a whole new level of productivity, personalization, and speed.

App Features

  • Includes all your favorite Lightning Apps
  • Navigation bar makes easier to find your most used apps
  • Dynamic and rich mobile record pages

Ratings: 4.4

Installs: 1,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

10. Skype

skype - react native apps

This telecommunications application is mainly used for video chats and voice calls over the internet, using devices like phones, PCs, and smartwatches.

It offers instant messaging services and allows users to transmit and receive multimedia messages. Currently, there are approximately 4.9 million active users.

App Features

  • Let users to make free or low-cost calls locally or internationally
  • Offers a large selection of emoticons and emojis to express yourself
  • Anyone who has Skype and a webcam or compatible smartphone can make free video calls
  • Anyone who has Skype on a mobile device or computer can make free group video calls with friends and family

Ratings: 4.3

Installs: 1,000,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

react native app developer

11. Tesla

tesla - react native apps

The worldā€™s most talked about creators of electric cars, Tesla has also signed up for React Native club. By leveraging Facebookā€™s powerful framework, Tesla developed the application for its electric car and Powerwall battery owners.

At the core of this app lies the function of diagnosing and locating vehicles. It also allows users to control certain parameters to an extent using smartphone. Though much of the effect of React Native is still undeclared, the customer feedback for the app is quite positive.

App Features

  • Check charging progress in real time
  • Lock or unlock from far
  • Lock or unlock from afar
  • Update your vehicle software from wherever you are

Ratings: 4.3

Installs: 500,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

12. Discord

discord - react native apps

Discord sets another bright example of cross-platform app development by React Native. The app is intended for voice and chat app for gamers. So Discord enables users to chat among team members, check online availability and engage in conversations.

The great thing about Discord is that its iOS and Android apps have 98% of shared code. This indicates how react native helps build mobile apps even in tight deadlines.

App Features

  • Reliable, high quality communication wherever you go
  • Have fun with text, voice and voice
  • Assign specific roles to members

Ā Ratings: 4.3

Installs: 100,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

Read Also : React Native Tutorials For Beginners

13. Ubereats

uber eats - react native apps

Find your local flavors anytime you want with Uber Eats. Customers can either search for all near or around restaurants, specific restaurant, dish, or cuisine or order it. This app is currently available in all metro cities across countries.

App Features

  • Pay easily with your existing Uber account
  • Track your order in real time
  • Nearest or farthest, order from anywhere

Ratings: 4.3


Ā Downloads: Android, iOS

14. Bloomberg


Bloomberg has achieved a great milestone in global business and finance news space. Bloomberg went through the ordeal of individually developing both iOS and Android apps updated to the latest version before opting for Native for their mobile app development.

The prototype built with React native was thoroughly tested before they adopted RN for simultaneously updating the app for cross-platform performance.

App Features

  • Trending and featured news
  • Customized and personalized portfolio for your region
  • Easily track your portfolio

Ratings: 4.2

Installs: 10,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

15. Walmart


While trading on a future path to becoming the global leader in online retail space, Walmart wanted to make a bold move that puts them on top of the competition. They turned to technology as it always does to redefine their customer experience and take it to the next level with innovative technologies.

After adding Node.js to their tech stack, Walmart decided to write the entire app in React Native. By doing so, it improved its performance on iOS and Android and finished the project in short time span. The greatest advantage for Walmart with RN is that the app had 95% of shared codebase across platforms.

App Features

  • Easily re-order favorite items purchased online
  • Order, transfer, and track prescriptions and refills.
  • Find, create, and manage a baby registry.
  • Free delivery on eligible order.

Ratings: 4.2

Installs: 50,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

16. Shine


Shine is quite a mature, content-rich and glorious mindfulness app packed with awesome motivational mottos and articles for users. It has relaxing meditation activities and inspiring recordings and guide by experts that help you deal with everyday stress of life. You can ā€˜check inā€™ for the day and get started.

The creators aimed to hit U.S. market with iOS app first since it provides maximum market share, and were planning to build Android app quickly after gaining enough traction on iOS.

React Native blessed their strategy and helped them launch Android app successfully in the App Store. In 2018, Shine was chosen as one of the best react native apps by Apple.

App Features

  • Upload your resume & create your profile for job
  • View jobs matching your profile
  • See the list of recruiters who viewed the profile

Ratings: 4.1

Installs: 5,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

17. Delivery.com


An app that offers users the option to browse from 1000+ restaurants & food stores to get your favorite mean anytime. As the ordering is free you get to save time to tackle and does your work list at home or on the go.

