Mobile devices are powerful teaching and learning tools. As hundreds of newly designed kids educational apps flood the app repositories day by day, choosing an educational app is not as easy as it may seem.

The services listed below will help you in steering through the confounded world of kids educational apps.

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5 Tips to Find the Best Kids Educational Apps

12 Common Features of Good Learning Apps for Kids

Educational Apps Developer

1. Teachers With Apps

The vast number of educational apps released into the app stores everyday can make it difficult for teachers, therapists, and parents to find the right app to fulfill their educational goals. Teacher With Apps was found to assist you in responsibly selecting quality mobile educational apps. The team achieves this vision by participating students and teachers in the reviewing process.

2. Digital Story Time

Digital Story Time provides individual ratings for a wide range of features in educational digital reading materials such as educational value, animation, audio quality, interactivity, re-readability, bedtime etc. The site already has more than 600 reviews collected in a sortable database.

3. iMums

iMums is an initiative of four mothers, who have dedicated themselves into educating parents about the best digital contents for their children. iMums gives you awareness of the best digital stories, kids educational apps, games, and other technology products; including latest news and articles about educational apps.

4. Geekswithjuniors

Geekswithjuniors is a site for parents living in the modern age of technology. They review only the best kids educational apps, games, and workflow recipes and gives you all essential information that you would need to know about an app. All apps are tried and tested before posting reviews on them. The team behind the curtain has also developed an app for toddlers, namely akzara, which is basically an alphabet and sound learning app.

5. Children’s Technology Review (CTR)

Started as early as 1993, Children’s Technology Review provides objective reviews and ratings of commercial children’s digital media products. They cover children’s apps, games, toys, trends etc. available for newborns up to 15 years of age in the children’s interactive media.

CTR can be availed as a subscription that is delivered monthly or weekly. The website serves as a great resource to parents, teachers, researchers, publishers and librarians for finding interactive media products.

6. Graphite

Graphite is a Common Sense Education service that eases the process of making great technology choices. With Graphite, discovery of the best apps, games, and websites for your classroom use is just one step away. The popular tools that they have reviewed includes Edmodo, ClassDojo, Socrative, and Educreations.

7. Educational App Store (EAS)

Educational App Store has a different criteria of rating apps, unlike most of the services mentioned above. The EAS team focuses on curriculum alignment when they assess educational apps. EAS certified teachers sort out the best educational apps through an organised approach that stresses on educational value and learning outcomes.

8. KinderTown

KinderTown focuses on finding out the best kids educational apps for children who are 3 to 8 years old. Every app is tested by teachers, parents, and children. The key factors that are considered for rating an app includes the fun factor, navigational ease, simple design features, cost etc.

9. Balefire

Balefire gives parents and educators information about apps that focuses on skill development in children. They promote instructional apps of good quality and believes that these apps will build skills that children need as they grow up.

10. Participate Learning

Participate Learning has a collection of expert approved free kids educational apps, videos, and other resources. You will also be able to get info about the favorite educational resources of a lot of teachers who use the service.

Whataburger released a new mobile app yesterday and said that mobile ordering is coming in late 2017.

With this app, you can make the payment easily and also can get the rewards after five visits to the fast food chain.

Get Free Food as Reward with Whataburger's New Mobile App!

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“This app comes with many special benefits, one among them is FREE FOOD”, said Whataburger reps.

Get Free Food as Reward with Whataburger's New Mobile App!

On your fifth visit, you can get a shake, a cinnamon roll, fries and many other products for free of cost. This app is available on Google and Apple app stores.

It is common knowledge that testing is required for every phase of a mobile game development process, be it for design or for coding. Similarly, testing is an unavoidable step after mobile game localization. It should be remembered that translation and localization are related, but they are not one and the same thing. Check out the most common video game misconceptions in localization testing.

