Level Ex, a technology company launched a mobile app which enables doctors to practice virtual surgery via mobile.

To make this app a reality, the company has united award-winning game developers along with professional surgeons working in top level academic hospitals. With this app, doctors can practice surgery in a more realistic way.

“Despite growing up in a family of physicians, I chose a career in video games. But when I saw the simulation technology currently employed for surgical training, it became abundantly clear that the video game industry is at least a decade ahead of medical simulation when it comes to technology, distribution, and business models,” said Glassenberg, in a statement.

With this physicians can earn training credits by practicing rare and complicated cases.

Their first mobile app, Airway EX can difficult airway cases. This app is made basically for anesthesiologists, critical care specialists, otolaryngologists, pulmonologists and emergency medicine physicians.

In the coming year, Level Ex will start rolling out in various areas such as cardiology, gastroenterology and orthopedic surgery.

Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) will soon launch a mobile app to withdraw pension amount.

This app can make the EPF withdrawal and transfer an easy process. And also you can avail most of the EPF services with your smart phones.

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Mobile App to Serve like “Eyes and Ears” During Emergencies

“We are developing an app for pensioners and hope to roll it out by early next year,” V P Joy, central provident fund commissioner, told TOI.

It can cut the time taken and enormous quantity of paperwork to process the application.

This app might be available in the next two months.

Apple has officially announced Swift playground for iPads.

Swift Playground is an app that teaches kids to code. When you open this app for the first time, you can see a number of basic coding lessons and challenges.

Apple is making use of a special keyboard having number of shortcuts and many features that help kids to enter the code easily on the iPad.

This app is not for experienced programmers. It is for kids who want to learn the basics of coding.

The developer preview of Swift Playgrounds has been launched today, and the final version will ship with iOS 10 in the fall.

The app will be available for free.

Educational apps can be used to develop a variety of skills in the students. There are educational apps that help in boosting student creativity. Here are the top 14 apps in this category.

1. Educreations

Educreations is an interactive whiteboard, where the iPad will record what you scribble on it. This app allows to create short video tutorials. It includes features like adding animation and text, video editing, online storage etc.

2. Popplet

Popplet is a simple app to show your ideas visually. It is a very quick tool, which will help you in generating ideas, sorting them visually, and finding relationships between them to create new ideas. This app is widely used by professionals as well.

3. Ideament

This app helps you to instantly draw diagrams such as a flow chart and change them in text outlines and vice versa. Ideament helps you to illustrate concepts, plan presentations, share ideas etc. with ease.

4. Draw Free for iPad

Draw free app helps you to paint stunning pictures without being an artist. It’s simple interface is equally useful for professional as well as amateur painters. This app allows you to use any tool – pencil, brush, crayon, or bucket – to complete your artwork.

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5. Animation Creator HD

With Animation Creator you can be a director super easy. This app helps you to bring your ideas into life like animations with powerful drawing tools, brilliant color options, and simple frame management.

6. I Tell A Story

I Tell A Storyeducational app can be used for story narration and recording. You can edit and save the narrated stories in the files. There are also a collection of funny sounds like the bark of a dog and cricket sounds to make the story more interesting.

7. Storybuddy

Storybuddy is an app that can create story books, page by page, complete with paintings, photos, and texts. You can then share it with family and friends. The app comes with the option for multi-touch.

8. Explain Everything

Explain Everythingapp is an interactive whiteboard like Educreations, but more advanced and slightly different in its use and functions. It is extremely helpful in creating videos and classroom projects. It comes with real time collaboration and great drawing features.

9. ShowMe

ShowMe is a tool to add voice-records to whiteboard tutorials. It is very simple to use and comes with features such as pause and erase.

10. Strip Designer

Strip Designer, take photos and make it into your own personalized comic strip with the help of this app. There are a lot of comic page templates and balloon shapes to choose from. Add effects with a collection of comic symbols like “Boommm” “Powww” etc.

