‘Internet of Things’ is a network of devices that are connected to the internet. It is used to search any info, upload images and connect with people. Since these products are connected to the Internet, they have their own IP addresses and can connect with each other in order to automate tasks. IoT is basically the interaction between humans and machines that can unlock possibilities.

Key features of IoT

1) Can enable the services across several fundamental sectors in the economy
2) The needs of the customers are met through global distribution models and continuous global services.
3) It provides an opportunity to new commercial sectors to support mass global deployment
4) Value-added services will become the main factor to income and mobile operators are bringing in new capabilities to make this happen.
5) Mobile apps are leverging the IoT.

Building Blocks of IoT

The multiple building blocks of IoT are connected to operate and communicate:

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1. Application and User Interaction

This generally involves the collaboration between people, applications and business processes.

2. Cloud Server

Cloud computing is the only platform that can support massive and unpredictable data. Cloud server supports IoT by providing network, storage and power. The massive data generated by IoT can be analysed within the cloud with proper data solutions.

3. Sensors

Sensors are devices that detect a wide variety of information and generate output as data to send via wireless technology. The IoT sensors are called as node that collects information and sends it through communication protocols like Bluetooth, Zig Bee, Z-wave, Wi-Fi and also, by wired communication.

4. IoT Gateway

IoT Gateway acts as a bridge between Internet and objects. They also provide the secure channel required for the transmission of data and usually run Real-Time Operation Systems (RTOS).

5. Connectivity(Network)

Internet connectivity is used with the connected device or with the connected hub, base station or the smart phone.

6. Energy-Efficiency

Many devices in IoT might be difficult, dangerous and costly in terms of charging or replacement of the battery. Therefore, they are operated for a year or are able to wake up only periodically to relay data.

7. Security

Data security is a critical component in case of IoT since it deals with many confidential and case sensitive data.

The way consumers live, work, and play is changing and is reshaped each day with the connected devices. Use of intelligence and connectivity to everything we use can produce enormous amounts of data that companies can use for:

•  Improving their operations
•  Creating new ways of doing business
•  Better ways to serve their customers

The growth of IoT is becoming a reality faster than we can imagine. Retailers who hesitate to use them are opening ways for promoting other competitors to swoop in and capture the market.

The IoT movement provides the retailers opportunities in different critical phases like:

•  Customer Experience
•  Optimising Supply Chain
•  New channels and revenue stream

Customer Experience

IoT provides an opportunity for retailers to develop a vastly improved ecosystem in the industry. It connects with the digital world allowing real-time interaction with consumers both inside and outside the retail store.

The increasing demand of smart phone will be a platform for these interactions. This is either done through location-based beacon technology, which retailers use to interact with customers directly as soon as they enter the store. Apple’s iBeacon technology is already used by brands like Lord & Taylor, Hudson Bay, mobile marketing platform called Swirl etc. to deliver promotions to their customers.

By the interaction acquired through IoT, retailers can leverage the data to improve the customer experience. The brand named Hugo Boss has already started using heat sensors in their clothing store to track the movement of the customers. This will help them to arrange products in the right way according to the high-traffic areas.

Optimising Supply Chain: In more complex supply chains and increasing digital channels, the connected devices and products provide the retailers the opportunity to optimise certain operations. For example, RFID (Radio-frequency identification) Technologies can improve the precision of inventory tracking by using the electro-magnetic fields to identify and track objects.

Integrating IoT can also reduce costs and help in improving store operations. Lighting and temperature control within the store can be maintained using sensors to provide customer support and more cost effective energy use. Using sensors, many of the functions that employees currently perform manually, such as tracking inventory, changing prices tags items can increase the store experience.

 Creating News Channels and Revenue Streams

The news system of IoT provides new opportunities to the retailers to create new revenue systems. Products such as household appliances, comfort products, home security, health and wellness etc. are becoming a main part of the IoT system.