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9 Tools Every iOS App Development Company Should Have for Localization

1. A localization tester re-writes the entire game: The most important thing that mobile game development companies notice in the tested games are whether the brand names and anything related to the company’s intellectual properties are misspelled or not. As a matter of fact, the possibility of finding an entirely re-written game from the market is very rare.

One reason that this is not practical is the infinite number of alterations made to the original script given, by the time you reach the deadline. Apart from that, most game owners won’t be so sure about the terminology guidelines initially.

So, translation testers would naturally be required to put more effort in finding contradictions to company’s identity from the text rather than using conjunctions and prepositions of the language correctly. This does not mean that translation of other components are not important, but the priority rests with the aforementioned ones.

2. A localization tester can shorten anything at will: Translators often face this issue where you need to place a relatively longer sentence inside a severely finite space. We all know that overflowing and overlapping texts are gross to look at. It will destroy the beauty of a well designed game.

It is a popular misconception that a localization tester is allowed to shorten a string of text at will. Testers need to get through a long and tiresome procedure, if they want to get even a single line of text changed. Yet, most often they are not allowed to shorten them just like that. The only option that seems to be available in most of the cases will be to abbreviate those long text strings, which would make an otherwise stunning UI, ruined.

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3. A localization tester knows everything about censoring for particular markets: Every country has different rules regulating the circulation of contents, for example the usage of curse words or the extent of vulgarity or gore shown. In a country like Italy, there are specific rules to prevent the use of blasphemies, Vatican being very near. In some countries, there is a culture wise difference in the permissibilities, though they might not be legally enforced.

Something that is legally lawful to be sold in one country could be found offensive and spread against the law in other countries. Also, the openness of the contents that users of different age groups can be exposed to is well defined by the legal systems in all countries.

Many publishers and mobile game development companies think that it is entirely a tester’s job to know everything about the permissibilities and prohibitions prevalent in the countries of the targeted markets. It is important to understand that a tester is not a law person after all and needs to be properly directed about any such requirements.

4. A localization tester knows their native language better than the translators: It is mandatory that tester’s need expertise and good knowledge in using the local language, preferably greater than translators, but this is not definitely the case a lot of times. If testers have lesser competence and language skills than the translators, they will find it difficult to comprehend what the translator meant, while trying to edit the script.

Air India has introduced a new mobile app with which passengers can easily book tickets, check-in and can also manage their whole journey.

With this app, passengers can collect their boarding pass on their smart phone or smartwatch. Also, passengers will be getting regular updates on flights through the app.

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Passengers can access the details of points they earned and other updates to their accounts as this app also has been integrated with Air India’s Flying Returns loyalty program.

Air India Launches New Mobile App to Enhance Customer Experience

Air India will implement this mobile platform iTravel by SITA, global technology provider.

The app will be available on Android, iOS and Windows.

Sudden cardiac attack is a serious issue around the globe. Every 90 seconds, there is someone who loses their life to sudden cardiac attack.

If you are facing this issue outside the hospital, don’t worry. “PulsePoint” app can help you!

This app was developed by Richard Price, former chief of the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District in Northern California.

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Last week, DeMont, aged 60, collapsed in front of a bus stop at the University of Washington Medical Center.

A medical student arrived at the spot quickly to help and a nurse helped him to stabilize until the ambulance arrived.

Mobile App Saved Seattle Cardiac Patient Life!

The nurse got an alert through this app. With this app, you can also get to know about the location of the ambulance and monitor emergency radio traffic.

This app is available now for Android and iOS devices.

Every young parent is excited about sending their kids to smart schools. We all wish to provide our kids with better education regardless of our financial status. But how many of us know enough about what kind of education systems and what kind of education environments are prevalent today? After a comprehensive comparison, there are 7 things that smart schools are found to be doing better than ordinary schools. But, before going into that let’s consider three fundamental shifts, which transformed learning environments brought about.

The three types of learners in modern learning environments

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12 Common Features of Good Learning Apps for Kids

Social Learner: Learning is more of a social activity now.

