Mobile app development companies who are into app creation for children must approach things in a different way. In order to make a kid’s app successful, the developer must look at it from a child’s perspective and cater features according to their needs. Apps for children needs to be stimulating, engaging, entertaining, creative, exploratory and at the same time it should also be informative.

Anyhow, there are certain tips and basic rules which app developers need to focus on while making an app which might make the process devoid of confusion.

Before creating an app, certain key points are to be kept in mind, they are:

1) Determination of Goal

To start up any app, the primary importance is to determine the goal which must be set by keeping in mind the specific requirements for children. There are different categories of app for children such as games app, story book apps, maths and phonics apps, educational apps, quiz apps, creative apps etc.

Every company should remember that their idea must be original and unique since competition is high. Most of the renowned kids brands who are new to the app world are now focusing more on making kids apps. Companies such as Nickelodeon, Disney, Penguin, Mattel and Moshi Monsters etc. have already set foot on to the mobile app industry.

The more original your idea is, the more your app will stand out in the mobile market. It’s important to keep apps relatively simple and intuitive. Avoid unnecessary manual settings to the app that make children confused.

Be it a fun, positive engaging or educational app, ultimately parents are the ones who choose the right app for their children, so it is important that developers appeal them as well.

2) Age group must be specified

First of all, make a clear idea that for whom are you creating the app. Is it for small children, teens or for all age groups? The age group you’re aiming at can determine many things related to an app. Ineractivity, look and feel, marketing strategy, price, privacy & information, store category etc. are some of them.

To seek help in this issue you have IARC. IARC (International Age Rating Coalition) is a system of age marking which promotes relevant content ratings and this can help on improving app engagement by targeting the right audience for your content.

To upload an app to Google Play Store developers need to fill in a questionnaire for the automated-age-based rating system, which will then be reviewed by IARC members.

3) UX(User experience) and UI (User Interface) in app for children

UX and UI are a critical part of a kids app. Designers need to concentrate on specifications that can emulate the kind of experience a child gets while playing with real toys. Such apps should be able to capture the attention of children by making it easy to interact with the app. UI or UX is said to be the vital element of any mobile app because design attracts users and keeps it more user-friendly.

Points to be remembered regarding UI and UX

•  Kids app should be generally colourful, bright, engaging and sort of funny
•  It should incorporate cool 3D effects, textures, sound, fun buttons etc
•  Should have a clear menu, bigger text that is easily understandable.
•  Loud sound effects and large icons help kids to connect with the app better.
•  Actions like swipe, tap, drag and drop can be included
•  Feedback like vibration, animation or any sound effect to let the kids know that they have performed an action

4) Choose the Right Platform

Some features for a mobile app might be exclusive for iOS, however, others prefer Android platform because its more appealing to children. But finding the best platform seems to be a difficult task for developers.

The availability of different screen sizes, external hardware devices, easy monitoring etc. makes Android more beneficial when compared to iOS.

iOS prevents kids from installing, deleting and making in-app s whereas Android impose limits to mobile phone usage, block callers and testers and get reports how they use the app. UI/UX of Android and iOS app are different because there are many features that are custom build in iOS which might not be seen in Android.

Being an open source, any feature can be implemented to during Android app development but for iOS, there are several restrictions due to which developers have to think before choosing this platform.

5) Participatory Design

Participatory design or co-design is a simple method to analyze how children see the world. This can involve gathering children of different age groups, usually ranging from 6 to 12, providing them craft supplies and allow them to come up with their own creative designs for your app. This can help designers and developers to get ideas and suggestions from children and also understand the feeling a child has to a particular topic.

6) Make it Colourful

Its a known fact that kids love the colour and they expect the apps they use also to be colorful. Try to make the app bright and engaging. Experiment new things and make sure that things are made clear rather than just stuffing it up. Design should contain interactive elements such as buttons which could have a simple white outline/drop shadow, a background that should be sparkling and wiggle.