Lowe’s, a store for home décor and appliances have launched a new platform called the Iris platform that can communicate with different devices like Z-Wave etc. This was designed with an open interface where the manufacturers could integrate their products. Home Depot’s Wink and Staples’ Connect are other platform examples that use the IoT management system.

How to make IoT a Reality in the Retail Industry?

At the beginning, you may find it difficult to move on with the Internet of Things strategy. It might be hard to accommodate a new device into the existing complex IT infrastructures. In order to lay foundation of IoT support, you need to mainly concentrate on two areas:

1. Technology
2. Organization


Technical capabilities are critical for IoT functions. To get the maximum out of the IoT devices, IT firms will have to develop existing investments in key areas such as analytic infrastructures, customer-facing problems etc.


1) Development and debugging tools
2) App factories
3) API management strategies to provide the business with API and visibility capabilities
4) Embedded operating system


A well-organized company with the right culture, talent, governance and organizational structure is one of the most important ways to drive IoT strategy. IT and technology should work together to leverage the technical aspect of IoT.

Key organisational elements

 Clear understanding of the business strategy
•  Approach that promotes impact and potential benefits of IoT
•  IoT enabled solutions should be designed and implemented with business needs in mind
•  Repeated testing

 Technological Challenges for IoT

•  Device Management
•  Device diversity and interoperability
•  Integration of data from multiple sources
•  Data volume and performance
•  Flexibility and evolution of applications
•  Data Piracy

Examples of IoT In Retail Industry

IoT provides retailers with a whole lot of new experiences; but, the fundamental objective remains the same as that of the traditional retailing industry. Wearable’s form a part of the Internet of Things using bluetooth, devices like Smart watches or other devices that connect to iPhone/Android uses internet apple watch, glasses etc. which can be connected to the smart phones and any sort of data can be transferred between the devices.

Some of the examples where IoT was used include:

1) Rebecca Minkoff used smart mirrors in dressing rooms

To bring out the actual concept of a connected store, Rebecca has introduced smart mirrors in her in-store dressing rooms. The items in her store contain RFID tags which help in the recognition of an item. The product details can be pulled up to the smart mirror which shows the different style of the item with the available size and colours.

2) ‘Target’ has now introduced beacons for shoppers

Across around 50 stores target has introduced the usage of beacons to make hyper-local content accessible to shoppers via ‘Target Run’. The customers who have downloaded the target app can connect it to the bluetooth and receive notifications of products as push-notification.

3) Amazon launched dash button for Dash Replenishment Service

The dash replenishment service uses sensors built into devices like washing machines, pet feeders etc. to automatically reorder placement products. Through the new service, Amazon aims at making commerce so seamless for their customers.

4) Ralph Lauren’s PoloTech Shirt tracks Heart Rate and Calories Burned

Ralph Lauren has introduced Polo-tech t-shirt, a smart workout shirt that monitors the vital activity stat of the wearer in real-time. The black-box filled with sensors that are snapped into a place near the rib cage will allow syncing the data to the iOS app. This will allow the customers to track the biometrics and also to calculate the data of their daily workouts.

 IoT challenges for retailers and the future journey

In 2016, according to IDC, the amount spent on IoT was at $737 billion and the forecasted rate that it would reach is about $1.29 trillion in the coming years. Currently, IoT is seen on enterprises with transportation, manufacturing and utilities.

The most difficult thing a company has to manage is how to overcome, analyse and act relevantly on the data connectivity with different devices. Simply collecting the data is not just enough but, the retailer has to transform it into useful information.

At this starting stage, the main thing retailers need to realise is that IoT is not just about sensors and connectivity, but is the output got from a business by creating new experiences. The true transformation occurs when you start exploring through the network of IoT strategy with your network of customers, suppliers, assets and extended ecosystem.

CNN has officially launched the news network CNNVR with Journalism unit and Virtual reality platform. CNN has made this big push by adding 360 videos to its Android, iOS apps and website.

CNN Officially Launches CNNVR–A New Immersive Journalism Unit and Virtual Reality Platform

Over the past few months, CNN has been experimenting with 360 videos by primarily publishing video as on Facebook 360. According to Farkas, the CNN’s 360 videos have reached more than one million views.

