A lot of businesses are at the advantage of setting up their own mobile app development team and starting off with application development. But there are several possible stumbling blocks that you may have to face when building your apps in-house. In such cases you might have to consider outsourcing.

Companies that are providing full time development services may also have to consider outsourcing at a certain point of time. For e.g., imagine that you are an app development company focusing primarily on Android and iOS development and one of your existing project needs a Windows phone based app. In situations like these, it is better for you to opt outsourcing, rather than hiring windows app developers.

Here are those key reasons that you should consider outsourcing for:

Lack of experience in the field

Even though you are a very successful business owner and have good experience managing various business processes, or is somehow related to the application development industry, there are high chances that you might fail at your venture, if you step into mobile app development without any prior experience.

Read also: The 14 Crucial Steps of Mobile App Development

All mobile application development companies invest a lot of their time in self evaluation and assessing the risks and favours from the outside environment, that contributed to their successes or failures. They learn from their mistakes and re-draw their plans and strategies based on the experience from each of their individual projects.

You can’t provide enough work force

At times, you can have an overwhelming number of projects in hand and will not be able to allot your resources including your work force to all of them. These cases demand that several of your less important projects should be handed over to other companies in order to maintain the velocity of work.

Improvements to existing projects

Often, you may need to make improvements to your existing projects; be it adding an additional feature on to your app or be it building an improved UI design. You might have allotted all your resources and your employees might be in the middle of a crucial project. It is not advisable for you to assemble a new team for this purpose. If you outsource such works, you could save cost and invest your time and energy in more fruitful and newer projects.

Recommended read: First Steps to Successful Mobile App Development – Define a Purpose and Validate Your Idea

Global economic differences

The average income for a particular job in developing countries will be far below that of any developed country. You will be able to hire an entire team in countries like India and China with the amount of money you hire two or three developers in countries like America or Germany. So, picking an outsource company’s service can earn you benefits in this sense.

Outsourcing for expertise

Your project can be faced with development limitations at times by the inability to acquire the required talent from your local area. For example, you may need to incorporate a new technology into your project, and at the same time that particular technology may not be popular in your area. Or maybe, you might have already tried developing, but failed to reach its completion. Further, several companies might not have all the aspects of mobile app development such as testing, marketing etc.

By outsourcing you are extending your search globally to meet the right candidate for your specific job. Outsourcing will also help you to complete the projects on time and on budget.

 Prioritization of tasks

In order to increase work efficiency and managing time for the major activities of your business, you may sometimes need to do prioritization of various tasks. Several steps like marketing and other management processes could become crucial to your businesse’s success. Under such circumstances, it will be imperative to seek outsourcing.

Narendra Modi’s Government is all set to develop a centralized mobile app, touted as “The mother of all apps”, for the public to avail over 200 multiple services of the Local, State, and Central Governments from a single platform. From applying for passports to filing of income tax, from booking railway tickets to surveying land records, UMANG (Unified Mobile Application for New-age Governance) is the “one app to do it all”, the “one app to find them”.

UMANG is developed by the Union Ministry of Communications and Information Technology’s National E-governance Division (NeGD). The project will be available in 13 different languages.

“Everyone is carrying a Smartphone and using the internet on mobile. So we want to provide services wherever the citizens are,” an NeGD official told the media.

The app is promising and will carry Modi’s Digital India dream to further heights. It is expected to make the long lines in front of various Government offices, a memory. The same services are available via SMS and a toll-free number that people without Smartphones can make use of.

“UMANG platform and mobile app, in addition to the services on-boarded through the platform, shall have functionalities to integrate with mobile applications developed by various government departments separately. This is one of the big challenges,” the official added.

The app will start with about 50 services, and will reach a total of 200 services by its 3rd year of deployment. A detailed proposal document hints to the possibility of including several third party services as well.

A short list of UMANG services are as the following:

1. National Scholarship
2. Women’s Safety (Nirbhaya)
3. Healthcare Applications
4. Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS)
5. Passport Seva
6. Income Tax – ITR, PAN
7. CBSE/State Education Boards
8. E-Municipality
10. Utility Bills

Consoles ruled the gaming world from the beginning, starting with the introduction of Magnavox Odyssey in 1972. Down the line came the most popular Atari, Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox. The first ever handheld game happened to be the Mattel Auto Race in 1976. Later, Nokia came up with Snake in 1997, which got hugely popular with Nokia owners.