7) Content should be kept fresh

When kids get to know that new contents are being added on a regular basis, the retention will be higher, as they get more excited to return back to the app and explore new features. To increase usage, content widgets are a great idea. KIDOZ SDK, is a kid content discovery platform, where apps can be integrated in just minutes.

8) Provide a real-world experience

Children will always be intrigued by everything around them. Games that help kids to explore are quite popular among kids. Such games can also help them to learn about real life facts and experiences.

9) Include feedback options

A great user experience is attained only when the actual aim of making a particular app is accomplished. Adding options like music, rewards, timers, count-downs etc. can entertain children and push them to continue playing. A feedback mechanism is necessary because kids tend to make mistakes and learn from that.

10) Inappropriate Advertisement/ In-app s

Parents are always concerned when their kids start using mobile phones. Their main worry is about how safe it is for kids to use this technology. Children will be tempted to stuffs from app and they can be exposed to inappropriate contents. If a company wish to flourish in kid’s app creation. It would be better for them to keep away from creating this kind of things.

While creating an app, developers should keep this in mind and promote more user-friendly apps. Fortunately, almost all mobile app development companies includes built-in parental control tools that help parents to know what ads or in-app s should be provided while your child is using the phone.

•  In iOS systems there are tools that can limit the mobile functioning. Passwords can be set for     various features like switching off certain apps, installation and removal of apps
•  Android also offers parent control on apps use or a user account with chosen limits that can be created for the child
•  In Windows operating systems, there is a special feature called kid corner, activating which, a child  will get access only to chosen contents.

11)Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

If you are making an app for children under the age of 13, then there is a law that no personal information should be collected. COPPA, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, signed in 1998 ensures that those who create apps for kids cannot collect any personal data from children.

12) Usability Testing

Usability testing is the key part in the development cycle of an app. There are certain points which need to be focused on before commencing this test. They are,

•  Test mood changes of a child while using the app, whether they are having fun, are they confused or     bored while using the app
•  Go through button positioning and make sure its placed at the right place
•  Check how a child reacts when level changes or transitions occur within an app/game
•  Test different colors, layouts, widgets, buttons etc. and choose the optimal ones that can more easily relate to kids

Today’s children live in a technology driven world, where all interactions and communications happen through smart phones. A kid’s app require much more care and consideration than an app aimed at general audience. Even though the business prospects are bright there is a lot of underlying risk to it. So before getting started go through the instructions and opinions listed above and be aware of do and don’t in creating apps for children.

If you have any comment on the above, please share with us in the comment section below.

The ability of mobile phones to transmit important information anytime, anywhere is leading to its increasing use in the medical world.

Apps can track the state of our health and notify users if something does not go according to plan. Data from these apps also allows doctors to refer medical history of their patients and to provide any advice or feedback urgently.


On the whole, apps seem quite useful for the healthcare industry. But what are the key trends driving the demand for mobile apps in healthcare?

Let’s take a look.

Electronic Medical Records

These can help in obtaining information online. Medical records are saved electronically rather than on paper.

If a paper or a file is misplaced, then information about a patient’s health will be lost. Lack of proper medical history and data results in poor treatment and wrong diagnosis. Mobile apps on the other hand, are part of a larger healthcare management system, allowing data to be stored securely doctors and patients to review every small detail required for correct treatment.

Exchange of data without any loss between medical centres

The ability of software to exchange and to make use of data or information is also called as interoperability. The lack of interoperability between doctors, medical centres and hospitals is compromising patient safety and health.

Healthcare mobile app development will make it possible for doctor’s clinics, specialists and hospitals have access to real-time patient information. It avoids the loss of information or data while transferring.


An E-visit can replace many in-office patient appointments.

E-visit or electronic interactions between patient and physician or doctor through email, text, phone and video conferencing has created demand for app.

Video conferencing allows doctors and patient to conduct meeting personally without going to the doctor’s clinic or hospital. This will also reduce costs and in-office appointments for simple tasks like prescription renewal and medicine change.

E-visits can save a lot of time for doctors and allows them to spend time on serious patients’ issues.

