3 students from the Brandeis University in the United States has developed a mobile app to provide users with step by step recipe guidance.

“Chef’s Assistant”, conceived and created by Gerriana Cohen ’18, Demi Zhang ’19 and Fatima Hussaini ’17 during the nine-week Justice Brandeis Semester (JBS) class Voice, Web, and Mobile Apps, is a hands-free application that features 330,000 recipes with voice-activated, step-by-step instructions on how to produce them.

“We wanted this app to be simple and easy while also giving the user more inspiration to try things in the kitchen,” said Cohen, who presented the app to her peers at a presentation on Aug. 5, the course’s final day.

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The app can even handle the most important instructions including a shopping list feature keeping up-to-date with simple voice commands.

“I want a recipe that doesn’t have peanuts but has carrots, curry, is vegan and contains less than 500 calories,” said Zhang as she demonstrated the product to the audience.

“Our competition doesn’t feature nutritional information of calorie counts and, most importantly, don’t have voice functions,” added Hussaini. “Our app is able to talk you through steps and keep your inventory up to date in a way that others can’t.”

In the first five weeks of course itself, students learned to build mobile apps that use voice commands.

“I am very pleased with quality of these apps,” said professor Tim Hickey, who has taught this course for three years. “All of them are very creative, original and well designed.
“All of the students pushed far beyond what we taught them in the first five weeks. I was very impressed.”

With an aim of protecting consumers, the government plans to charge hefty penalties for companies selling drugs in high rates.

The app, to be launched this month-end, will provide information about the selling prices of medicines of almost every state.

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Library Offering iPads Loaded with Education Apps for Kids

According to a NPPA official, the amendment will facilitate uniform pricing for existing and new manufacturers for similar formulations.

“The drug pricing body seeks to hold drug companies and medicine retail outlets more accountable to patients through its new app. Retailers and manufacturers will come to know that they cannot take consumers for granted,” Bhupendra Singh, the NPPA Chairman, told ET.

“This will also eliminate chances of manipulation by existing companies by way of launching new companies; or new manufacturers, to launch new drug by tweaking the composition of scheduled formulations just to escape price control,” he said.

Now, iPads are allowed in library for in-library use.

These iPads are loaded with children’s apps for early literacy and coding.

Launchpads, pre-loaded with educational apps are accessible in library. But they’re in the form of games so that your child might not realize that they’re learning in summer vacations also.

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Apps Overtake Desktop in Online Banking (BBA)

“They’re divided by subjects like science, early literacy and so they’re learning to read they’re learning their letters or they’re learning scientific concepts and they don’t even realize it because they’re doing it while they’re playing games,” Nashville Public Library’s Emily Waltenbaugh said.

Ipads are available at every Metro public library location. Patrons can put a hold on one online by logging into their library account.

The everyday usage of banking apps have risen as never before. At the same time, usage of banking websites have gone down. This has been reported by the British Bankers Association (BBA).

In 2015, 4.3m website logins happened per day, as against 4.4m in 2014 while 11m users logged in using apps in 2015 as against 7m in 2014.

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Prisma Photo Filter App Rolls out Android Beta Version

BBA chief executive Anthony Browne said that the customers are loving the new tech as it allows them to bank round the clock.

Does the same remain true for online payments?

When it come to payments, users are still more inclined to use a desktop. 347m payments happened through mobiles in 2015 while 417m payments happened through desktops. But there was a significant change from last year. Payments through app increased by 54% while it was just 2% for website transactions.

There are numerous new app-based banks around the world which are making it easier for customers to pay on the go.

Beta version of Prisma, the photo filter app which has taken the Internet by storm was rolled out to Android for user feedback. But the app, which is just a month old in iOS, was taken down in a short while.

However, the company assures that this trending app would be available on Google Play Store this month itself. In its Facebook page, the company wrote “A big thanks goes to everyone who has managed to try our beta for Android. We have collected enough feedback and had to close it,”

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The app is at the yop of iOS app charts. It converts pictures into works of art. In fact, Prisma CEO & co-founder Alexey Moiseenkov gave hints that the app will be getting new features including filters for videos. The below video was posted by him on his facebook account.