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The CNN network has been training correspondents from different countries like New York, Atlanta, London, Hong Kong, San Francisco, Dubai, Johannesburg, Tokyo, and Beijing to produce its reports.

CNN has published a new 360 video story about the running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain on Tuesday. In the upcoming days, the network is going to take its viewers into an operating room to see the separation of conjoined twins, as well as onto a glacier.

“We are trying to give you access to places that are incredibly rare,”Farkas said.

CNN recently also launched a VR app on Google’s Daydream headset. The CNNVR unit also has plans to experiment with augmented reality and also to increase stream events live in 360.

The field of Virtual Reality is going through many exciting innovations and changes. Although it is yet to be a household technology, it has already made inroads into the mainstream and commercial. That it is indeed the next wave that will influence our daily lives is vouched by the fact that Facebook bought Oculus VR in a US$2 billion deal. Virtual Reality apps is also changing how businesses operate and following are the ways it is poised to influence small businesses:

VR will change the way brands interact with customers

Virtual reality is exciting to customers because it engages more of their senses, captures their mind and triggers emotions that can never be aroused by inanimate 2D visuals. In short ,it is the dream tool of any marketer.

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Brands like Marriott and JC Penny have already given their guests and customers the thrill of a virtual tour of far off destinations. The important point to be noted here is that not all of these VR campaigns were driven by sales as the end. Rather, these businesses saw VR as an opportunity to engage with the customers and change the way their customers look and them. They wanted to send a message to their customers that says. “we work with cutting edge technologies to give you a unique experience”

There is a lot of scope for small businesses and entrepreneurs to connect with customers in innovative ways with VR. Imagine a food startup which shares preparation of your meal in a virtual reality. Isn’t it an appetizing and connected way to order a meal?

Cost Savings due to Virtual Reality Apps

Although Internet has negated geographical boundaries as a serious barrier for businesses, virtual reality apps will do their bit in getting us tangibly closer. Virtual reality can save a lot of time and money in travelling to places. It is already being used in realty and tourism sector. Being able to look for a new office space without stepping out of your office can save a lot of time and effort.

As technology advances, entrepreneurs can interact with all the stakeholders like vendors, investors and customers in a more personal way and saving cost all the while. Recruiting activity will benefit greatly as virtual reality will allow reading body cues and expressions of candidates from across the globe.

Quicker Product Development for Start Ups

A lot of cost can be saved in product development and testing, thanks to virtual reality. There is no need to build a costly prototype of your product for testing. Just introduce your customers to one in a virtual reality and make quick changes (or even real time in some cases!). Check out research work done by consumer Research Company Haystack using VR tools with their target audience.

Lesser cost in Brick and Mortar

Virtual reality will also mean that most of the businesses can display their products and services in a virtual world. This will drastically cut down on the need to have a retail space and maintain inventory costs associated with the brick and mortar model.

Advantage to New Age Start ups

Companies that are starting up with VR in their DNA will have great advantages over a bigger competitor who does not have VR integrated into their business because they did not see it coming, a couple of years ago. For example: imagine an shopping apps that does not have a virtual reality experience versus a newer one that is giving their customers an option to see how a dress fits and looks on them. The costs of starting everything from the scratch for the older app are big and so are the first mover’s advantage to a newer app offering virtual reality experience.

The researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago has developed a new mobile app called the “Dementia Guide Expert” for patients suffering from dementia, their families and caregivers.

The app is considered to improve the quality of life, disease awareness and well-being of nearly 48 million people globally.

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The app which is now available on Android Google Play and iTunes was developed by Valerie Gruss, Memoona Hasnain and Mike Koronkowski. The app not only provides knowledge about dementia but also helps to find appropriate providers, community support and resources.

New Mobile App Developed to Help Dementia Patients and their Families

Dementia, is the progressive loss of memory, thinking and reasoning which can interfere the daily life and result in behavioural changes. Even though there is no complete cure for this disease, early diagnosis can provide improved outcomes.