App Features

  • Get access to all favorite local restaurants
  • Even beer, wine or spirits are delivered at your door via this app
  • Enables grocery and home essentials shopping
  • Other than food orders, they provide options like wash & fold, dry cleaning

Ratings: 4.0

Installs: 100,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

18. Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook ad manager

Facebook has leveraged React Native framework to build its first ever cross platform app Facebook Ads manager. Based on JavaScript, React Native framework efficiently handles the different formats in ads, dates and currencies along with time zones.

App Features

  • Clutter-free interface
  • Easy navigation and intuitive UX
  • flawless, smooth and seamless transitions and animations

Ratings: 3.9

Installs: 5,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

19. Facebook Analytics

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You can track your growth, monetization and engagement through this app. It is a robust tool that let marketers find the users interactions and goals.

App Features

  • Create funnels, cohorts, overlap charts, and other data visualizations.
  • Add charts to custom dashboards to track related metrics in one convenient place.
  • Get alerted when there are significant changes to your metrics.

Ratings: 3.5

Installs: 500,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

20. KFC


Your fastest way to order KFC chicken online is possible with this official mobile app. Skip the queue with this app and customize your favorite KFC meals with very few steps.

App Features

  • Save your favorite orders
  • Exclusive deals & offers
  • Find nearest KFC outlets available
  • Pre-order and pre-pay options are available

Ratings: 3.2

Installs: 5,000,000+

Downloads: Android, iOS

Read Also : Difference Between React JS & React Native


With React Native gaining massive traction already in the most dynamic space of mobile app development, there is no wonder we will see more custom applications written using this framework.

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These big names are enough to explain what the technology is worth and what it can do for your future projects. Its wide community of active contributors presents as another strong reason to choose it.

But to make the most of its potential and trusted performance, you will need to collaborate with a technology partner versed in developing React Native apps.

To create a successful and contemporary style mobile application that works on all available target platforms, you need equally sophisticated and advanced tools that enable fast, efficient and user-friendly mobile app development.

At present developers are struck by two major options in mobile application development: React Native and Googleā€™s Flutter.

mobile app development

While React Native is around since 2015 and powers famous mainstream apps (Facebook, Skype, Instagram, Bloomberg), Flutter is still a newcomer in the market.

After Google launched Flutter, there have been many discussions raging around which one from React Native and Flutter leads as the best framework for building cross-platform apps.

In this blog, we are going to make an honest comparison between Flutter and React Native.

Introduction To Flutter vs. React Native

flutter vs react

React Native open source cross-platform framework was first released in 2015 on GitHub. It unites both Android and iOS native APIs to deliver unquestionable native-like environment and experience for mobile app users.

React Native offers time-tested tools to developers and there is little chance that they choose the newcomer over the established rockstar.

Flutter is another unusual framework developed by Google. It allows Google developers to build high-quality native apps for both iOS and Android simultaneously without changing the code.

For this reason, Flutter seems tremendously promising, productive and fast, and deserves to stand in line with React Native in future.

1) UI Elements

When it comes to defining the UI elements, both platforms have little in common. To form the building blocks for UI, React Native relies on native iOS and Android components or on custom and third-party components. On the other hand, Flutter has proprietary widgets like:

  • Material widgets
  • iOS-style Cupertino widgets
  • Platform-agnostic widgets

Unlike React Native, Flutterā€™s approach includes fully custom UIs, promising interoperability along with native components and UI screens.

However, the downside to Flutter framework is that its Cupertino library lacks essential elements and components.

React Native clearly emerges as a winner in this as it allows you to easily tap into native OS components to provide admirable user experience.

2) Native Look and Feel

React Native is already an established name for cross-platform mobile app development and has more mature and stable version than Flutter. It is evident that React Native lives to its promise of delivering impeccable native look and feel in its apps.

However, Flutter apps have still not received potentially positive responses on their performance and user experience.

The limited capability of Flutter framework somehow reflects from the fact that Hamilton is the only success story for a renowned mobile app built using Flutter.

android app development

Flutter is obviously the new tool and will take some time before the developer community carves unanimous practices needed to deliver undeniable native experience across different platforms.

3) Performance

What gives Flutter a competitive edge over cross platform champion React Native is its agility. From technical perspective, Flutter is comparatively faster because it uses Dart, and unlike React Native, it doesnā€™t have a JavaScript medium to enable interaction with native components. But even the speed difference does not overshadow the dignified performance of React Native.

According to React Native community of developers, React Native based app development does not experience any performance issues.

On the contrary, RN fans claim that the framework offers smooth operations, dynamic user interactions and reliable solutions to challenges down the road of development.

4) JavaScript & Dart: Face off

JavaScript and Dart are two different programming languages used for React Native and Flutter frameworks respectively.