Autonomic Learner: The dependency of students on teachers have decreased to a great extent, especially with the advent of education app development, to become more or less self-directed.

Inquisitive Learner: Students are more curious to explore into the unknown than just cramming and passing examinations.

Things smart schools will do better

1. Goal Oriented Development: Just like during education app development, modern classrooms work their way up based on previously set goals. They are always on some mission that could aid development of various skills in students. Smart schools conduct community conversations that helps them in setting various goals that are to be achieved. Some examples include creating great learning experiences, community involvement, overall growth etc.

2. Powerful Learning Experiences: When we all learned back during the old days using the traditional approach, the only time that we had to be involved in any learning activities was once when we were in our classrooms or when we had to do homework. The focus of education has now shifted to anytime learning and anywhere learning.

Technology can create powerful and amazing learning experiences for students. Technologies such as the internet, learning apps, and other innovative resources create better learning opportunities for students. For e.g., now education app development companies create apps that enable students to communicate, collaborate and share learning materials and assignments 24/7 year round.

3. Introduction to Productive Learning Environments: With the aid of new technologies, teachers can now plan and allocate resources in better ways. For e.g., if students need some lessons or resources for a longer time period the teachers can include rotation and flex models, which delivers a part of the active time via online. This will in turn increase productivity.

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4. Better Student Profiles: With the use of smart technologies, it is possible to save each students’ academic history for future reference. No matter whether you need a progress report from a year ago or a remark made one month ago, all are accessible at the tip of your fingers.

Teachers, parents, and the students themselves can compare the progress that has been made and decide where they need to put an extra effort. Also, a student-centric and personalized approach can be formulated based on the capabilities and interest areas of individual students.

5. Aid Growth: Next gen schools will provide knowledge map for each student, where their mastery of skills are portrayed. They can be awarded with badges, tags and other recognition signs for their respective accomplishments. The progress to each level can be based on acquisition of the required recognition signs.

6. Leverage Teacher Talent: Like a student profile, every teacher will have a teacher’s profile too. The strengths and weaknesses of the teachers will become trasnparent through these comprehensive profiles. Apart from that the roles of teachers have shown a massive shift from being a dictator to a facilitator in the modern classrooms. Online classes allow schools to take advantage of the services of renowned lecturers and specialists in various fields from anywhere in the world.

7. Social Connections: Until recently, parents did not have a direct role in their kid’s education. New gen schools promote active community participation. They involve parents and even family members apart from peers for encouraging community based learning.

Also Check: Latest Updated Educational Apps Directory List

You might have heard or even used the services of Ola, Uber and Lyft. It was smart thinking that made lives of people easier, especially in urban areas.

Now, Indian automaker Mahindra & Mahindra is gunning for success with Trringo. It is an app aimed at helping farmers hire tractors during the harvest season.

Tractors are priced too high for small scale farmers to buy. So, they usually have to rent tractors from owners who can be harsh and unreasonable. Mahindra & Mahindra aims at changing this with the Trringo app. The tag line of the app is – “Ab Tractor Call Karo”

The company provides tractors for rent at 400-700 rs an hour. They rent their own vehicles as well as from a pool of tractor owners who have signed up for the service.

The app was launched in Karnataka last month and is set to roll out in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Gujarat.

Medina City Schools launched mobile app, website for students and parents.

If you want to check your child’s homework or trying to reach any teacher, then this app can help you. This app is available for both Android and Apple users.


Soon, they will come out with a user-friendly website and an email or phone call system which can keep the parents updated about the activities in the school.

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Australia’s Free-to-air TV Network coming to mobile with Freeview app

Parents and students can avail school district information through this app. This is nothing but increase the communication level with the community.

This website up-gradation will also give district a new look.

School re-openings are a sense of relief phase for every parent. After the long days of relentless turmoil, yelling, and edification classes with your kids, you could finally recline into your favorite happinesses and necessities in life or just relax and enjoy your peaceful moments.