The new app provides expert tips and information about the disease, types, factors, risks, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, communication techniques and links to practical resources and support services.

The app which is already downloaded in five countries is now available in English and will be soon translated into other languages.

Paytm has launched ‘Paytm Mall‘ a separate standalone e-commerce platform, a destination for online shopping.

Paytm Mall is your all new Premier Online Shopping Destination. Download the Android App here:

— Paytm Mall (@PaytmMall) February 27, 2017

For a significant time, the company has been running the wallet and the e-commerce division under the same app but the announcement of Paytm Mall has brought a split, where wallets become a part of Payments bank.

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‘HeartMapp’, A Mobile App to Help Older Adults with Congestive Heart Failure

The Paytm Mall app was launched on Monday and includes a wide range of products such as electronics, furnishings, fashion etc. The new app includes cash-back offers which are filled into the Paytm wallet of the user.

The new app seems to simplify the shopping experience for its customers, with shopping and wallet maintained separately while other features remain the same. Paytm was also updated recently which promises faster responses and add on features such as paying loan installments, and simplifying utility bill payments.

The Paytm Mall is now available on Android and the web. It contains over 68 million products spread over 1000 cities and towns across the country.

Health Professionals and Engineers at the USF College of Engineering and USF College of Nursing has created a new app called HeartMapp for patients with congestive heart failure(CHF).

This is a non-invasive mobile app that help patients in self-care and also reduce the cost of re-admissions in hospitals.

'HeartMapp', A Mobile App to Help Older Adults with Congestive Heart Failure

The Android-based application consists of six modules allowing the patients to check their daily heart conditions, perform walking and breathing exercises, monitor vital signs, follow up proper medications, get information on heart health and even review statistics in a graph.

The app also acts as a reminder for the patients every morning to check their weight, blood pressure and even answer their questions about the disease symptoms.

'HeartMapp', A Mobile App to Help Older Adults with Congestive Heart Failure

'HeartMapp', A Mobile App to Help Older Adults with Congestive Heart Failure

Dr. Athilingam and Dr. Labrador are currently working on the testing of the app with nine patients from the USF Health Cardiology clinic and also keeps updating the app with new features based on the feedback from patients.

Mobile games have become hugely popular with the increasing adoption of smart phones. Advanced pocket computers and other consoles have enhanced the customer experience in the last few years thereby supporting and drastically changing the gaming industry landscape.

According to the reports from Global Market Insights, the mobile gaming industry is estimated to grow double from 2017 to 2024. The competition in mobile game development are as fierce as ever and developers are frequently on the lookout for new technologies that can give their mobile game a competitive edge.

In this blog, we can take a look at what technology trends we can expect in mobile gaming apps this year.

1) The future of Mobile Gaming: Virtual Reality


Major Gaming Industry Developments [2017]| Mobile Game Development

Virtual Reality(VR) Gaming is a three-dimensional environment in which we can interact using an electronic equipment. In VR gaming, the gamer dons a specialized equipment that allows them to enter a three-dimensional world. The equipment can include devices such as a VR headset, helmet, mask, gloves where they interact with the fantasy gaming world.

VR gaming was considered as a thing of the distant future until the release of virtual reality headsets. VR headsets provide gamers with an impressive and realistic gaming experience. Star Citizen, Eagle Flight, Arizona Sunshine, Elite Dangerous etc. are some of the most popular VR mobile games.

Here are three key reasons why mobile VR will be the future of gaming:

•  Simplicity – It’s a simple, easy to operate technology
•  Portability – Once VR goes mobile, you wouldn’t have to carry around bulky VR equipment. There would be only a headset and your mobile
•  Affordability – As most people already own smart phones, they just need to buy a VR headset to go with it.

2016 has been a breakthrough year for VR gaming. With a spectacular range of software and hardware all set to be available, virtual reality fanatics are going to become even more impressed.

Beyond gaming, VR technology can be used in other forms of Entertainment, Healthcare, Space technology, Museums, Online Shopping, Automotive manufacturing and Education.