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11. Puppet Pals HD

Puppet Pals HD allows you to create animated shows in real time. You can create your actor from a photo or choose from the available characters in your app. You can also set the photo as a backdrop for your story. Zoom, rotate, flip, audio record etc. are some of the main features of this app.

12. Skitch

Skitch comes to your aid when you suddenly see something inspiring that sparks you with a new idea. You can take a photo, mark it up using stamps, shapes, texts etc. and instantly share it via social networks, email, or SMS.

13. PicCollage

PicCollage is an easy to use collage maker that lets you create grid collages within seconds. You can add stickers, backgrounds, texts, borders, cutouts and GIF images.

14. Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck is a presentation and slideshow app. The final presentation can be exported to PowerPoint & Keynote.

Redbytes Software pvt. ltd. is proud to announce that our sister alliance has has released a revolutionary MOBILE FIRST approached based Online Food Ordering System, eDeliveryApp. This system is built as a complete turnkey solution for restaurant business owner and multi-restaurant food delivery businesses. eDeliveryApp builds amazing restaurant menu for both mobile and desktop. It can also be used out of box for businesses that do local delivery like grocery, bakery, cake-shops, flower shops etc. The system is recommended for food delivery start-ups aggregators and restaurant owners who are looking to setup a complete system which is cost effective but is wholesome and top quality and can be extended to !ap with their specific business requirement.

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The system consists of Website, Android App, iOSApp and admin panel. There are multiple modules to extend the systems functionality like Facebook app, location based search for multi-restaurant aggregators, preordering, pizza builder and combinations, delivery driver assignment, custom restaurant menu builder etc.

The system is built on modular architecture to provide core value to our buyers. The primary system has all the main online ordering system and delivery features, all the additional features are built as modules. This way our buyers do not have to pay for additional features they do not need and pay only for the features they need.

The main features of the system are –

Website FrontEnd

Flexible Design – we have main theme that can be customized in multiple ways. We also provide custom designs – you can provide psd or show us a website or template/theme that you want your system similar to.

Menu – you can add multiple categories and child/sub categories. Display dishes in traditional menu format or grid/list view. Add details of the dish like nutrition value of ingredients etc. In the menu. We also have traditional restaurant menu layout.

Social and regular account creation.

Add to favorites and share with friends.

One click Re-ordering.

You can integrate your own payment gateway or simply go with Cash on delivery.

Locate your shop on Google maps.

Android and iOS Apps – Built on native platform, our app is designed to use your smart phones native features optimally. No hybrid or cross platform apps give you this power. The mobile apps have all the features of the website. The restaurant menu layout is mobile optimized.

Admin Panel – The admin panel is easy to use yet wholesome. You can add/edit/delete literally all the data of your system with our custom restaurant menu builder and CMS helps you manage the content on your own.

If you are looking for an online ordering system do reach out to us.

Nashik citizens will not have to wait for an ambulance under any circumstances. Now, they can call the state-run 108 ambulance with a mobile app.

Officials of the Bharat Vikas Group, which operates the 108 ambulance service, said “the application is available for download on android mobile platforms. Once the application is installed, the user can register with 108 ambulance control room.”

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With this app, location and details of the user can be tracked. User will get this facility only after providing details about the situation and number of patients.

Bharat Vikas Group spreading awareness about this in the rural areas also.

With this app, ambulance services can reach even in remote areas within a short span of time.

We know that it is practically hard to achieve the right mix between entertainment and kids educational apps. It is needless to say that companies developing educational apps for kids have their own characteristic preferences and dislikes for the apps that they develop. So, it is necessary for a parent to understand what marks the best kids educational apps out from the rest and which ones would deliver the purpose well.

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Get here tons of Good learning apps for kids

Remember, there’s no greater harm you could do than putting your kids in front of a terrible app.

1. Plenty of Research

Almost all educational apps for kids available as a download comes with that bewitching tag “educational” glued into them. As a parent searching for the right kid’s app, you could instantly get bewildered when you land on an app store’s page. Well, you are not alone and there is no need to get panicked. Who would not get perplexed when you find hundreds of titles making even more claims to you?

