Yes, that’s correct. Our data shows that 95% of students graduating from Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad) have to migrate to metro cities for jobs.

Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad), with a thriving education system, the city produces thousands of graduates each year. 95% of students leave the city in search of better opportunities. This post explores why this happens and, more importantly, how we can reverse the trend and bring jobs to the city.

Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar ( Aurangabad ) have an annual intake of 4000 computer science students, each year. Check link below for more details.

Check here : IT  Colleges in Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad)

Our estimate is a maximum of 2000 people are employed with companies listed below and some would be working remotely. This is not even 50 percent of the total computer science student that passes out every single year. Also numbers are stagnant which reduces chances of freshers getting a break. While the city is producing a significant number of talented individuals, there is a glaring disconnect between the educational output and the job market.

List of IT companies that have a presence here at Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar ( Aurangabad ). 

Check here : List of IT Companies in Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad)

 The migration trend typically involves students traveling to Hyderabad or Pune to pursue training or internships. Adapting to a new location can be challenging, but once they settle in and gain around two years of experience, many advance in their careers. With sufficient experience and industry exposure, a significant number also migrate abroad for work opportunities. 

Local education institutes have done their part. Now it’s time to focus on creating local job opportunities.

  • For how long will our talented youth be forced to migrate to other cities in search of jobs, leaving behind their families, culture, and home?

Within state urban migration as per Statista is 27 percentage

Check here : Statista Data

Let’s keep it that way, if 70 percent of talent gets employee locally that can contribute to the local economy, this can happen only if there are more companies setting up in Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar ( Aurangabad ). The government offers facilities through the Software Technology Parks of India (STPI), and we currently are operating from an STPI premise. When we first started, the space was largely unused and covered in dust. While the facility itself is good, the electricity costs are extremely high. In fact, we pay more for electricity than we do for the rent of the fully furnished, plug-and-play setup. For example, for a 50-seater office, the electricity bill comes to around ₹60,000, which is significantly higher than what we pay at other locations.

We have our share of experience and local understanding of people and culture

Check here : Our Experience in Setting IT Unit at Chh. Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad)

We welcome anyone interested in connecting with us to help further develop the IT presence in the region. We’re open to discussions and offer our full support. We will continue to promote locations that have the potential to become IT hubs. 

Here are a few ways you can contribute to help future generations secure local job opportunities.

A start-up culture needs to come into play, local business people who can invest should look at funding talented teams and work towards generating more value. 

1) One way to bridge the gap between graduates and the local job market is through better collaboration between colleges and companies.

    • Internships during college, vocational training, and regular industry interaction can help students stay connected to opportunities in their own city
    • Colleges should promote local companies. Work closely to build a robust ecosystem and help create deployable talent availability

2) Politicians and leaders can play a key role by promoting and encouraging companies to establish operations in Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad).

3) Individuals by simply share this information, build awareness and letting people ponder and find solutions to bring jobs back home.

4) Students can invite alumni back home, this will get the required leadership to scale local IT companies.

Summary of numbers 

 Each year, around 4,000 students graduate with a computer science degree, amounting to 60,000 graduates over the past 15 years. However, only 2,000 of these graduates are currently working locally, meaning that 95% of them have migrated for jobs. This data reflects just one field computer science. No data has been collected yet for other educational streams.

Since we are sharing information on Migrating, here is list of migrating birds such as Flamingo, Spoonbill, Painted stork, Night heron, White stork, Wagtail, Pin-tailed snipe, Northern shoveler, Sandpiper, Red-naped ibis migrate to Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad)  during winter. We recommend visiting bird Jayakwadii Bird Santuary .

 Click Source

Migration is a natural phenomena , retaining local talent is not just about economics—it’s about preserving the culture, strengthening communities, and creating a sustainable future for Chhatrapati Sambhaji Nagar (Aurangabad). By promoting the region’s strengths, fostering better industry-education collaboration, and raising awareness, we can control migration and build a vibrant local economy that benefits all. Our intent is to highlight the need to generate more opportunities and reduce but not eliminate migration of talent. 