But, there is another set of concern that might fret some of you and will destroy your state of inner peace on the go – the concern of getting your kids back on track when the holidays are over. Fortunately, a fairly designed app can put them back into mainstream learning more easily.

Do try out from our list of the 9 best back to school kids educational apps.

Some More Useful Links: 

5 Tips to Find the Best Kids Educational Apps

1. Endless Worldplay

Endless Worldplay is a very popular brand among kids, who developed a series of kids educational apps for learning language before Endless Worldplay. This app from the series deals with teaching kids spelling patterns and word building through rhyming puzzles and animated sequences. In this app a friendly Alphabot and delightful monsters help your kids learn word meanings along with its contexts, and also teach them how to count.

2. The Everything Machine

Make Everything Machine your child’s first introduction to the digital world and they will surprise you with excellent working micro-electronics models in no time. The app permits your kid to control and use a lot of your phone’s features including camera, torch, microphone, and gyroscope using a simple programming language. They can build anything from a simple electronic switch to a complex thief catcher. If you want your imagination to fly high, you can pay a visit to the maker’s YouTube channel and become inspired. They also provide a free PDF guide that explains the basic concepts along with a number of good examples.

3. Tynker

Tynker is a coding learning platform suitable for your kids to start learning programming. Tinker helps your kids to create apps, games, Minecraft mods, control external hardwares and much more. There are coding lessons that children can learn online at their own pace. They need to place blocks of codes in the right places and then run the results to understand what they perform.

4. Toca Lab

Toca Lab introduces science as magic. Children can meet and learn about all the 118 elements of the periodic table in a fun-filled way. There are interesting tools to learn cause and effect relationships and chemical experiments such as heat, wheel, freeze, waves, and blend. There is also the added advantage of safety in using this app.

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5. Hopster

Hopster exploits the educational potential of popular kid’s shows, songs, and games. There are 800 plus TV show episodes (Sesame Street, Bob the builder, Teletubbies, etc.), and 100 plus rhymes and songs that will entertain your kids even while they are offline. All contents are carefully chosen by curriculum experts.

6. Safari Tales

With Safari Tales your children can explore the African wildlife. There are five cute baby animals to play with – a leopard, a lion, an elephant, a rhino, and a crocodile. Animal orchestra, personalized adventure storybook, Berry blaster, Word wheel, etc. are activities included in this wonderful kids educational app.

7. DragonBox Algebra

DragonBox Algebra is a fun and exciting way to learn everything in algebra including solving linear equations. There are two versions; one suitable for children above the age of five and the other for those who are above twelve. DragonBox Algebra 5+ gives your child basic lessons of junior level algebra, while DragonBox Algebra 12+ includes more levels and complicated equations.
Puzzles and games

8. Cursive Writing Wizard

Cursive Writing Wizard would become your child’s best mate to work on handwriting. It covers tracing practice, Montessori based crosswords, and other related activities that would suit to your child’s early literacy education needs in the appropriate way. The app also has a customising option that will allow you to update additional words into the database. Additionally, you will be able to evaluate your child’s writing and understand if there needs to be any corrections or improvements by replaying the tracing.

9. Teach Your Monster To Read

Kids would love to use Teach Your Monster To Read app because learning to read is fun here. For children, this is an app where monsters are taught to read and not themselves. The app starts right from letter sounds and progress towards full sentences.

Australia’s free-to-air (FTA) TV network is going to launch their mobile streaming app next month.

With this app, Freeview FV, you can stream over 15 FTA channels.


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As last year Nine acquired digital streaming rights, you can get NRL games on mobile phones through this app.

A spokesperson said that if the broadcaster have digital rights, then live sport will also be available with this app.

This app is really a good news if you are a TV fan downloading different apps each and every time to catch the missed episodes of “Modern Family” and “My Kitchen Rules”.