2) Augmented Reality(AR)


Major Gaming Industry Developments [2017]| Mobile Game Development

Augmented Reality gaming uses an existing environment and creates a playing field within it. AR games are mostly played on devices like smart phones, tablets, and other portable gaming systems.

More advanced AR gaming apps may actually build an environment from the user surroundings. Environment creation is an important task in gaming as the user would require a new environment after completing each level. It helps to expand the playing field, create a diverse range of real-world environment to keep the games interesting.

Video game companies are quickly adopting this technology to create games that are life like and offer the most amazing experiences. Devices like PlayStation and Wii offer augmented reality games, where players use physical actions to control the movements and actions.

Pokemon GO is considered to be the breakthrough for AR gaming which uses a camera, gyroscope, clock and GPS enable a location-based augmented reality environment.

The best Augmented Reality Games available in Android/iOS are Temple Treasure Hunt Game, Real Strike, ARBasketball, Paintball Arena, SpecTrek, Toyota 86AR, AR Invaders, Droid shooting etc.


3) Ionic Framework App Development


Major Gaming Industry Developments [2017]| Mobile Game Development

Undoubtedly, the vast growth in technology has landed us into an era that is rapidly changing, adopting and inventing new, better ways to do things. Ionic framework created in the year 2013, Drifty Co. makes it easier to develop native mobile apps with HTML5, CSS, Sass is also known as the Hybrid apps.

Ionic which is a completely open source SDK for HTML5 app development frameworks is targeted at building hybrid mobile apps which are basically small websites running in a browser shell in an app that has access to the native platform.

In 2017, a majority of the developers may use this in games. Its optimum specifications allow it to work on the latest devices in the market. The framework which works on both iOS and Android platforms allows the developers to create complex gaming apps much easier.

Benefits of Ionic Framework in Mobile App Development

Platform independent Framework: It has the ability to recognize the platform specific optimized CSS equivalent to the native look and feel on various mobile Operating Systems.

Default User interface: This has many default CSS and JS components that cover most of the essential/basic things which you use to create a mobile application.

Feasible Cross Mobile App Development: Developing an application only once is advantageous as it would be compatible with all the mobile devices.

Built on Angular JS: The Ionic framework is built on top of the Angular JS framework. Ionic expands Angular at a basic level with a lot of stuff to make creative applications.

An Ionic framework is the dominant HTML5 mobile advancement system at present and it is growing very fast. While developing a mobile application, this is highly recommended since it might be a good choice based on your business and technical needs.

4) Location-Based Services

LBS delivers information about the geographic location of the mobile devices. This includes mobile phones, mobile interactive browsers etc. LBS deliver end-user applications based on location services.

This new technology is having a great impact on how business is being done. Knowing the physical position of the user at any time can be a huge potential for mobile game development service providers.

LBS can be involved in the following aspects like:

• People Tracking and Finder
• Driving Directions
• Information Directory Services
• Advertising
• Location Based Billing
• In games where location is a part of the game play (For example Your movement on daytime makes your avatar move in the game or your position can unlock contents)

Today nearly all mobile devices have GPS thus making it easy for the game developers to incorporate location-based services into the games they develop.

5) Hybrid App Development

A hybrid app consists of an HTML5 web app, written using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. This is then transformed into native iOS, Android or other mobile platform using PhoneGap. These apps can be easily moved across multiple platforms and are cheaper and much faster to build an app.

This helps in increasing the productivity while incurring minimal costs. Hybrid Application development consists of two parts:

•  Hybrid Mixed Application Development
•  Hybrid Web Application Developments

The need for gaming has elevated to such an extent that game developers are trying out so much to put out their best. Opting for a hybrid application is a lucrative business model, while it meets the expectations of all the customers. Hybrid App Development includes benefits such as:

1) Time-Saving: A hybrid app negates the need to create a new operating system for every app each time. At this point, they wouldn’t need to spend extra time to develop platform-specific versions for each of their apps. It can help developers to design apps that can rank high in usability and efficiency.