 By sharing this information, we aim to raise awareness about the issue and encourage people to ask: Why can’t the jobs come home? The potential is there, but it’s about creating the right conditions for growth and opportunity.

Smartphone technology has completely transformed the educational space. These innovative changes have been appreciated and welcomed by many and the success of Byju’s is ample proof of that.


The app has revolutionised the m-learning sphere being the first unicorn to enter the market securing a billion-dollar valuation in a short period of time.

byjus - create an app like byju's

The learning system has been seriously disrupted with apps like Byju’s. The users are able to progressively visualise the impact of these new-age mobile learning solutions.


Not only does it make education more interactive and engaging, but the medium also adds a touch of entertainment and fun. Most importantly, the app makes learning more comprehensive whilst attaining to key standards of ease, effectiveness, and simplicity.


Let’s discuss how to create your dream app like Byju’s, the development process and it’s overall cost.


Is It Worth Your While to Create An App Like Byju’s?


The e-learning market is showing tremendous promise and growth. Statistics show that the market is expected to reach over $243 billion in revenue by 2022 with a 5.08 per cent CAGR.


This expansive growth at such a rapid pace has been a key driver behind the success of Byju’s. Plus, the capital influx from investors such as Facebook, Sequoia Venture and Aarin Capital has helped build a more robust business and app platform.

size of elearning app - create an app like byju's

Being focused on exceptional performance, integrity, and security, Byju’s offers its users and exhaustive and inclusive learning model.


Their success has opened up doors for other interested entrepreneurs to create similar educational app like Byju’s. Unquestionably, the objective is to make learning more interesting and addictive.


What Is the Development Process Of An E-Learning App Like Byju’s?


Before you jump on the bandwagon and kickstart your e-learning app developing journey, it is vital to acquire a thorough understanding of the various processes involved.


With a clear and precise idea of the concept and every individual phase, you can create a blueprint of the product which will cater to the needs of your end-users.


Here is the layout of the step-by-step process that must be followed as you create the Byju’s app:


#1. Research and Idea

A strong concept and idea are the foundation of a successful m-learning app. Only then can it transform into an education platform that generates high demand. Think about the subjects that will be taught through it and how you will structure it to cater to specific target audiences.


The research should be followed by a lot of brainstorming sessions will help you proceed to the next stage of app development. Garnering key inputs and insights will also work as the differentiator between you and your competitors.


Remember that the app will only be effective if the concept is viable. This calls for an in-depth market analysis that can test the app’s utility and viability with the target audience. If the outcome is positive, you can start by creating a timeline for the development of the app.


#2. Design

One of the primary reasons why Byju’s has become so popular with students and parents is because of their easy-to-use interface and engaging app design. Whilst designing your e-learning app, ensure that the user interface is interactive with engaging touchpoints.


The goal should be to provide a state-of-the-art user experience that will keep your audience coming back for more. The idea is to have a decent enough design to hook the user and keep them interested to consume more content long-term.


Concentrate on the fonts, colours, graphics, etc. Ensure that these elements do not over-crowd the design in any way.


#3. Development

With the design UIs ready, the development process is ready to be initiated. At the very onset, you begin with the conceptual phase. This is essential as it works towards validating the app ideation and the features that you have chosen to incorporate in it.


Multiple phases and several rounds of development and testing constitutes this stage. The app has to go through phases of light, medium and complex testing, bug fixes and adding any key features and functionalities.


#4. Deployment

On successful completion of the previous stages, the app can be deployed on the operating platform of your preference. This can be the web, iOS, and Android.


Read Also : 20 Best Apps for Teachers & Educators 2023

What Are The Top Features Of A Mobile Learning App?


The app features can be divided into three categories:

  • General Features
  • Student Panel
  • Admin Panel
  • Advanced Features

bjyus app features - create an app like byju's

What are the General Features That You Should Have In Your E-learning App ?