Magnavox Odyssey
Magnavox Odyssey

 Entry of handhelds and Smartphones

Handheld consoles, Nintendo DS and PSP hit the market in the year 2004. Later, in 2007, the first iPhone was released by Apple, subsequently opening its iPhone App store as an update to iTunes in 2008. The release of the iPhone into the market made a huge impact on the mobile game development industry. Competitors grew and a large list of successful games like Angry Birds, Temple Run, Candy Crush, Plants & Zombies etc. were made to entertain the mobile game lovers.

The market demand is gradually changing its course in support of more mobile gaming devices. Some of the mobile hardware nearly match the power of gaming consoles that deliver players with quality gaming experience on mobile. A lot of big gaming studios and indies are up to mobile game development these days. Furthermore, what users love the most about mobile devices are its cheap price and easy availability as compared to gaming devices such as Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo. Additionally, factors such as portability and connectivity are also in favour of mobile games.

Answering an important question

There is no doubt that mobile games will hold its popularity and fame in the near future as well. The question now turns out to be, will gaming consoles survive this fierce battle with mobile gaming? There has been a lot of discussion going on around about whether mobile games will replace console gaming or not.

Recently, Nintendo launched Militomo, it’s mobile game app and Sony has come up with ForwardWorks, it’s very own gaming studio. Now we can genuinely suspect whether the big bosses in the console gaming industry fear that the mobile market will push them out!

Has mobile gaming actually surpassed consoles?

While it is true that mobile gaming has grown immensely over the past years and have affected the sales of consoles like Vita and 3DS, one could not hold the view that it had surpassed console gaming all together. The thing that many don’t understand is that, though mobile gaming and console gaming may overlap in several areas, both of them are focusing on two entirely different markets, at least for now.

A user playing a gyroscope-aided game

For e.g., there are many new arrivals in the field of mobile gaming, that can’t be mimicked by a console game such as location based games and gyroscope-aided games. Conversely; gesture detection, motion sensing etc. are still very alien to smartphone gamers. After all, hardcore gamers would always like to play their games on consoles, as the raw power and display size of mobile devices wouldn’t beat consoles in anyway. But casual gamers need their devices to play games on their commutes and short breaks.

Virtual reality in games

The main things that give console games an upper hand over mobile games in the present environment are majorly battery life, storage availability, and the bigger screens. But with VR glasses, cloud storage and other improved alternatives coming into the scene, mobile games are not going to be held back.

Recommended read: 5 Reasons Why Mobile Game Development Companies Fail to Win the Global Market

Current trend

Very recently, the trend has been shifted to multi platform games. This could mean that consoles and mobiles may collaborate with newer technologies like wearables such as Apple watch, Android Wear, and Google Glass and will continue to change how we play games. Imagine yourself starting to play a game such as FIFA 15 on your Smartphone, and continuing to play it on your console and moving on to play it from your PC – that is what cross platform gaming is all about.

What would be the future of consoles?

The future of console games cannot be exactly predicted for now. Strictly speaking, whether the console games will evolve or die is something that time needs to show us. But if the console games do die, that will be because of some revolutionary discovery in the field of mobile game development. Otherwise, the possibilities and capabilities of both console and mobile are very immense. One may overpower the other, or they may augment each other.


If we consider what happened in history, the chances are high that new genres of games and introduction of new technologies may replace existing ecosystems. Or the console games may even undergo extensive facelifts through some serious R&D steps and incorporate new ways to satisfy it’s cutomer preferences. Taking into account the current trends, we can conclude that mobile games wouldn’t replace console games, but each of them will explore two different niches.

” What’s the purpose of your app? ” This should be the first and foremost question that should creep into your mind when you think mobile app development. There should be a solidly defined purpose for every app created. Candy Crush is for entertainment, Skype is for communication, and eBay is for shopping online. Developing an app without a purpose would only be a waste of money and time.

Okay, now that you’ve got a purpose for app creation, you can move on to the next step – Finalizing the app idea.

You may also: Why Complex Designs May Hurt Mobile App Development

There is every reason for you to be excited once you get hold of an apparently plausible list of app ideas. You will be eager to continue with the initial steps of mobile app development by choosing the most promising one among them. But, before jumping heads first into the development process, it is worth validating the concepts you have in hand, in order to know whether they could stand a chance in the competitive market and gain enough ROI.