2) Web plus native access to features: In hybrid apps, users have access to more features like web content and access to native capabilities within the app.

3) Easy Updates: Hybrid apps save the user from tedious clicks and efforts. For updates, users no longer have to revisit the AppStore and make several clicks.

4) Offline Access: They can be used even when the devices are offline and helps users cut their expenses, indulge more in the of such apps and in turn, benefit the business.

However, game developers will have to ensure that the hybrid app utilizes the different capabilities of each platform to an optimal level so as to save costs as well as to satisfy the customer needs.

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6) Android Instant Apps

Android Instant apps allow usage of apps without downloading them from a link from the Play Store. This new concept saves the users from the annoyance of first downloading the app and then determining its usability. Here, users have the flexibility to install only those apps that fulfil their expectations and needs.

By the introduction of this method by Google, it has paved the way for mobile game development and mobile game app developers. Users will be able to run games on their smart phones without downloading them. This feature makes it easy to play games on the go.

Mobile users do not need to install the full app if the preview of an instant app fulfills their purpose. Fast loading and easy accessibility are the main attractions of instant apps.

Another main feature of Instant Android Apps is that they support NFC for ease of usability.

7) Cloud Based Technology

Cloud computing is a network, where a large number of systems are connected with private or public sources, to provide dynamically scalable infrastructure for data and file storage. With the advent of this feature, the cost of application hosting, computing, content storage and delivery has been reduced significantly.

Cloud Computing offers new opportunities in the gaming industry. With the support of cloud technology, other industries such as music, television, etc. offer extensive content to users in PCs and smart phones.

Features offered by Cloud Technology

Security: Can prevent interruptions such as hacking. The information is stored within a storage space and makes the platform safer than the other traditional applications.

Compatible with Any Type of Devices: High-end games can even be played on lower end machines. Cloud technology can diminish the limitations caused by memory requirements, graphic capacity, and processing power.

Reduced Costs: The cloud systems follow a ‘pay as you go’ strategy in which gaming companies need to pay only for the resources that they have used.

Easy Access to Games: Easy to implement and can access games from any device from any location without downloading the game.

Safe from Piracy: The gamers play games on cloud servers with an access on their personal computers, so cloud diminishes the chances of unauthorized manipulation, interruptions and maintains the novelty of the game.

More devices are available: Cloud computing supports the usage of multiple devices such as smart phones, laptops etc. Players can enjoy the game from anywhere in the world without carrying the console.

8) Cloud Demand Services are on the Rise

Refers to games which are not stored on your computer or device but kept on a server. Using the client-side software you can connect to the server and retrieve the game when needed. Benefits for this are that you don’t need to update the software every time when a new update comes.

Some of the top Cloud Services for the Gamers are:

• G-cluster
• Play-station Now
• GameFly
• GameNow
• StreamMyGame

GamingAnywhere is another open source cloud gaming platform which currently supports Windows and Linux and can be ported to OS X and Android. Gamers may customize GamingAnywhere to meet their needs. And this advantage is not possible in other game clouding platforms.

According to Cisco research, globally cloud apps will drive 90% of total mobile data traffic by 2019 and Mobile cloud traffic will be 11-fold with Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 60%.

9) More Focus on Security of the Gaming Apps

Protecting your gaming brand, assets, stories and characters have tended to be more important these days. Mobile games and other apps are seeing an increasing number of hacking attacks, where they clone popular games and then collect the revenue from the cracked copies of the original.

Securing a mobile game can be a complex task since the threats vary depending on different factors- Platforms, the architecture of the game, type of the game and much more. Using third party app stores can end up hosting pirated versions of the original app. This can deny the revenue to the actual game developer and most of such pirated game versions contain malware.

Things to be done to keep acquiring security in apps:

a) Use intrusion detection and obfuscation techniques

b) Prevent piracy by adding a line of defense in server layer, network layer, a memory layer, and disc layer of the game.

c) Get an external audit done by a specialist.