Look at the key general features that you must integrate with your e-learning app:


#1. Total Syllabus Coverage

Expert faculties are assigned with the responsibility to curate relevant study material for the subjects being offered on the application. They ensure that the final version of the content is well-rounded, in-depth and arranged in a manner that is easy for students to comprehend and finish within a reasonable time span.


#2. Interactive Aids

E-learning apps employ the usage of visual and interactive aids specially for subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. These methods make learning more interesting and appealing and go beyond the traditional chalk-board methodology. Video lectures included in the app focus on student engagement and visual teaching mechanisms.


#3. Chapter-wise Tests

As soon as the chapter ends, it is important for the student to gauge that the knowledge acquired is clear and concise. Learning apps like Byju’s have in-built features like mock tests, sample questions that help students test and understand their learning curve.


#4. In-Built Chat

In-app chats connect students with their personal mentors in case they need the assistance of any kind.


#5. Adaptive Learning

App learning can only be effective if it has the functionality to adapt to the needs of the students. This can be done successfully by using interactive and visually taught classes. The syllabus, of course, needs constant deliberation and upgradations to meet the needs and expectations of the learners.


#6. Third-party Apps

E-learning apps need to have the architecture in place to integrate with third-party apps to offer additional services to their users.


#7. Logistics Dashboard

In case your E-learning app provides users with hard-copies of their learning material, then having a logistics dashboard can be handy. Both the admin and the user will be able to track the status of shipment from a single platform.


What Are the Features In The Student Panel?


The Student Panel is the app’s front-end. Here are the top features that are visible on the app’s interface.


#1. User Registration

Students can browse the app by registering with their unique username/password, email id, phone number or social media handles.


#2. Log-in

Students can log-into the app using their registered username, email id, phone number and password to avail the app’s services.


#3. Forgot Password

This is a standard feature that helps anyone who has forgotten their password to generate a new one. This can be done using a mobile or email OTP system.


#4. Profile Manager

The students can build their individual profiles and fill in details like school, class, interests, etc. The Profile Manager also comes with the provision to edit or delete this information as per the student’s requirements.


#5. Browse All Courses

The Course section is key to any mobile learning app. Students can go through the modules and choose the desired subject that they wish to pursue.


#6. Search Courses

If the student is unable to find a subject, the search bar can help look it up. By typing certain keywords, the results can be filtered for all available categories related to the subject.


#7. Course Detail on Click

Students can find out more information on the courses by clicking on the section ‘Course Description’. This typically includes a short description of the what the course is all about, titles of chapters, approximate timeline and the course cost.


#8. Purchase Button/Page

Courses on any e-learning app has to be purchased. Therefore, a purchase button or link should be present at a convenient and prominent location on the app.


#9. Payment

To enable payments, the app should be linked to multiple gateways such as net banking, debit and credit cards, wallets, PayPal, etc.


#10. Online Reader

Users should be able to click on a download button as the payment goes through successfully. With an online reader integrated, they can also opt to read the lessons on the app’s interface.


#11. Live Chat Support

Live chat access is a must for any tech-based application. Students can connect with the relevant department to sort out queries and difficulties instantly.


#12. Purchase History Dashboard

The purchase dashboard is a section where the users can view and track all the purchases that they’ve made on the app. It generally lists the product along with the fee paid.


#13. Test

This is a dedicated section on the application that houses various tests and question papers. Students can choose as per the lessons and chapters completed to test their level of knowledge gained.


#14. Shipment Status

Students can track the shipment status of their hard copy study material through this feature.

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What Are the Key Features In the Admin Panel?


This Admin Panel constitutes the back-end of the e-learning app. Take a look at the top functionalities


#1. Manage Themes

The app comes with a variety of themes that can be managed from the back-end. The Admin can choose the look and feel of the user account which can be decided depending on user interest, and other parameters.


#2. Manage Courses

The Admin has the authority to add, revise, delete courses that have been added by expert tutors.


#3. Manage Subscriptions

Again, the Admin has the right to add, edit, delete and manage subscriptions that the users wish to purchase.


#4. Manage Users

With the permission to view all user information from the back-end, the Admin can search, filter, edit or delete them in accordance with the terms and conditions of the app.