Mobile health or m-health

Mobile health or m-health is new trend helps in practising medicine and improve people’s health supported by mobile devices.

There are different apps are used for different type of requirements.

•  It involves chronic care management like managing blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, mental health and other illness.
•  People can generate alerts that serve medical reference for patients and doctors.
•  Nutrition apps, health tracking, fitness and weight loss apps.
•  Women’s health apps include pregnancy, breastfeeding and other.
•  Medication management apps help to keep track of taking medication
•  Personal health record apps, to store medical conditions data, allergies etc.

Mobile app can be used to satisfy several needs in healthcare:

•  Diagnosis and treatment support
•  Disease tracking
•  Remote data collection
•  Education and awareness
•  Helpline
•  Communication and training
•  Disease tracking
•  Remote monitoring

Automated inventory management systems

Mobile solutions implemented in hospitals and pharmacies enable them to manage their inventory easily and with real-time access to inventory data and orders. It helps in meeting variation in product demand.

The increased use of devices makes data more susceptible to hackers. Hence there is the need to protect the data. Any app should protect the privacy of individual’s health information. Mobile apps should meet the rules and regulations of privacy maintenance.

These are five trends responsible for demand of mobile app development in the healthcare industry. If you know of other trends that has boosted healthcare mobile apps, please share below in the comment section.

Google has announced the ‘VPS’ technology, an approach to explore indoor GPS to tackle issues with both virtual reality and augmented reality.

Like GPS, VPS(Visual Positioning Service) is also a mapping innovation that utilizes the process of visual focus on the walk way, end of the room and on other objects to set a limit and ensure free movement indoors.

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Google revealed that it has been working with HTC and Lenovo and is planning to launch their first VR devices based on the Google Daydream technology later this year. The company has also introduced a Google Glass, an AR headset for the smart phones and is also planning to use Qualcomm chips for VR headsets.

Google also demonstrated AR features in the Google expeditions platform for students that uses Tango’s sensors to map classrooms and place 3D visualizations within a space.

Google Announces 'VPS' Technology to Solve Key Problems with VR and AR
According to Clay Bavor, the Standalone VR gadgets utilizes the method of ‘precise tracking’ i.e. the gadgets does not rely upon outside sensors to place, but handle the headsets in the physical world.

Consumer apps and Enterprise apps are different from each other. However, stating their differences is a difficult task. Consumer apps are small, compact and kind of self-contained. They help consumers to interact with any kind of online businesses. But enterprise apps, on the other hands focuses on tracking and improving work performance. From a mobile app development perspective, enterprise apps are more focused on getting their development part rather than designing.

Consumer Mobile Apps

Consumer Mobile Apps or simply mobile shopping apps are getting popular among users for utilities and entertainment. Most of us like the convenience of paying bills, shopping, socializing, watching movies and much more with smartphone apps.

These apps are all utilitarian in nature and helps you to improve productivity in terms of numbers but not much in terms of quality.

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What Makes an Enterprise App Successful?

Enterprise Mobile Apps

These apps help businesses to grow. Businesses need to establish their contacts day by day to flourish in the industry. With such apps, a company can get up-to-date sales and stock data. This can prove to be very helpful to people especially while they are out of the field. Tasks can be done comfortably at any place with these apps. Enterprise mobile apps are custom made for each organization.

Consumer Apps Vs Enterprise Apps

1. Consumer apps are accessed by consumers to buy something or to get other works done
2. Enterprise apps are meant for businesses to keep in touch with others
3. Consumer mobile apps are C2B (Consumer-to-business) – This means that consumers create the value and businesses consume that value
4. Enterprise mobile apps are B2B (business-to-business)– This is the exchange of products, information and services between businesses
5. Consumer mobile apps are designed in an attractive and simple way
6. Enterprise mobile apps are meant for official business and the design is not given much importance.

Consumer Apps

Consumer apps need to be designed perfectly and uniquely. They must include something that would force the consumers to stay back within the app for more time.