The app’s working is pretty simple. You just take a photo or choose from your photo gallery, then apply Prisma filters. It takes a few seconds to load. But delivers some amazing pictures. Check out the iOS version here

When there are kids, keeping hot water/coffee/tea or any hot beverages can be dangerous. You never know when a painful burn might occur. Such burms add up to around 20% of all burns that happen to children aged below 15 years.

Jacquii Burgess, a burns researcher along with a team of fellow researchers at the Centre for Children’s Burns and Trauma Research in Queensland have joined hands with iPug, a digital health company to develop Cool Runnings, a new app.

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Planet of the Apps – Apple’s New Reality Show Makes Open Casting Call

Cool Runnings is an app that teaches parents and teachers about how to keep burn injuries at bay, and also to treat them with cool running water in case such situations arise. It offers messages and photos with educational purpose for mothers/parents/teachers.

A sample tip is to make your bookshelves more stable by keeping it close to the wall, as the chances for you keeping a cup of hot beverage on bookshelves is high.

Ms.Burgess told that while a cup of coffee might look like a small amount, but for a baby, its equivalent to a bucket for an adult-sized body. This can cause severe injuries.

There are more people in the world who own a mobile phone than there are people who own a toothbrush. A two year old knows how to hold an iPhone properly and how to lock/unlock it. Mobile apps became the most successful innovation in the field of mobile technology and creative minds found its implementation in the field of education as well.

As learning app are getting in demand, new ones are flooding all the major digital stores everyday. Any parent or concerned teacher could easily be confused about choosing one. Hence, there is much importance in acquiring the skill needed for selecting the proper learning app for your kid and this skill depends greatly on understanding the common features of good learning apps.

The most important thing that an educational app for kids should have is the fun factor. Kids should be able to accomplish tasks and learning activities without even realizing that they are learning a thing or two! Even when it seems that an app is engaging in nature and your kid wants to use it again, one cannot conclude that the app could be educative. Being attractive and being educative are two totally different concepts.

This infographic lists 12 features every good learning apps for kids should possess.

features of good learning apps

Also Check : Latest Updated Educational Apps Directory List

With so many benefits brought to the field of education, adopting learning apps in the classrooms is a smart choice. But one could often be confused about which among the thousands of apps available in the market should be adopted. This blog will help to ease the worry by providing a list of the most popular iOS learning apps for kids.

1. Book Creator

Book Creator helps in creating a personal iBook, through simple steps. It allows users to import information in the form of images, audio, video, and text.

Download : iOS

2. Slideidea

This is a tool for creating presentations. Slideidea allows students and teachers to add audio into their presentations. Other features include attaching annotations to the slides, or embedding polls.

3. iMovie

iMovie is an app that comes preloaded on all Apple devices. It allows users to watch videos and tell stories. The app is a very good tool that could be used in conjunction with other learning apps for kids to permit better understanding of concepts.

Download : iOS

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4. Rover

Rover is an educational browser that provides kid safe content and is free for use. Many sites that doesn’t function well with the Safari browser like BrainPOP will work correctly in Rover.

5. 3D- Brain

3D-Brain will help to get a better insight on the structure, functioning and disorders of the human brain. Teachers can present these topics in a more graspable way with the help of case studies and use website links that connects to modern research.

Download : iOS

6. Edmodo

Edmodo is an app that allows teachers to create and delete groups required for managing the various daily activities in a class. For e.g., groups can be created for conducting discussions, sharing study materials, assignments etc. Edmodo will create an interesting and engaging learning environment. Along with learning, students will also develop various soft skills such as turn taking, helping peers, collaborating, critical thinking etc.

Download : iOS

7. The Elements – A Visual Exploration

The Elements – A Visual Exploration app explains everything about the periodic table elements in a novel and interesting way. The Elements app is based on Theodore Gray’s best selling book with the same name.

Download : iOS

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8. Schoology

With Schoology app, every student can create a personal account and avail a lot of features including an interactive platform for performing class discussions and other collaborative activities. They can also submit assignments, projects, class notes etc. through this app.