As for JavaScript, its popularity on GitHub in 2018 is unquestionable. It works seamlessly across the browsers, server and mobile devices and is widely adopted among developers. Web or Node.js developers find it easy to start off with React Native development.

On the other hand, Googleā€™s Dart has unique personality unknown to many in the domain. Due to still-obscure presence, it would be a big gamble for developers to be confident about fully adopting Dart-based Flutter.

It is undeniable, though, that Flutter users did enjoy the perks. Developers who took the leap of faith for Dart admired its potential features. For once, Dart is expressive, type-safe, accurate and involves a brief learning curve for native developers.

Read Also: React Native App Development Company in UK

5) Real-time Apps

Since React Native is an old unforgettable legacy in the world of famous programming languages, it is used to build numerous mainstream applications so far. Some of them are conspicuous brands such as Airbnb, include Airbnb, Skype, Instagram, Walmart, andĀ Tesla.

When it comes to real-time mainstream applications built with Flutter, Hamilton is the only name that graces frameworkā€™s success story.

With Hamilton being the only example, the industry adoption of Flutter for now is not significant except perhaps in the coming future as we all expect.

6) Productivity

Mobile app development productivity is an area where both frameworks seem to have found similar strengths. Both allow developers to write for two platforms simultaneously and unshackle them from recompiling the code.

A few great features where Flutter and React Native compete fiercely are:

A) Fast Reloading

Both frameworks enable hot reloading which is furiously fast compared to the way native apps recompile in XCode and Android Studio. Upon reloading the app, you also find yourself on the same screen with forms maintaining the previous input.

B) Tools

React Native obviously contains a huge range of IDEs and tools which gives good enough competition to Flutter. But still Flutter can pride itself on the compatibility with Intellij Idea, Android Studio and Visual Studio. Dart also boasts positive reviews for its linter, debugger, and code analyzer and auto format.

C) Hardware-specific APIs

React Native has built-in APIs for WiFi, Geo sensing and allows for essential third-party API solutions for camera, sensors, Bluetooth, etc. However, the framework lacks API for custom graphics due to which custom graphics in React Native apps will cause unwanted friction with native code.

With Flutter, the situation is different. Many hardware APIs are either in developing stage or readily available. As soon as all hardware-specific APIs are ready for app development, Flutter may beat React Native to an extent.

D) Coding style and experience

In Dart file, you will see no separation between templates, styles or data, which results in an unappealing styling of code. This is not an issue in React Nativeā€™s JavaScript programming. This drawback affects Flutter developerā€™s overall experience and performance.

7) Documentation maintenance

When it comes to comparing both frameworks based on providing clarity and simplicity of online documentation, Flutter seems to intimidate React Native.

React Native has Github blog with monthly updates whereas Flutter maintains a dedicated page in a way expected of a new framework.

Flutter has got an impressive edge over React Native since Flutter documentation is typically how it is supposed to be. React Native documentation appears a little more unkempt and chaotic due to being a large open-source project.

Read also :Ā All You Need To Know About Google Flutter

So who ultimately is the winner?

Despite being emergent, Flutter has everything that makes it a considerable mobile app development tool in future. The framework closely follows UI development model practiced by React Native to deliver rapid, expressive, frictionless and type-safe language.

mobile app development

As discussed above, Flutter also has well-documented resources online and features that are advantageously compatible to the functioning of developers.

In our opinion, Flutter is great but still progressing while React Native is a triumphant champion in 2018!

From comparison, it is evident that both frameworks have unique potential to make vital difference to development process and deliver smooth performance and native look & feel.

The world may not be ready for Flutter because:

  • Unfortunately, Flutter is not offering on your plate anything React Native is incapable of
  • Hamilton is the only real-time success Flutter carries in its portfolio of mainstream applications
  • Since Flutter is so new, it needs to build more traction and trust in the community
  • Compared to the massive influence of React Native, it’s too soon to judge what Flutter has in store for future
  • Developers who are highly obsessed with React Native donā€™t ponder over Flutter with seriousness

Only if Flutter gains momentum with more mainstream brands, the framework will be as adored as React Native among app developers.

Looking at the pace at which Flutter is forging ahead, we can just hope that it will also be recognized as a renowned mobile app development tool.

Read also :Ā React Native vs Xamarin ā€“ Which is Better?

As thousands of applications are launched on Google Play store and Apple app store, the demand for business-specific mobile application development is booming huge. Whether it is for iOS or Android platform, the ultimate success of your mobile app depends on the cross-platform technology in use and the development standards to be maintained.

Though Java, Objective-C and Swift were used to write applications in past, the new cross-platform development tools that are making enormous buzz are React Native and Xamarin.