The features each app has depend on the specific solution it’s attempting to rectify. Satisfying millions is what makes a Consumer app profitable and famous. For the revenue side, Consumer apps can make use of ads and include gamification tactics to push in-game subscription for more downloads. Consumer app development takes less time and prices are comparatively lower than Enterprise apps.

1) Consumer apps can be downloaded from Google’s Play Store, Apple’s App Store
2) These apps mainly aim at revenue
3) Examples of consumer applications include social networks, games, productivity tools, publisher software and utilities
4) Consumer apps focus more on the design but enterprise apps focus on business required features.

How are Enterprise Apps Different?

These days, even small companies operate in different locations and work with different industries. This can bring in several challenges related to the requirements, currency, language etc.

With the growth of the organization, even the tracking of all information around will get difficult. In such situations, the best method is to introduce enterprise mobile apps that can cope with all the tasks in a timely manner.

Features of Enterprise Apps

1) Enterprise applications being software systems can help organizations to run businesses smoothly
2) Helps to carry out tasks such as planning, data analysis, and data management quickly and conveniently.
3) Can easily integrate and process data from different areas
4) Provide information to the user in a timely manner, which helps the organizations to optimize their operations
5) Used exclusively in business settings
6) Integrate information processing in companies, but also cater to a wide range of different customer groups
7) Successful enterprise applications have to allow parametrizations and create industry-specific solutions
8) The development process of an enterprise app is complex
9) Enterprise apps should have long-term success, great user adoption, high-performance, simplification, adoption and a design that suits the easy working of an organization

These factors differentiate enterprise applications from other business apps.

The recent survey by Forbes compared the income earning potential of enterprise mobile apps with that of consumer apps. The major results are shown below:

•  Almost 43% of organizations that participated in the survey reported more income than that of the consumer app owners

•  Enterprise app developers are making more than $100,000 per month, compared to the consumer app developers

•  There has been a 25% increase in the number of enterprise mobile app developers in the last 6 months

Based on the need of your business, you can develop an enterprise app which can deliver maximum profit with definite growth. This not only helps you to increase employee engagement, but also boosts customer satisfaction, improves working methods, provides competitive advantage and enhances productivity.

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Enterprise apps based on their business needs

1) Enterprise Resource Planning App: This helps you to bring all systems of your company together to access data whenever required. With the use of ERP apps, it becomes easy for the management to make up-to-date decisions and processing

2) Content Management: Includes managing content-product information, documents, presentations etc. This has become common in most present-day organizations.

3) Customer Relationship Management: CRMs help in maintaining better relations with present and potential customers with the help of data. The main focus of such systems is customer retention, which leads to improved sales.

4) Order Management App: Helps to keep track of orders from the start to the delivery point. It streamlines the order management process and helps business owners to resolve issues such as order delivery delay and confused delivery.

Other types of enterprise apps used by organizations include: Export Sales App, Billing App, Human Resource Management (HRM), Financial App etc.

From the above, it is evident that enterprise applications are created to perform a wide range of tasks and process data compared to consumer apps. Developing a customized enterprise app needs a precise strategy to help your organization to overcome challenges in business. With an apt design and development plan, and correct conceptualization, you can make your app innovative and thus help in swift growth.

During a seminar organised by the Autism Spectrum Disorders Welfare Trust at the Lahore University of Management Sciences, three special mobile applications, AHSAS, AGHAZ and BOL, were unveiled to support autistic children.

The three applications were developed by a team from LUMS Human Computer Interaction Lab and directed by Dr Suleman Shahid in liaison with ASDWT.

Three Special Mobile Apps Launched to Support Autistic Children

Three Special Mobile Apps Launched to Support Autistic Children

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According to Dr. Shahid, the application ‘AGHAZ’ was aimed to cater the need for communication for children with autism. The app can be used by teachers, parents and therapists to work with children and help them learn Urdu.

Three Special Mobile Apps Launched to Support Autistic Children
‘BOL’ is designed to focus on developing the child’s language and communication skills. It uses picture symbols, voice synthesis in Urdu and English to create new messages.