The mobile app development process is quite expensive. Validation helps to save your money, time, and effort. There is a trend of copying the already successful apps in the market. But you should remember that, something that works for others may not work for you every time.

Proper planning and research is important in app development like in every other business. You should take effort to generate maximum feedback from the public. But that’s not an easy job. How could you generate any feedback for an unfinished app that is still in its conception phase? This topic gives you information about the different ways that you can use to validate your app.

Research Your Market Well

It is very important that you thoroughly check if your app can satisfy an existing demand in the market or create a new one. Google has got its own tools to determine the number of searches made all over the world. Keyword tool, Google trends, etc. will help you to analyze where the public demand heads. It also gives a more focused, niche based search option that allows you to obtain the preferences of people concentrated over a particular geographical area.

Recommended read: How do Mobile Applications Benefit the Education Sector?

The best app idea to choose could be the one that returns a total number of searches and that could come inside of a low competition area. The total searches made should be somewhat consistent round the year.

Study App Stats from App Charts

Use websites such as App Annie that track app market statistics to get an idea about the top apps and download stats of particular genre of apps. Also, do not forget to browse in popular app stores and get a record of the popular apps in them. This will help you to know about the possible competitors and will give you a glance into the existing market gap for different products.

Build Your Own Landing Page

Right when you have finally decided to stick on with an idea, you could start creating a landing page for your app. The landing pages should be simple with easy to grasp information and digestible designs. It should give the viewers a general idea about what your app exactly is, complete with graphics and the main functions.

This is a sure way of generating a much realistic estimation on the possibility of your app’s success. As a general rule, the number of clicks that you get will be directly proportional to the conversion rates. If whatever you get is a bit unsatisfactory, you should consider revising the design, text, color and other features of your app.

Apart from these major three, there are still other ways that could give you a chance to know if your app will hold up well. These includes social media campaigns through twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc., creating promotional videos, blogging and so on.

Right from inception of an idea to making it into what can be vaguely called as a properly functioning app, the whole mobile app development process is not painless and straightforward. Be it windows, android or iPhone app development, the toil and determination that needs to be put is very much demanding.

Many things need to be foreseen, so as to avoid risks that may come up due to negligence or time constraints. Unattended minor difficulties during the initial phases can become your serious concerns during the end phase of development.

The major drawback is that the developers don’t decide how the apps should be designed all by themselves. It is a group decision where client preferences are given prime importance.

An idea that is too complex for code development

The initial task carried out after conceptualizing an application is creating its design. This is usually done in graphics editors such as Photoshop or prototyping platforms such as Marvel. Usually, an impressive design is created for demonstration purposes and then it is agreed upon by both parties viz., the mobile app development company and the client.

Read also:5 Reasons Why Mobile Game Development Companies Fail to Win the Global Market

The real peril surfaces when the design is converted into codes. The model created can pose many problems in getting materialized. For e.g.; the representation can include too much animation that will demand a lot more of the development time and considerable increase in the project budget.

Designers design with a market-oriented approach. It is mainly aimed at convincing the customer, without any consideration towards the coding process. The ways and methods used for creating designs and implementing code for the same design are totally different. What looks easy for designing may not be so for coding.

Distinction between a prototype and an actual app

A prototype of the app is necessary, mainly due to its contribution during the mobile app development process. It serves as a model of what the app should look and function like, as a final product.

Although, creating the prototype model has its own advantages, the snags too are many. The most unfavorable thing is that once the actual product is completed, there is no significance for the prototype of the app, and it should be literally just thrown away. This is serious for a mobile app development company, since the development of the prototype in itself is a time consuming and costly process.

Circumstances come too often, in which coding can’t be done due to the complexity of the designs. Once there is any need for improvement or reconstruction in the design, the time and effort of the designer in building the former prototypes is wasted.

The large gap between using real data and assumed data

The user inputs that are used during the app design and implementation period are always unsophisticated numbers, names and other such data. This prevents from getting a clear idea about the app behavior and responses, when they get into the hands of users once the app is launched.

But the real picture is much more consequential. Most of the behavioral pitfalls will actually be evident only at the time of beta testing or most probably after that. What this means is that, your app needs updating even after releasing it to the public. This can shoot the overall development cost accompanied with considerable loss of time and effort for the same project.

What is desirable?