Download : iOS

9. History – Maps of the World

History – Maps of the World is an interactive learning app for kids dealing with historical and geographical shifts in the maps, made through the ages. It will make learning important historical events and conquests easier.

Download : iOS

10. MathBoard

MathBoard helps with the easy learning of algebra. Various basic mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, squares, squareroots etc are covered through simple and engaging practices and activities.

Download : iOS

11. LearnEnglish Great Videos

Learn English Great Videos, is an app entirely devoted to teaching English vocabulary, its spelling, and pronunciation. The great thing about this app is that students can learn lessons and refine their speaking skills by watching these videos.

Download : iOS

12. Sushi Monster

Sushi Monster is an educational gaming app for kids. There are a lot of friendly monster characters whom students have to help with completing tasks like getting a target sum or product. Points are rewarded for correct answers, which encourage and motivate students and takes the game forward.

Download : iOS

13. Memrise

Memrise is right for your language class, if you focus on enhancing your student’s memory and vocabulary. There are over 10 languages to choose from and through this app students can explore into an array of activities that simultaneously makes learning quicker and memorizing easier.

Download : iOS

Localization is an important step in mobile game development if you are aiming for a global market. Here are the most common mistakes made during game localization.

1. Hard-coding of text inside source code

Hard-coding text into the game’s source code is a common shortcut used by developers to save their time. But, translators often get into trouble due to this, since altering or updating content means locating it from the source code every time. This is a very time consuming process and increases the overall cost of localization.

2. Not taking context seriously

Meaning of the words that we utter and the sentences that we write mainly depends on the context. Hence the importance of providing adequate contextual information for translators. For e.g., the word “date” denotes a day of a month and also a fruit. And when we say “I gave her dog food” it could mean either her dog was given food by me or that she was given dog food by me.

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Translators often become confused when there is ambiguity in the content. This also leads to a lot of time wastage for its clarification. Sending concerned images and other contextual information in advance can add up to the translation’s quality.

A good contextual information must include character descriptions, screenshots, translation style samples and other helpful details.

3. Not hiring the right people

When hiring game translators, go for native speakers who have a good gaming background. Though it’s easier said than done, following this step could give you wonderful results.

Games need special translation skills because they have a unique form of content. For e.g., translaters need knowledge of gaming slangs and other such terminologies and have to understand new gaming concepts that requires a considerable amount of content creation as well.

It is also recommended that you hire translators who are familiar with the particular genre of game that you are developing.

4. Testing localized games

Most mobile game development companies are lazy when it comes to play testing their localized games. The reason why localized games need to be tested is that there will be a lot of UI problems among the others once localization is done.

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For e.g., Russian and Ukranian translations of the sentence “The sweetest game just keeps getting sweeter!” from Candy Crush Saga are given in the below image. Obviously the sentence structure changes and the length of string varies creating UI deformities. So, actual device testing must be done after localization.

Mobile game development

5. Ignoring the importance of culturalization

Earth is home to thousands of unique cultures. Around the globe, common practices of some places is considered offensive in some other parts. For e.g., using one’s hands to eat is against a good dining etiquette in most of the western countries, but it is the preferred and respected method of eating food in countries like India.

Similarly, each country has its own content regulations according to its state value systems. Translators must have a clear knowledge of location-wise cultural differences in order to avoid input of content that can be seen as indecent by the players of a game.

6. Treating localization as an option

Many developers think of localization as an option that could be introduced if the game gets hugely successful in the main markets. As a result, they fail to keep necessary translation records during mobile game development and thus faces many difficulties at a time when they are trying to establish a grip in the overseas markets. So, it is important to build translation materials right from the start.

Calls that come without your permission while in the traffic or during important meetings can be hugely irritating. Now TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) has launched an app that helps you manage such calls. The app is named DND (do not disturb) services.

While the regulation is an existing one, a mobile app will make it easier for consumers to report unsolicited calls as per TRAI.

TRAI advisor Robert J Ravi told reporters – “The regulations have been framed keeping in view the interest of customers and telemarketers while ensuring effective implementation,”

Complaint Status can be tracked

With this app, consumers will be able to track the status of their complaints. The app is now available on the Google Play Store and Mobile Seva app store. An app for iOS users is on the way as well.