In 2014, Flappy Bird was a Top Free Game in iOS App Store. The developers made an income of around $50,000 a day from in-app advertisements and sales. Within a month, there were 60 different clones of the game being added, every single day to the store.

In a rush to get apps in the market, developers fail to keep security as a key part and finally can get a loss about 50% or more of their potential revenue because of hacking or other security failures.

The two other development to keep an eye on in 2017 is MagicLeap, the US “mixed reality” start-up which has been funded to a high level and is considered to be a game-changer. The second development involves Microsoft is trying to make VR headsets standard for Windows 10 running PCs. It will enable firms to manufacture VR headsets with confidence.

Mobile Gaming development is actually at an interesting point. It can reach more customers than any other gaming  apps platforms. Nintendo, Pokemon Go, and Super Mario Run proved to have something new and interesting to offer to the gaming apps space in 2016. Two Major hardware launches-Nintendo’s Switch and Microsoft’s Scorpio might also happen this year.

At the end of the day, though, providing a premium and smoother experience is the key to the success of all mobile game development in the coming years. Design skills and understanding the customers should be the priority concern for mobile app developers.

In step with government’s Digital India campaign, the government is planning to introduce an app for applying Permanent Account Number(PAN) and pay taxes using smart phones.

The department is also working on another project on issuing PAN card within minutes by e-KYC authentication using Aadhaar. The new initiative will help bring more people under the tax net by easily getting PAN cards.

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New App to be Introduced to Pay Income Tax and Apply for PAN
By using the Aadhaar-based e-KYC facility individuals in need of applying for PAN can verify details such as date of birth or address by bio-metric identification using thumb impressions.

Till date, almost 111 crore Aadhaar numbers has been issued which can be used as an Id for opening bank accounts, getting a new sim, transfer of subsidies and for bio-metric based digital payments under Aadhaar Enabled Payment System.

PAN has been made mandatory now for withdrawing cash and cash of above Rs. 2 lakh. The tax department has newly designed PAN cards with added security features to make them tamper-proof, which is written in both Hindi and English.

Daksh Agrawal, a 13-year old student of St. Paul’s School launched his second android application ‘Share Books‘ aimed to help the poor students in getting books free of cost.

The eighth grader from Udaipur has already launched his first android application which is used in over 180 countries. And within 2.5 months of his first app launch, he has come out with the next, which was launched by the collector, Rohit Gupta on January.

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Daksh told The Times Of India,

” The idea struck to me suddenly when I noticed pile of books in my home which was not useful to us. Instead of giving it away to ‘raddiwalas’, I thought of developing an application through which any needy person could get to know of their availability at zero cost”

ShareBooks app is available on Google PlayStore and can be downloaded for free of cost. Anyone can upload the details of books that they do not need and thus those who are in need of them can find it in the app.

Daksh showed a keen interest in decoding languages and had spent a lot of time surfing the internet and gadgets. Gradually he developed his first android app ‘MyShare‘ in November 2016 which is a tool to keep a record of common expenses during group trips.

In appreciation for his talent, Daksh Agrawal was felicitated at the district level on the republic day function.

Lego has just launched a new social network called ‘LegoLife’ for children under 13 to design and share their creations.

The company behind the iconic bricks has launched this to let kids connect with a community of their peers. It allows children to look at what others have created and also share what they’ve built.

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The network has features same as in Instagram, including a news feed, profiles, sharing pictures etc. But it has certain restrictions like the ban on real-life photos and free-form commenting.

Sign-up to the network should be approved by parents through email verification. Silly-three name mixes like ‘ElderPowerfulBelt’ or ‘ChairmanWilyDolphin’ are generated for kids as their username.

The created images are well examined by Lego to confirm that it is Lego-related and not human related. Also, kids can follow their favorite topics, groups including superhero’s related to Lego characters.

Mini Lego avatars can also be created which move as you create them and also has plenty of accessories. The app is made for iOS, tablets and Amazon Kindle Fire versions available in the UK, US, France, and Germany.