Recently, the question of react native vs xamarin performance has come to interest people active in mobile app development arena. These frameworks not only stimulated the era of highly engaging and performance-oriented mobile apps, but they also transforms coding phenomenon, simplifies development cycle and emerges cost effective for modern businesses.

So who is superior to the other? In the below section of xamarin vs native, we are embarking on finding the answer and will discuss how to make an informed decision.

Xamarin at a Glance

Xamarin was launched in May 2011 and was acquired later by Microsoft. Xamarin was intended for addressing the prevalent issue of disconnected technology to facilitate the native app development using its open source platform.

The framework uses C# language that functions seamlessly across multitude of platforms (Android, iOS, and Windows). Due to its ability to write native UI codebase for mobile app development, more than 1.4 million developers were using Xamarin in the first quarter of the year 2017.

Used by many popular brands, this cross platform app development framework offers competitiveness in building exceptional native app interfaces that effectively surpasses the limitations of hybrid apps.

React Native at a Glance

Introduced by Facebook in 2015, React Native stands out as a cross platform app development technology due to the fact that it uses JavaScript to develop a native mobile app.

The annual survey by Stack Overflow confirms that JavaScript is one of the most illustrious technologies mainly because it involves steel learning curve for developers.

Xamarin vs React Native 2018: Which One Feels Better and When?

When it comes to making a candid, unbiased comparison between React Native and Xamarin cross-platform native app development frameworks, both seems to surpass each other in many situations. Here is what you need to know about their working standard before you can pick the one.

1) Cross-Platform Development Environment

While discussing xamarin vs native, one can easily discover how Xamarin cross platform provides immense flexibility in terms of development environment.

Once can build and compile a code for different platforms with Xamarin unlike React Native that does not offer similar support unless via Expo. However, Expo may not be as powerful since it also has limited support capability.

2) Code Deployment

Xamarin developers will need to opt for compilation to generate an executable file to be tested later on emulator or a device. This process takes good amount of time depending on how complex the project is.

React Native on the other hand enables you to save the code and see results instantly using ā€œhot module replacementā€.

Read Also: React Native App Development Company in UK

3) The Question of Choices

Being a JavaScript expert, you will find it easy to get started with building native apps with React Native.

On the other hand, if you are conversant with Microsoft-owned C# expertise, then Xamarin would be the most appropriate choice as you can build iOS and Android apps using C#.

4) Accessibility and Availability

React Native is fully open source framework, so you can use it for building applications for tablet, iOS and Android.

However, when thinking about Xamarin, you need to spend some amount since its free version offers limited resources and features especially for enterprise-grade app development.

5) React native vs Xamarin Performance

As far as React Native vs Xamarin performance goes, significant factors like GUI, 64-bit support and fast code execution matter most.

Xamarin emerges more beneficial for the fact that it allows developers to run the code fastest on both iOS and Android platforms.

It provides full range of support for 64-bit mode and enables rapid UI development because of direct access to native tools.

This factor is not much favourable for React Native as it does not support 64-bit mode on Android completely. Additionally, it gets worse for iOS where it appears to run code at dissatisfying speed.

6) Advanced Capabilities For Development

Xamarin vs React NativeĀ must include this critical factor that focuses on which among Xamarin and native offers advanced development capabilities.

Usually, this one goes in favour of React Native as it is JavaScript based and offers more features, making the process more convenient for mobile app developers.

Xamarin, on the other hand, enjoys the reputation of being a legacy or classic tool that does not contain as many snazzy or evolved features in Android studio as carried by JavaScript framework.

Some of them might be automatic restarting, cold swapping code, instant updates, etc.

7) Testing Capabilities

Though you can perform UI testing on both platforms, it is easier for Xamarin developers to do unit testing in Xunit and debug in Xcode Simulator for iOS.

However, with React Native you are compelled to debug in the Android Emulator where issues are likely to occur.

8) Brand Users

React Native has brand users such as Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb, Walmart, Skype whereas Xamarin is used by big names such as Slack, Siemens, Honeywell.

Who Wins the Battle?

Even after exploring all the pros and cons of React Native and Xamarin, it is not easy to conclude that one s better than the other. Developers can decide it based on how accustomed they are with a specific framework.

The Xamarin vs React NativeĀ battle is subject to certain aspects of development, maintenance, code sharing and testing, and developerā€™s personal experience and preferences.

But developers who is familiar with .NET and C# may choose xamarin cross-platform app development. It is after all a matter of opinion as the entire community of developers are split between both frameworks.

Hence, the ultimate choice comes down to what framework a developer is quite comfortable with. No matter what you decide, the native-like look and feel, performance, quality and usability of the end product must come into focus when telling which one wins the battle for you.