#5. Content Manager

All content uploaded on the app can be managed via the Admin Panel.


#6. Statistics

Stats like the number of courses purchased, top courses, sessions delivered, payments, etc. can be tracked through the Statistics section on the Admin Panel.


#7. Transaction History

Every user payment will be trackable through the Transaction History section on the Admin Panel. Once payment is received, the user account can be activated automatically.


#8. Track Orders

Study pack orders for hard copy materials can be monitored via Track Orders by the Admin.


#9. Shipping

Hard copies sent need to be monitored until it reaches the user. This can be done on the Admin Panel via the Shipping section.


#10. Ticketing

To provide solutions seamlessly, an integrated ticketing solution can be extremely useful.


#11. CRM

To provide better customer services and initiate user engagement, CRM integration is a must-have.


#12. IVRS

Users can get in touch with the service provider for which a dedicated IVRS system needs to be in place. This must be connected with the Admin Panel to direct the caller to the appropriate department.


What Are the Advanced Features That Make Your E-Learning App Awesome?


Your e-learning app can highlight advanced features such as these:

#1. Ward Progress Tracking

Parents can check the progress report of their children enrolled on the application. An overview of chapters covered, active lessons, test scores and graphical representation of the learning curve are quite useful.


#2. Lesson Reminders

Setting lesson reminders that can alert both the students and the parents is a feature that can make your e-learning app unique. This ensures that students do not miss out on lessons unnecessarily.


#3. Offers and Discounts

To create a strong user base, generating referrals through your existing customers is a great way to market your Byju’s like app. You can incentivise your clients by offering them extra credit or discounted study material.


#4. E-commerce

As your app successfully sells the courses being offered, you can expand the eCommerce operations to sell bundled offers such as CD packs, educational tablets, etc.


What Is The Recommended Technology Stack?


To create an app like Byju’s, this is the recommended technology stack.

Back-end technologies

  • For Mobile and Web platforms: NoSql like Casandra and RDBMS like PostgreSQL
  • Main framework: Python and JavaScript

Other technologies that can be used are

  • Storage or caching with CDNs: Amazon S3
  • Model-based testing: GraphWalker
  • Data processing and management in real-time: Kafka
  • Primary platform structure: DataProc
  • Desktop-based UI: Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF)
  • Push Notifications: Twilio,
  • SMS, Voice, and Phone Verification – Twilio, Nexmo
  • Payments – Braintree, PayPal, Stripe
  • Complex browser-based applications: Google Web Toolkit (GWT)
  • Data Management: Datastax
  • Streaming Media System – Helix Universal Server, Nimble Streamer, Wowza Streaming Engine
  • Email related operations: Mandrill
  • Database – MongoDB, HBase, Cassandra, Postgres
  • Cloud Environment – AWS
  • Real-time Analytics – Hadoop, Spark, Apache Flink, IBM


Video making technologies

  • Animation: Adobe After Effects
  • Video Editing & Mixing Software: Adobe Premier Pro, Mac Maya, Fusion9, Nuke
  • Image Editing & Graphics Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

What Is the Ideal Team Structure Required for App Development?


It is not an easy task to create an app like Byju’s. In fact, the process is quite complex and time-consuming.

When developing a basic to medium complex e-learning app, the recommended team structure for your development team should look somewhat like this:

  • Project Manager – 1
  • Developers:
    • Android App Developer – 1
    • IOS App Developer – 1
    • Back-end App Developers – At least 2
    • Database Manager – 1
    • Cloud Computing Expert – 1
  • Designers:
    • Expert UX/UI designers – At least 2
    • Graphic Designer – 1
  • Testing: At least 2 QA experts

Team Required for Advanced Apps and Web apps should include the following members:

  • Project manager – 1
  • Team leader – 1
  • Programmers – Between 4 and 5
  • Back End Developers – At least 2
  • UI / UX Designers – Between 2 to 4
  • Quality Analysis – – Between 2 to 3
  • System administrator – 1


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What Is the Timeline To Create An App Like Byju’s?