Inorder to get out of this dilemma, parents could do a lot of research before taking their final decision. Go through a lot of app store reviews and check the rating of an app. There are even useful sites that rate popular apps or you could visit and get tips from field experts on how you could pick one that is right for your child.

2. Talk with your Child’s Teacher

Apart from online resources, there is another great resource from where you could learn what makes your kids interested and what makes them bored – your kid’s teacher. They are in a better position to know if an app you are confused about is truly educational or not. You can also get a list of recommended apps that will fit well with the curriculum and lessons that your kids learn at school.

3.Download and Test

The best thing you could do to check the worth of an app is by downloading and using it yourself; or better, give it to your kids and watch how they play with it. Even though you are not a 5 year old yourself and wouldn’t be able to accurately understand what appeals to a toddler, you can talk with them and understand if they are interested or not. There are several other benefits too in following this method.

You will be able to know if the app is trying to sell anything to your kid or whether the app gives ample security. But, this method is limited when it comes to testing apps that are d as everyone wouldn’t be willing to an app until they are convinced.

education app development

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4. Make Faults

Well, you are testing an app and that obviously means testing their behaviour while you are wrong too. It is important to check if the app makes your kid feel regretful when they make a mistake. This is dangerous and will even lead to an aversion for the subject as a whole.

The app shouldn’t make your kids feel freaked out when they fail to choose the right answers. Instead, it should incorporate mature ways of dealing with such situations by motivating them to try again. Including hints and praising them for partially correct answers are excellent ways of encouraging children.

5. Did Your Child have Fun?

You should honestly answer this question. Even though you just want to get your kids to learn things, they won’t be going hand in hand with the same idea as yours. A well designed app will only be effective when they have the right amount of fun. Otherwise, it will be just another crappy app.

You should definitely visit Edsys’s extensively researched Educational app directory, where you can find all the educationally relevant apps that are currently available for iOS and Android devices in one place, so you don’t have to go looking for them at various places. All the students, teachers, and parents can get the perfect app that fulfills their needs in the Educational App directory.

Recently, YouTube launched its new Smart TV app.

With this app, users can easily find the videos which they would like to watch.

“We are investing to deliver a lean back experience through recommendations,” the company told Fortune via email. “This will be available today in the YouTube app in smart TVs, game consoles, and streaming boxes in the US, but we plan to roll out to more countries in the future.”

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FBI Introduces New Mobile App to Find Bank Robbers

More than half of the users in U.S. said that they have watched YouTube videos on their TV.

This new app is focusing more on shorter-form content instead of promoting its original content to audience.

In December 2012, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) launched a new website showing a gallery of unknown bank robbery suspects.

Now, they have launched a mobile app that can help in catching bank robbers.

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With this app, you can share all the information including photos about bank robberies all over the country and can sort out the robberies by its date and category.

The Bureau’s announcement makes it clear that the app isn’t a toy or novelty:

“Because the FBI, in its own bank robbery investigations, focuses on the most violent and/or the most prolific serial offenders who often cross jurisdictions, the suspects included on BankRobbers.fbi.gov are a dangerous lot and public assistance in identifying them plays a crucial role in our efforts to apprehend them.”

Users can contact them immediately as this app provides quick access to the online tips page of FBI.

Asia’s biggest government hospital, Balrampur hospital is going to launch a mobile app soon.

With this app, patients will not have the stress of waiting in long queues for consultation and testing.

Addressing reporters, Hospital Director Dr EU Siddiqui said, “The mobile app to help patients download test reports online. It will also apprise them about facilities being provided by the hospital.”

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Dr Siddiqui stated that the app was one of the many patient-friendly initiatives proposed by the hospital. “Patients would also have access to free wi-fi in the campus. They will also be saved from unnecessary running to the hospital as they may opt for planned visits by using a helpline facility being started,” he said.

Citing another example he said, “The facility for dialysis is being augmented through public private partnership.”