Mohali district police has started using mobile apps to trace stolen vehicles. This app is designed specially by police force to trace such vehicles.

District police formed 5 teams of cops to trace the suspects. The members of this team are from the Criminal Investigation Agency (CIA). They are working in the major towns of the district such as Zirakpur, Kharar, Derabassi, Kurali and Mohali city.

This app can be downloaded only by the police force.

Cops are required to download the app on their smart phone as it will help to trace the stolen vehicles.
This app is connected with the National Crime Records Bureau and the state transport department as they have the complete records of the stolen vehicles.

Cops Begins Tracing Crime with Mobile App in Mohali

A South Bay man noticed a woman on his porch looking for a spare key. Suddenly homeowner asked her “Hello, Can I help you?”

This made her shocked, and she realized that the security system kept in the home can not only see her but also can talk to her.

Homeowner Stops A Thief with Mobile App!

Security systems with real-time video monitoring and two-way communication connected to your smart phone is really useful for you.

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Rajasthan Govt. To Launch Mobile App to Reduce Death Accidents

Homeowner Stops A Thief with Mobile App!

The homeowner also posted the video caught on camera to avoid it in the future.

Thomas said that this might be the 3rd or 4th house he/she did this.

He also said may be he/she committed crime somewhere, this will strengthen our case.

Homeowner Stops A Thief with Mobile App!

Senior citizens of Mumbai and across Maharashtra will be soon having access to a mobile app helping them during emergencies and in their day-to-day problems.

On Wednesday, Bombay High Court informed that this app will launch in 2017 as the Social Justice Department is working on it to launch it in the upcoming year.

On behalf of NGO mission justice, advocate Siddharth Murarka said that they were working on developing the mobile app based on the suggestion give by him.

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Mobile App to Help Smokers to Quit Smoking!

Mobile App for Senior Citizens to Use during Emergencies!

This app will be getting ready in 3 weeks and will be shown to him for further suggestions.

He also said that the app and website will collect data about senior citizens and provide the necessary facilities available in the area. This website will also provide the option of adopting a parent, wherein people can fund an elderly person’s old age home stay.

Many other schemes also implemented for senior citizens.

Hope Caton, writer of the world famous video game TombRaider IV: The Last Revelation along with her business partner Robin Bell developed a mobile game named “Cigbreak” to help smokers to quit smoking.

This game replicates the game- “Fruit Ninja” as the players have to break cigarettes to achieve game rewards.

This is the first smoking cessation app in UK, which is in the form of game. It motivates the players to quit smoking.

Mobile App to Help Smokers to Quit Smoking!

It is also clear from the research that 52% of players are smokers.

Mobile App to Help Smokers to Quit Smoking!Mobile App to Help Smokers to Quit Smoking!

This game app is now available on Apple iTunes and Google Play.

Dr. Ahjoku Amadi-Obi, Nigerian doctor introduced a mobile app named “HUDIBIA” to provide health care solutions to people all over the world.

Now getting cost-effective health care becomes easy with mobile app!

This app helps the people to connect with registered medical practitioners all over the world, resulting in increasing access to health care. With this, physicians and patients can communicate with each other in local languages of Nigeria and also in English, Arabic and French.

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Now Tracing Functional ATMs Becomes Hassle Free with Mobile App!

It will deliver cost-effective and high quality health care solutions to people across the world as it uses several emerging technologies.

Users can pay their medical bills, monitor the health of their family and friends and can also seek professional clarifications regarding any health issue with the help of disease alert function in the pipeline.

This app is available on Android and iOS.

Apps selection is a task that requires patience and the right knowledge. One shouldn’t jump head first into installation of a kids educational apps that has been found interesting. At first, you should ask several questions to yourself about the particular app at hand.

Here are 9 questions to aid you in the selection process of a kids educational app.

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10 Great Review Sites for Kids Educational Apps

               5 Tips to Find the Best Kids Educational Apps

1. Does the app have the right content that you want students to learn?

Check whether your new app have the right information that you want your kids to learn. If you want an app that should focus on reading comprehension, installing an app that teaches grammar lessons would be inappropriate.

2. Which skills do you want your students to practice or refine by using the app?

Like the appropriate content, you may also have specific skills that you want the kids to develop. Each of the kids educational app will be designed to focus on developing single or multiple skills in the users. Select one that suits your need carefully.

3. Will the app try to sell to your students?

Many publishers try to advertise and offer in-app s through the educational app. This is a tendency that will hurt your child’s learning progress and focus. You should double check and confirm that the app does not come from vendors indulging in such practices.

4. Will the app cater to my students’ needs?

Not every student is alike. Each has their own learning pace and learning requirements. Choose an app which has an approach that suits the learning techniques of individual students, even if it means using multiple number of apps for teaching the same concepts.

5. Are there finer apps that could achieve the same purpose?

It is commonly known that an app is not developed by a single publisher alone. For example, there are hundreds of apps that teaches basic mathematical functions. When there are two apps available for fulfilling the same purpose, always go for the best.

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6. Is there any other app that is available at a cheaper price?

Some people believe that apps that cost higher are of superior quality and can meet your expectations better. Well, there is not much truth in this. Yet, you should be careful not to compromise by choosing an app that is of a deteriorated quality.

7. Do you already have a similar app with you?

Apps come in a variety of titles and themes. Sometimes even the descriptions may not give you a fair and accurate idea about the function that it performs. Therefore, it is easy to get confused and misled. Be sure to check the reviews on the app store thoroughly, especially when you are going for a paid app.

8. Does the app inculcate positive values in students?

Many a times, misguidance can come in the form of apps too. You should instantly dismiss apps that are going against your school’s and even your culture’s values. Apps should promote good qualities in students and not bad behaviours. An app that glorifies an act of theft or an evil character is definitely not the right one for young children.