There are a lot of persons involved in the conception and design phase of app creation – the designers, developers, clients, managers and marketers to name a few. Not everybody has got coding knowledge. Most are not even aware of the app development processes.

So the important step that a mobile app development company should take would be ensuring that everyone does have a basic understanding of the actual process. There should be collaborative effort to analyze the possibilities and impossibilities under the given resources.

With abundant growth opportunities and involvement of multinational corporations, the track for mobile game development is lighted up. Asian countries are listed as toppers when it comes to playing mobile games throughout the globe.

A lot of mobile game development companies worldwide focus on the Asia-pacific market to pluck the fruits of their labor. Unfortunately, every release wouldn’t make it right away. Here, we are discussing about the top factors that hinder a mobile game from going viral in a foreign soil.

1. Failure to Plan Ahead and Do a Market Study

Every business ‘s success is the result of devising its own unique strategic plan and the effort taken towards its proper implementation. Each market will have its own peculiarities. The possibilities in each country can be largely varied. International promotion is a lot of hard work in itself.

You should study each market that you are planning to target individually. The tradition, language, culture, social acceptability, etc. will be different from country to country.

Public preferences may depend on factors like the additional gaming peripherals, existing trend for the type of game, cost of the similar products available in the market and much more. For e.g., in some countries there could be a greater demand for single platform games and in many others the preferences may alter.

So you should thoroughly evaluate the scope for your game’s survival in the new location. Analyze whether you are aiming for an already saturated market. Get an understanding about the budget at hand and decide if simultaneous release to numerous markets is a viable and profitable option.

2. Earlier the Better

Mobile game development cost is an important factor that affects profit. The most adopted formula of maximizing profit is to think of ways to cut down cost. One way is bringing to the table a plan that could accomodate localization from the beginning stage in development. The coding can be done from inception taking steps that will reduce bug fixing and modification later.

Localization is not just about translation of the language content. Everything from costumes to food to culture should be localized as a part of adapting the game to target the customers of a particular region.

3. Teaming Up with the Local Channels

The major part of the success of your game depends on the marketing strategies that you build. The markets on the opposite corners of the world can highly contrast with each other. If you aim for a neighboring country, it might be possible to take some advantages there, as too many similarities in the distribution channels may be found.

Recommended read: Mobile Game Market – Facts

It is easier said than done to study and devise all the necessary strategies that could concord with the unknown market demands in a new place. So, most international companies partners with local residents or companies who know how to play the game well and emerge successful.

4. Pricing Your Game

Once you’ve got your game adapted for localized distribution, the next thing that comes to your mind would be “PROFIT”. The common mistake that game development companies or single developers commit is pricing the game based on their country’s standard.

When the targeted country has a lower currency rate and per capita income, what you price could be way over the top for gamers to afford. The end result would be dissatisfied users and negative ratings. So when you aim the overseas market, your monetizaton model should be a fair one.

5. Testing Challenges

Even though you have got years of experience in testing mobile games, you could just stumble when it comes to testing adapted games. The nature of different languages are different. Sometimes, mere translation of a game to any other language with a long sentence structure can badly affect the UX. So, it is necessary to test the game all over again after localization on different devices.

The games should also be tested for compatibilty with additional accessories that are foreign to you, but popular in the targeted country. But as aforementioned under the heading “earlier the better”, localization is not just about translating the contents. Conformance to content regulations and recognition to cultural differences are important aspects that should be considered for scrutiny.

Ranging from the demand and supply gap to available budget and marketing plan to sheer luck, there are many factors that contribute to the success of a mobile application.

mobile app development

Mobile app development companies should adhere to the industry’s best practices and ensure quality control standards are given necessary importance. This can make the difference between your app’s failure and success.

Here are the top reasons that concludes why mobile app development fails.

1. Absence of Purpose


All apps should have a solidly defined and useful purpose first of all, in order to target its market and be successful. Be it for entertainment or staying connected, apps should address a real-world situation.

Apps like Baby Shaker is a clear waste of money and time which will only earn you defame and rejection.

2. The Complexity of Apps


Don’t design your mobile app like your website. Developing good mobile apps means you go forward with simple tasks, well written functions, minimum navigation and enough white spaces.

Do not try to solve too many problems with a single app. Stick to the priorities and give specific reasons for users to open your app. Simplicity is the key to app success.

3. Study Your Market First

study your market

One of the most common reasons that mobile app development fails are because of poor or lack of any market research and failure to understand the potential audience expectations.