The size and complexity of the m-learning app are the two key parameters that can determine the development timeline of the app.


Take a look at this snapshot:

Deliverables Module Estimated Hours
Admin Login 8
Forgot Password 4
Grade Management 30
Subject Management 26
Chapter Management 26
Topic management 32
Content management 80
Test Management 80
Student Management 18
Parent Management 18
Contest Management 45
Contest Question Management 32
Payments Management 32
Contact Us Management 12
CMS Management 20
Dashboard 20
Report 32
Site Settings 18
Logout 1
Student Application – iOS and Android Signup 40
Login 16
My Profile 40
Home screen 32
Subject Detail Screen 120
Quizzo 100
Contest 110
Payment 40
Chats 60
Push notification 32
Contact us 4
Logout 2
Parent Application – Android and iOS Sign up 16
Login 10
Connect student 24
Notifications 32
Profile 6
View student profile 28
Student report 32
Payment 24
Contact us 4
Logout 2
Others Business Analyst 80
Database Design 40
Application Design 120
Web service 350
Project Management 150
Quality Assurance 260
Server Setup and Configuration 40
Deployment 40


The total hourly estimate that you may be looking at is in the range of 2396 hrs.

How much does it cost to create an app like Byju’s?


Along with the app size, features and functionalities, the location of your development team also determines the overall app cost.

Developer per hour cost in some major locations are:

  • USA: $100 to $250 per hour
  • Eastern Europe: $80 to $180 per hour
  • India: $25 to $50 per hour

According to the stages of development, the cost of development of an app like Byju’s is given below:

  • Documentation (40-45 hours – $1000 to $2000)
  • UI/UX design (60 Hours – $1500 to $3000)
  • Front-end and Back-end Development (400 Hours – $10,000 to $ 20,000)
  • Testing & Debugging (80 Hours – $2000 to $4000)

Therefore, the average cost of a learning app can cost up to $8,000 to $25,000 for a single platform and the charges can extend up to $35,000 in case, the app is loaded with features and is driven by high quality standards.


Read Also : 15 Best Apps for College Students 2023

Final Words

E-learning App Cost

A lot of thought, time and effort goes, while you try to create an m-learning app like Byju’s. Get in touch with the right development team to help bridge the gap between your dream and reality.

Covid-19 has brought new challenges for companies. A number of aspects have been disrupted, including hiring. Here is one hiring case study that we want to communicate based on our learning.

We see a number of posts on LinkedIn where people lost jobs due to the pandemic situation and are asking their network to help find one. Starting from a similar post, we also had our share of experience hiring Kadir Pathan. Here is his post on LinkedIn. Many such posts are also there on whatsapp groups.


The Hiring Phase

On the onset, his request looks good in terms of skills, reasoning that he was contractual and due to pandemic he lost his job. We were told that he did not get paid for 4 months as there was no fund for the project and he was finding it difficult to manage his expenses.

In the technical round, he failed; even though he showcased a number of skills in his profile and above LinkedIn post. It was clear he lacked skills which he claimed and listed.

Kadir Pathan used reference, follow ups, and based on multiple requests, he was allowed to join with a commitment from him that he will pick up quickly and deliver. This was a clear case of sympathetic hiring during the pandemic situation.


Here is what happens with sympathetic hiring. You feel a candidate is honestly articulating his profile and situation by publishing a post on LinkedIn asking for help. He is further trying reference and solving his problem.

This is a positive way of looking at the candidate, his immediate needs and the pandemic situation where many lost their jobs. It will make you believe and get into a mode to help in whatever way you can.

Once on boarded,

Kadir Pathan could not perform. As per policy, enough support and time was given and he was asked to leave as literally he could not produce anything. His bad luck was that all resources were working from home.

So, we could not give him in person mentoring and attention. Remote help for him was also consuming team member time. So as per process he was asked to leave as there was no progress from his side.

One thing that needs to be stressed at this point is – if talent is there, no employer will get into PIP (Performance Improvement plan) as there is lot of effort and cost to hire right resource.