Asma Ahmed, a senior clinical psychologist at ASDWT says that, there is an urgent need for an autism centre at the government level. The government should also pass proper legislation for educating children with ASD to avail their right to study in an ordinary school.

Mobile applications that are generally used in business to solve any kind of enterprise issues is known as an enterprise mobile application. It is important for enterprises to follow the trend of using apps for internal and external services if they wish to succeed in the current app dominated world.

Different types of Enterprise mobile applications include

• Content management
• Customer support
• Payment processing
• Email marketing systems
• Automated billing system
• Collaboration, messaging and business intelligence
• Customer relationship management(CRM)
• Enterprise application integration (EAI)

Factors that make an Enterprise App Successful

For any Enterprise to develop, the first step to take forward is to have a well-planned strategy. After you have the perfect strategy, you can plan the business and go for a suitable enterprise mobile application. Following are some key factors that an enterprise should consider to build a highly buoyant mobile enterprise application to ensure their enterprise-wide acceptance:

•  Clarity of business goals and objectives

Having a clear vision about the goal you need to achieve is very important. Once you have a strong objective, start thinking about the platform on which you want your app to be done. Keep your idea concrete to justify your investment in the mobile  app development. The goals you need to consider are to:

1) Increase the customer’s perception of brand experience
2) Project the growth of your organisation
3) Increase the business force of your partners and employees
4) Attract new customers
5) Enhance the revenue opportunities

•  Build apps keeping the target audience in mind

Another factor to consider before you develop an enterprise mobile app is to understand the behaviour of the mobile users and the way they use the device. How to optimise the user experience?
This might be the main question in your mind and if you have the answer to this question, you have solutions for rest all. This can help enterprises steer the app development efforts to fulfil user expectations, and result in an enchanting user experience for the app users.

•  Selecting the apt platform for your Enterprise mobile application

The process of creating a mobile enterprise app is challenging as well as rewarding at the same time. Whether it’s iOS, Android, BlackBerry or Windows Phone, no platform has a clear dominance over the other. So, it’s unavoidable to develop apps for all these platforms on both tablets and smart phones. But. It’s highly critical to choose a development methodology that meets all your cross-platform goals for the enterprise.

1) Native apps: These are built for a specific platform using the SDK platform, tools, languages and operating system (iOS, Android) that are typically provided by the platform vendor. Features of native apps:

• Most reliable and fastest, conventional
• Can get into the wider functionality of the device like: microphone, camera, accelerometer, compass, swipe gestures etc.
• Make use of push-notifications
• Provide access to important device attributes such as geo-location API etc.

2) HTML5-based apps: This is the latest approach used by most of the organizations with HTML5-based development. This helps them to reduce custom development costs for all the platforms. Even though HTML-5 based apps are a cost-saver, it does not provide the advantage of leveraging the native APIs and device capabilities.

3) Hybrid apps (Native + HTML5): Another approach is to include both HTML5 and native development, and adapt the core functionality of all platforms. Depending on the business requirements, you can choose the right platform.

The key method to have the best enterprise is to choose the right framework which is capable enough to meet the changing technology and user requirements.

•  Maintain a policy to manage the app within the enterprise

As mobile applications are becoming widespread, enterprises need to ensure that their IT departments control what employees can install and remove from their mobile devices. Also, ensure standard applications and configurations to help the employees derive maximum benefit from their mobile devices.

The system of MAM, i.e., mobile application management is all about managing the apps installed on a user’s device. This has already been used by the organisations through desktops. Now they have to follow the same in mobile devices. MAM provides a higher level of control over the applications.

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Capabilities required for Mobile App Management

1) Authorization
2) OTA application provisioning
3) Regular monitoring of app performance and delivery
4) User and group access control
5) Update the app versions
6) Analyse the usage
7) Event management, reporting and tracking

•  Security check for the application

This is the most challenging part of creating an application. With the rapid growth of mobile devices, applications, information protection is critical than before. Particularly when you develop mobile applications for highly regulated industries such as finance and healthcare. Right from password enforcement, data encryption, virus protection etc. organizations need to use robust application security measures to prevent data theft and loss.