When you set out to popularize your product on an over-saturated market, it is undoubted that you are going to face a lot of challenges and risks on the way.

If what you build and give is just a copy of an already popular app, you are at imminent danger. A good app will provide users with something new; like a great idea, a new perspective or a new solution to an unsolved problem.

There should be something that is interesting for the customers who have landed on your app for the first time to stay on it- something that will compel them to use it over and over again. It is important to build what people want, and not what you want them to use.

4. The Problem of Resource Scarcity

resource scarcity

Apart from the acquisition of budget, there are still many other affairs that mobile app development companies need to look into while developing your app.

The app development costs are huge and can range from $1K to 15K for basic apps. To complicate things up, finding talented workforce is a Himalayan task.

Experienced mobile app developers are too picky about the projects they wish to work with, as the market bears a high demand for their services.

When in-house developers are not available after signing up for a project, they will be forced to settle with less talented or beginner level developers.

5. Security Concerns

Monitoring whether all the security protocols are met is a headache that mobile app development companies face throughout application development. The app should be carefully tested for any security vulnerabilities and issues must be rectified.

hire mobile app developers

There is a high risk for failure, unless apps ensure a safe a secure experience for their customers. 2019 is predicted as a year when more businesses are going to adopt better security practices.

Read also:Top Emerging Trends in Mobile App Development

6. Why Customer Feedback is Valued So Much

customer feedback

It is very important to track the feedback you receive from customers and take immediate action on any grave problem.

Even if you employ the most extensive and rigorous testing procedures, it is only natural for minor bugs and errors to show up during the alpha and beta versions or when the app is finally released to the public.

So the app behavior should be monitored soon after your app is launched.

As per statistics, over 75% of mobile apps are downloaded once and then never used again. If you receive a lot of negative ratings and reviews and are still not keen on taking any corrective measures, it will eventually lead to a very low number of app downloads.

For e.g., if your app is too slow to load or is too hard to use, users will turn away and look for other faster-loading and easy to use app alternatives.

The more frequently you release updates, there are more chances for its success. It is very rare that users will give a second chance for an app. Mostly, they will only keep using it if they have no other options available.

7. Spreading the Word about Your App

spreading the word

You may be relieved after months of hard-work, dedication and testing that you’ve finally transformed your app from a bare idea in your mind into a proper money making business. But that belief is very far from reality.

What your app needs next is the right kind of exposure to keep it well ahead of competitor apps. No, your app is not alone in the market.

8. Ignoring the backend support


You need to have a robust backend support to make your app more stable. Scalability is yet another feature to consider when looking for a robust backend.

In fact, a scalable backend service will adapt according to the traffic influx over a period of time. One of the finest examples of a scalable and strong backend is Twitter.

9. Making apps so complicated for users

angry men

While enhancing the user experience, app creators usually make it a complex affair for the users. If a user cannot locate the right buttons in your app in one attempt, then definitely the app is not serving its purpose.

Nowadays, people around the world are busy. No one have the time to sit back and learn how to use your application.  If you want them to make an effort to do that, then you are certainly investing in an unsuccessful app.

You need to ensure that the design of your mobile app justifies its business value.  In order to make an app compatible with the user, you need to analyse your target audience’s intellectual understanding and their compliance towards changing trends. Design intricacies also cause mobile app development,  fails.

Read Also:Top 10 Reasons For iOS App Rejection From App Store


The most harmful mistake that could be made while marketing is giving your customers the impression that, “we are selling this app to you because we want your money”.

mobile app development

Even though monetary benefit is the sole and ultimate purpose behind most of the app development endeavors, it is not fit for you to openly advertise the idea.

The market is saturated, and marketing is a tough job. You can’t risk all your investment money with poor marketing efforts. The best thing to practice is make avail of every possible and available method for putting your app in the limelight. Before enter into mobile app development, aware of these reasons why they fails.

The mobile industry has metamorphosed from the first DynaTAC prototype model to wearable devices and has become part of Internet of Things (IoT) through the last four decades. It is now an integral part of our lives, on account of its usability and affordability. With the mobile app industry evolving at such a fast pace, it is an absolute requirement for a mobile app development company to keep track of the emerging trends in the industry.

User experience comes first: With large-scale competition and increasing number of smartphone users, it becomes imperative that a mobile app should be embedded with features that promote better user experience for its success. Leading mobile app development companies are continuously striving to provide our customers with unequalled user experience from all our apps.