9. Can you talk with the app creators?

You should check if you are able to contact the app’s creators directly. You might need this when your app gets stuck, crashes, or when you lose some data stored in it.

There are a lot of marketing and buzz surrounding almost every app found out there, which makes decision taking very difficult. Apps that meet the needs of teachers and students are very rare. Using this checklist you can select apps that would actually improve learning outcomes and that are not merely all flash.

Also Check: Latest Updated Educational Apps Directory List

Now, its been more than one week of demonetisation, but still people are struggling because of it. Due to unavailability of cash to long queues, common people are facing lots of problems.

Here comes a solution for this issue- “WALNUT”.

Walnut, a financial management company introduced a new feature with which users can find the working ATM, #ATMwithCash. It can track the ATM usage of its more than 1.8 million users.

Now Tracing Functional ATMs Becomes Hassle Free with Mobile App!

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Now Microaggressions can be Tracked with Mobile App!

This app denotes the ATMs with short queues by green pin, long queue by orange pin and unknown or no cash ATM by grey pin.

Now Tracing Functional ATMs Becomes Hassle Free with Mobile App!

Walnut received near about 40000 users because of this feature.

Now Tracing Functional ATMs Becomes Hassle Free with Mobile App!

This app is available on android and iOS.

Educational apps help a great deal in laying the foundation about the basic concepts in every field of education even for very small children. They can instigate the passion to learn.

Here are the top learning apps for kids between the ages five and eight.

1. Crazy Gears

Crazy gears is a free game, which will train young minds in problem solving and critical thinking areas. The STEM-themed learning app for kids will introduce them to early physics lessons and other STEM based topics.

Also Read: 

5 Tips to Find the Best Kids Educational Apps

2. Disney Animated

Disney Animated app is a fail-proof way of engaging kids, as every kid is typically attracted to Disney characters and movies. Kids can get an in depth knowledge about the history of Disney animation studios; right from early hand drawing practices to today’s computer animations.

3. DragonBox Algebra 5+

DragonBox Algebra 5+ is an app developed for kids who had begun learning how to solve algebraic equations. The concepts are made clear through innovative games and fun learning methods.

4. Faces iMake – Right Brain Creativity

Faces iMake helps kids enhance their creativity. Children can create different faces using the collage materials provided. They can then share them with friends, family, and other users through the service’s gallery, FaceWorld, via mail and social media.

5. Handwriting Without Tears: Wet-Dry-Try Suite for Capitals, Numbers, & Lowercase

“Handwriting Without Tears: Wet-Dry-Try Suite for Capitals, Numbers, & Lowercase” is an app version of the popular program of the same name. The app is modelled for beginners and has a three step system to teach handwriting.


LOOPIMAL will teach your kids to create music loops with music blocks, thereby teaching the basic lessons of rhythm and melody in music. There are cute animal characters with movements attached to each music block. They will dance based on the music sequences that will add fun to the whole activity.

7. Monkey Word School Adventure

Monkey Word School Adventure is an early reading game app for preschoolers and elementary students. A cute monkey will guide the young learners through the adventure. Kids have to recognise letters and basic words to begin using this app.

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8. Plum’s Creaturizer

Kids can use the Plum’s Creaturizer app to create funny and amazing creatures and then take pictures after placing them in various habitats. They can take up to four pictures of a single creature and save them in their device’s gallery. From there, the images can be shared with whomever you choose.

9. Princess Fairy Tale Maker – by Duck Duck Moose

Princess Fairy Tale Maker learning app for kids will shape the young storyteller in your kid. There are features like audio, coloring, drawing, writing, and animation which will make creating fairy tales amusing. Kids can use their own photos and background images along with the characters and stickers provided in the app.

10. Barefoot World Atlas

Barefoot World Atlas gives your kid the first introduction to the animals, indigenous people, and more interesting things from around the world through descriptions and photos.

11. The Earth by Tinybop

The Earth is a geology learning app from Tinybop. The interactive model teaches various concepts related to the Earth’s history and changing landforms such as, volcanoes, glaciers, etc. The app is also available in various other languages apart from English.

12. Angry Birds Space

Angry Birds Space features the same challenge and fun as the original version of the game and can be used as a learning app for kids. The entire game now takes place in a new scenario – the outer space. The game makes physics puzzles come alive by controlling objects through gravitational pull.

Also Check: Latest Updated Educational Apps Directory List

Christy Byrd, professor at the university of California, Santa Cruz created an app to solve the issue of microaggressions in college.

This app helps you to collect all the details of microaggressions happening on campus. With this app, a total of 477 reports of microaggressions from more than 250 students.

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Beat the Stress with Mobile App!!!

Professor created this app because she believes microaggressions is harming the culture of the campus and the well-being of students.

Now Microaggressions can be Tracked with Mobile App!

Now Microaggressions can be Tracked with Mobile App!

She also said that those who reported about this issue are generally lower self-esteem and also had a higher chance of depression.

Union Health Minister J.P. Nadda on Wednesday introduced a new mobile app to reduce, manage stress- “No More Tension”.

This app will help the users to manage their stress as it provides the users with necessary information, symptoms and how to manage it.

Beat the Stress with Mobile App!!!

The minister also released a magazine named “Healthy India Initiative/ Swastha Bharat-ek-pehal”. It is a part of Goverment’s Digital India Programme and is to give priority to public health and to modify citizen-centric health services.

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Mr. Nadda also said about the importance of stress management in one’s life and how it affects their lives.

Beat the Stress with Mobile App!!! Beat the Stress with Mobile App!!!

He also stated that all the Health related mobile apps will become available soon at just one click on the National Health Portal.