Main Security policies that should be followed:

1) Models of devices to be used
2) Minimum requirements needed within the device
3) Networks, data, application etc. permitted to access
4) SSL certificates (data files that digitally bind a cryptographic key to the data of the enterprise)

•  Ownership

App management requires a central figure to ensure that they don’t go wrong and loose direction. These project leaders will have to analyse the app from the start to the finish.

•  Take regular data analytics

It’s important to get to know who all are using your app and how they’re being used. The continuous analysis of these things will help you improve your organisation’s app environment. The things you should keep an eye out are the number of active users, the number of versions and the number of downloads.

•  Keep the user expectations in mind

Since enterprise apps are used on a regular basis, the expectation of the user also increases on the side of design menu, loading time, appearance etc. Human resource is the most valuable thing for any company. Each employee has a different set of experiences and this can be effectively utilized while making the app.

•  Estimating the Costs

Making and testing of an app is an expensive act and requires up-to-date cost calculations and implementation. Enterprise Apps actually optimize the processing of the company and results in increasing efficiency which can lead to cost reductions. Thus, before going in for making an enterprise app, the purpose and effectiveness of the app should be well studied and calculated.

•  Accessing app functionality

While testing the finally developed app, the loading time and functionality are the main things to be checked. Checking for the bugs and other issues is also important. Slow and dysfunctional apps become reasons for user irritation and can harm the company’s reputation.

•  Compatibility with all devices

Each device has its own variations and it should be well tested that the app works within all devices. This also ensures that the maximum number of devices including Android, iOS and Windows are used in order to confirm the smooth usage of the app over all platforms.

Whether it is a large/small enterprise, the strategy to have an enterprise mobile application is a key to stay ahead in the current business environment. No one can escape enterprise mobility for sure because technology has been pushing forward so much. Therefore, the question is how soon and how effectively you can make this transformation in your business.

Consumers prefer retailers to execute mobile applications that can be used for in-store s which offer more convenience and personalization.

Nowadays, shoppers are preferring to use technology such as mobile apps for in-store shopping that can speed up the shopping experience.

A study by Apadmi shows that one out of five customers wishes the retailers to implement applications to make their shopping experiences more personalized and convenient. Retailers can use beacon-powered mobile apps that notify shoppers on in-store offers and recommends about store products.

“Nick Black, CEO of Apadmi, said technology is slowly crossing the retail channels as consumers become more used to shopping on mobile devices, and more consumers will expect to be able to use their devices in-store”.

“There is a need among consumers for retailers to make better use of technology in-store to make every aspect of the shopping journey more enjoyable,” said Black.

“As shoppers continue to embrace mobile e-commerce and retail apps, the in-store experience needs to remain relevant and incorporate the benefits that can be achieved through shopping online.”

Almost 46% of consumers also expect retailers to provide Wi-Fi inside the shops. A quarter of consumers also would like to use mobile apps to check out in-stores, avoid queue or even order products online and pick them up in-store.

The number of consumers downloading such online shopping apps has been increasing day by day with one in 10 people in the UK downloading apps in last 12 months.

Consumers Prefer Use of Retailer Apps In-Store
But many brands are still struggling in the early stages of offering real omni channel experiences such as easy payment, personalization and single customer journey.

Ed Barton, the CEO of Curiscope has discovered a new app called ‘Virtuali-Tee’, an educational app that works with augmented reality to learn about internal organs inside the body.

This eye-opening experiment is not carried out through various specimens and skeletons but into his own body.

'Virtuali-Tee'-An Augmented Reality App to Learn About Body’s Internal Organs

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The AR-based app works using the camera of a smartphone and allows the technology to digitally view the body and show organs such as the stomach, heart and lungs. As the device is moved from one side to another the 3D realistic model also moves. This app can help users look into their own anatomy.