Why we are writing this learning is because this fellow went and put a bad review comment publicly, irony is many employees tried to help him due to his situation, first by hiring him , giving him time to learn despite showcasing his profile as experienced, remotely supported as much as team can during pandemic .

With this new break and opportunity, ideally the focus is to learn from colleagues, thank them for support and upgrade skills.  Kadir Pathan was jobless for 4 months. He got a break and did not take things positively.

Energy and effort should be towards learning and not blaming for our own shortcoming.

He or others in the same situation should have a positive frame of mind. World has people who want to help people who are in need. Here for us, Kadir Pathan set wrong precedence and such experience will stop employers with sympathetic hiring from helping people in need.

Employers in today’s world are trying to relax policies and processes to cater to such candidates. Who knows, a small help can make a big difference in people’s lives, while still maintaining a very professional approach.

If candidate does not perform, action needs to be taken. That part has to be professional as clients trust you with work/project and that cannot be experimental.

We tried to contact him multiple times,

asked him to visit us in person and share his grievance if any. He did say he will come to talk. But since then, did not pick up multiple calls and that give us a feeling that we will continue to chase him, asking him to remove the feedback which may give him a certain satisfaction.

But what Kadir Pathan is not realizing is that if he joins some other company and they know he has done such things in the past, and same can happen to them, there will be an element of doubt to hire him.

Also an employee who cannot raise issues during employment and vent their negativity in public domain shows their weakness to articulate, handle things professionally.

If you can call and get a job using reference and multiple follow up, same can be done to address any issues. This is a clear case of back stabbing trust and leaving a bunch of people with negative feeling thinking there is no way same people will cross each other again.

In the people industry, there will be differences. That is why India gives freedom to choose employer and employer has freedom to choose employee. We want everyone to have a positive and professional approach.

If you leave a trail of negative and false claims, that will haunt you more than anyone else. One person or multiple people attempting to defame will not work. God is there and let god judge. Whoever did wrong, will be punished.

When the word Artificial Intelligence was introduces in technological landscape, little did we know that it has power to dominate our routine interactions. AI was designed to assist human actions and choices through is robotic yet flexible learning system. Over years, leading AI software like Siri, Alexa, Cortana have shown us myriad ways our lives can be transformed.

Using its incredible sensing and machine learning abilities, AI can help you take informed financial decisions, book hotels and restaurants and even drive business productivity. AI can sense, process and act on information supplied to its system.

The technology even comprehends our habits, personal choices, work quality and behavioural pattern to transform our lives to a great extent. Here is how:

Service-level intelligence

AI can extend its reach to help people across various economies and industries. Using its predictive intelligence capabilities, AI system can learn about ongoing services and maintain its regular standards with reduced manpower.

For instance, aviation settings can leverage AI’s learning curve to make check-in process more comfortable and frictionless, and less time consuming. AI linked with scanning system can read your passports before boarding and manage airport security. Thus, airport terminals look much improved and automated and convenient for travellers.

Personal assistants

Technology of AI algorithm has fiercely pit many tech leaders against each other, making them create incredible AI-based personal assistants. Microsoft Cortana, Apple’s Siri, Amazon Alexa are some of the most familiar names in this zone. These digital assistants have been making our lives better for quite some time, giving us handy suggestions on:

  • Weather reports
  • Sports events
  • TV guide
  • New releases & updates
  • Work-life management
  • Personal events notifications
  • Choices and needs
  • Domestic device control
  • Business meetings

Many assistants remind you of upcoming tasks, calendar markings, to-do lists, fitness care and healthy living.

Predictive maintenance

For any public service industry, maintenance is a critical aspect of its healthy system. From power suppliers, manufacturers to transportation, AI can help predict the time for maintenance depending on the data captured by it. This greatly helps minimize sudden breakdowns and shutdowns. Aviation companies can thus prevent major accidents of plane crash using intelligent predictive maintenance powered by AI system.