App security: Implementing app security has called for more focus these days. A lot of sensitive information is handled during each transaction. Hackers continuously try to exploit this data. An app that promises high-end security is always a boon to your business goals.

Cloud driven development: The benefits of using the cloud technology in your mobile app development is that the apps can be accessed on multiple mobile devices with same features and functions from anywhere.

Wearable devices: There is no doubt that wearable technology promises to be the future in electronic fashion wears and tech wears and it is certain to hit the billion dollar industry in a big way. Wearable devices are supposed to be taken up by leading enterprises to improve their productivity and efficiency in 2016.

Internet of Things (IoT): Multiple devices are being used by all of us these days. There is a lot of scope in developing mobile applications that can control various electronic devices that we use in our everyday lives. IoT has already influenced healthcare, marketing and business industries. There are a lot of smart home appliances available in the market already.

In- App advertising and purchasing: The paid app download model of monetization is making way to a more practicable solution, i.e. in-app advertising. In-app advertising and purchasing are today’s feasible source for making revenue.

App analytics: Tracing your app’s performance is really crucial in all sectors, because the data is a major deciding factor for streamlining your apps. This data represents customer engagement and success of your app.

Location based apps: It’s happy times for businesses based on location apps, because they are growing fast. There are more and more apps being developed for businesses such as restaurants, real estate, home dĂ©cors, sales of used products etc.

Recommended read: Why is Apple’s Swift the Future of Mobile App Development?

Location based Wi-Fi services: As data plans are becoming costlier, the prime focus for networking locally is now on Wi-Fi services. Apple has already lead the way by introducing their customers to Beacon technology. Android will follow Apple in the coming years. The advantage is that the businesses could know where there customers are concentrated and provide them with more specific content.

Mobile gaming: Beginning from 2014, the mobile game industry has been gradually shifting from developing single player games to multiplayer games. Another trend developing within mobile gaming is social media integration and cloud driven games.

Enterprise apps are growing: It is predicted that all major enterprises will be developing own apps in 2016, to boost their efficiency and performance. The demands for enterprise apps are currently huge.

Emergence of hybrid apps: Hybrid apps have successfully completed the experimental phase and are now widely being adopted. It combines both the elements of native and web apps. There will be contents that are accessible only locally as well as that are shared online.

M-commerce and Mobile payments: M-commerce and mobile payments are taken up by many users as this has given them the advantage of shopping at their convenience. Consumers can browse, and pay for their goods, all from their mobile without the need of a credit/debit card.

A mobile app development company should be keen in incorporating these trends in their development process, in order to be successful.

Google announced a major update on its search app, now it can give answer for more difficult queries.

The app will provide real answers for question instead of just providing web searches in numerous areas.

Ask Google “Who was Dakota Johnson’s mom in the movie?” and you’ll receive a response of Melanie Griffith, Johnson’s real-life mother, rather than Jennifer Ehle, who played the role of the mom in the movie “50 Shades of Grey.” That one’s still tricky for Google because you didn’t specify the name of the film in your question.

“We’re still growing and learning, which means we make mistakes,” Satyajeet Salgar, Product Manager said.

“The Google app is starting to truly understand the meaning of what you’re asking. We can now break down a query to understand the semantics of each piece so we can get at the intent behind the entire question”, Salgar said.

“That lets us traverse the Knowledge Graph much more reliably to find the right facts and compose a useful answer. And we can build on this base to answer harder questions”, he added.

It also has the ability to answer complex combinations where one or more answers are required.

Facebook allows Google’s mobile search on Android to “crawl and index its app” to reflect public posts from Facebook.

Wall Street Journal, which first reported the strategic partnership, quoted a spokesperson for Alphabet (Google’s new parent holding company) as confirming the announcement. The report adds that the listings will appear as ‘deep links’.

With this new initiative, photos and posts that are public also will reflect in Google’s mobile search.

Recently Google signed with Twitter to reflect tweets directly in its mobile and app search to boost engagement.

It ensures that real-time results are reflected in mobile search.

Facebook also uses its own Graph Search internally and for anything that Graph Search can’t cover, it makes use of Microsoft’s Bing Search engine, which has been making some impressive strides.

The mobile search results will reflect only in Android Smartphones, stated on a report on The Verge.