Barton and his co-workers at Curiscope raised almost 75,000 British pounds to make this project a reality.

'Virtuali-Tee'-An Augmented Reality App to Learn About Body’s Internal Organs

The app allows the users to tap on a particular organ and get a video description of the things viewed.

The app costs around 20-24 British pounds and works on both Android and iOS devices. It can be downloaded for free, but the app only works with the accompanying of blue, green or red T-shirts.

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To take the transportation sector to real-time digital mode the Thane Municipal Transport and the Government of West Bengal has introduced navigational mobile apps for commuter convenience.

To provide real-time location the Thane Municipality has launched ‘whereismytmtbus’ a live tracking system for all TMT buses. The app will provide the expected arrival time, nearest destination, specific route fares, seating availability in bus etc.

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Commuters can also book tickets and renew passes through the ‘whereismytmtbus’ app.

The West Bengal government has also introduced an app called ‘Pathadisha’ App and fare smart card in state-running buses. The app launched by the West Bengal Transport Minister Subhendu Adhikary was an initiative of the Vision 2016 of the WB transport department. This app will help in the smart, simple and transparent way of commuting.

The ‘Pathadisha’ app aims at giving 24*7 service to the common people. The app will also provide smart cards up to Rs 1000 for boarding the government buses.

The initiative of launching such navigational apps will stop theft in expenses of the state transport, save bus employees and passengers from the crisis and bring clarity in the system. This is a part of the process to take the transport sectors to real-time digital mode.

If your child is one of those, whose eyes are always glued to that screen and whose fingers, tapping continuously, remember, you can get this addiction of theirs to good use. Using best educational apps for kids, make learning a fun experience for them. After all, your kid’s education need not be limited to books.


Here’s a list of 49 best educational apps for kids that you can choose from:

1) PBS Parents Play and Learn

Meant for pre-schoolers, PBS Parents Play and Learn is so fun that your child will ask to play the learning games again and again. It consists of lessons to improve early reading skills, math and science, that have been designed by early childhood experts. Apart from the fun games it offers, the app also gives suggestions to parents about the activities they can do together with the kids, away from the screen.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

2) Elmo Loves 123s

The app, Elmo Loves 123s, has everybody’s favourite Sesame Street characters, Elmo and Abby Cadabby, guiding the kids through the world of math. This app helps your child to count from 1 to 20, do simple addition and subtraction and to trace numbers that come with surprises, when correctly answered. The surprises include Sesame Street videos, puzzles and colouring pages, that will surely keep your kids engaged.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

3) Kodable

Knowledge in coding has become the need of the century. It may become an inevitable part of every career in future and therefore, here is an app to teach kids to code. With Kodable, kids learn the basics of writing code. They can enjoy by creating video games, animated stories and much more. The app is so engaging that, kids do not even realize that they learn valuable skills like basic coding and programming, problem solving, logic, physics and more, along with the way.

Available in : iOS, iPad

4) Disney Story Central

Bedtime storytelling just got easier with Disney Story Central. The app comes with a large collection of e-books that feature Disney characters like Mickey Mouse, the princesses, and Doc McStuffin. Disney Store Central offers read-along narration and personalized book recommendations apart from rewarding your kids with trophies and awards as they progress.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

5) MoMA Art Lab

What your kids end up becoming in future isn’t entirely based on what they learn from books. It is also about the skills they acquire at an early age. MoMA Art Lab helps to increase your child’s creativity by learning to create images, while learning to problem-solve simultaneously. The app teaches the kids to build with shapes, draw pictures and even add photographs to their artwork, thus keeping them entertained for hours.

Available in : iOS, iPad

6) GoldieBlox and the Movie Machine

Godliebox, the toy company, that has been inspiring girls to become innovators, has come up with their first app named GoldieBlox and the Movie Machine. This app helps your kids to learn the basics of animation and to create their own one-second animated GIFs. Who knows, maybe you have an animator in the making?