Accelerated growth

People focus more on goal-oriented life to achieve better growth prospects and accomplish personal milestones. With too much data and competition rising in the surrounding, it will be cumbersome to manage and track individual progress. AI helps people define their goal and control their physical, psychological and spiritual growth needed to improve their day-to-day performance. Thus, AI will give rise to the development of much evolved and poised society full of better people in all areas possible – students, professionals, leaders, friends, community, etc.

AI engines for stock management

Supermarkets, malls and public stores are going to be impacted by AI’s cognitive intelligence. Powerful AI engines will keep sharp watch on product stocks and deep-learn its present status to forecast future demand and sales of different vegetables and merchandises. AI is adopted on a wide scale to observe the product consumption in relation with weather effects and trending events, offering well-timed solutions for accurate in-store stock and sales management.

Better choices of personal relationships

Lifestyle AI is not only set to change the way you select your wardrobe, meals, jobs and other workaday aspects, it will also bring revolution in choosing life partners. AI’s keen algorithm can assess and process immense amount of data from our daily communications, social media interactions, profiles, favourites and tendencies, personal interests and intellects, and history of previous engagements to find you the right match. It can even go to predict how long your marriage is to last and suggest fair recommendations.

Customized solutions

Gone are the days when personalized approach used to be unthinkably expensive. Industries could not afford customized solutions until AI was discovered. The new generation of manufacturing processes are much controlled, adaptive and smarter as it involves artificial intelligence software. AI can thus streamline the production and deliver the products without concerns of cost. Even Google uses special algorithms to find results that fit close to their online profile. Thus, AI can use its deep learning program to tailor-make solutions instead of general ones to align with individual requirements.

AI transforms travelling

The brain behind Artificial Intelligence can read your travel plans and historical preferences depending on your situations. Smart tools with AI can assess this data and compare them with suitable travel options. It can give you all the suggestions related to the questions of flight, transportations options, available connectivity, safe return options, eco-friendly measures and all other smallest details of your entire journey.

AI can make reservations, plan the travel route from pick up to destination, and fetch ambience information and guide you for safety and suitability, and a lot more.

Transportation gets automated

Concerned about where to park your car? AI is happy to assist. Already there is a lot of excitement in the world of automated cars enabled with driverless driving. Self-parking is another feature offered by AI technology to resolve your parking troubles. Not only that when it comes to trains, AI is now being considered for driverless, automatically controlled trains in capital cities around the world.

Improving environmental condition

AI also seems to be hopeful in environmental sciences. Environment on earth is much driven by the factual data where AI supplies powerful information in various areas: resources management, water pollutant level, causes of toxins, species conservation, CO2 level in the oceans, recycling activities and much more. This way, environmentalists have a lot to gain from using advanced AI technology.


The pace at which AI is getting integrated into human life across assorted economies is high. This implies that it is time to imagine a future where AI-enabled digital assistants will drive efficiency and productivity in our life. AI-powered tools are all prepared to take over our repeated tasks, personalizing solutions with intuitive intelligence and real-time learning. Above are just a few areas where AI is transforming lives with more and more increased capabilities. It has a long way to go.

Health Professionals and Engineers at the USF College of Engineering and USF College of Nursing has created a new app called HeartMapp for patients with congestive heart failure(CHF).

This is a non-invasive mobile app that help patients in self-care and also reduce the cost of re-admissions in hospitals.

'HeartMapp', A Mobile App to Help Older Adults with Congestive Heart Failure

The Android-based application consists of six modules allowing the patients to check their daily heart conditions, perform walking and breathing exercises, monitor vital signs, follow up proper medications, get information on heart health and even review statistics in a graph.

The app also acts as a reminder for the patients every morning to check their weight, blood pressure and even answer their questions about the disease symptoms.

'HeartMapp', A Mobile App to Help Older Adults with Congestive Heart Failure

'HeartMapp', A Mobile App to Help Older Adults with Congestive Heart Failure

Dr. Athilingam and Dr. Labrador are currently working on the testing of the app with nine patients from the USF Health Cardiology clinic and also keeps updating the app with new features based on the feedback from patients.