Available in : iOS, iPad

7) Grandma’s Garden

Your kids are sure to fall in love with this Grandma’s Garden app that features grandma and grandpa characters teaching them basic skills like reading, counting and science. The interactive lessons are so enticing that you will find your kids have the app open in the iPad, whenever they get a chance.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

8) The Magic School Bus: Oceans by Scholastic

This interactive story book helps your kids begin a fun aquatic journey with Ms. Frizzle and her students. The Magic School Bus: Oceans by Scholastic app consists of science facts, pictures, games and videos that will surely keep your kids entertained.

Available in : iOS, iPad

9) Kids Weather

It’s a fun app that teaches kids about the weather. The Kids Weather app keeps track of the weather forecast for your area and gives suggestions to kids about dressing according to the weather.

The scientist in your kids will have all fun they need as the app keeps them entertained through its lessons on Fahrenheit vs. Celsius and details on moon phases.

Available in : iOS, iPad

10) Fish School HD

This app features colorful fish that helps your preschooler learn letters, numbers, shapes and colors. Set against the backdrop of the under-sea-world, the  Fish School HD app will keep your kid engaged while sharpening his/her skills.

Available in : Android, iOS

11) Khan Academy

From practising math facts to learning how to write code, if there is anything your kid wants to learn, he/she will surely find it on the Khan Academy. Though the app is meant for every age group, including adults, upper elementary kids are going to be benefited the most out of the free learning opportunities it offers. All they need is a Khan Academy account that can help them to keep track of their learning.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

12) Cookie Monster’s Challenge

PBS Kids and Sesame Workshop have collaborated to come up with an app named ‘Cookie Monster’s Challenge.’ The app prepares children for school through mini games that teach self-control, focus and following directions. There are nine levels of the games and at the end of each level, the kid will be rewarded with pieces of a cookie-making machine.

Available in : iPad

13) Science 360

With videos that cover every topic under science, the app, SCIENCE 360 will grab the attention of even the most reluctant student. You don’t get to see an app with so many amazing science lessons, all at one place, very often.

Available in : Android, iOS

14) Ansel & Clair’s Adventures in Africa

This  Ansel & Clair’s Adventures in Africa app instills a sense of adventure and exploration in children. It features Ansel, an amiable travel photographer, and Clair, a clever robot, who guide your kids through the exotic locations of Africa.  Along the way, the kids get to solve quests and puzzles, play games and watch animations.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

15) Star Walk

If your kid is interested in learning about stars and constellations, Star Walk is the app he/she needs. The best feature of this app is that if you hold your tablet towards the sky, the app recognizes the constellation it sees and names it. Apart from that, the app also lists solar systems and satellites.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

16) Habitat the Game

This  Habitat the Game app teaches your children to take care of the environment. The user adopts a virtual polar bear that can stay healthy only if real world actions like turning lights off and conserving water, are completed. What more do you need to create an impact in your child’s mind about being eco-friendly?

Available in : iOS

17) Impoppable

Bubble bursting had always been our favourite childhood game, wasn’t it? With Impoppable, your kids get to do it virtually. At each level, the user has to pop bubbles that add up to a particular number. This fun app will help kids to gain number sense and review basic facts.

Available in : iOS

18) Super WHY

Based on the TV series, the Super WHY app consists of four interactive games featuring the main characters Alpha Pig, Princess Presto, Wonder Red, and Super Why. Kids can play along with the characters to practice on the alphabet, rhyming, spelling, writing and reading.

Available in : iOS, iPad

19) Sushi Monster

You can now stop complaining about how your kid doesn’t practice his/her math facts. The Sushi Monster is more fun than you think and it encourages flexible thinking of numbers than plain memorization.

In this app, the kids have to satisfy the hunger of “Sushi Monster” by feeding him with the right combination of numbers. It’s a fun way to enhance your kid’s math skills without making them realizing that they are learning.

Available in : iOS, iPad

20) Alphabet Car

This fun app helps your kid to learn the alphabet letters, words and spelling through an interactive game of 40 levels, ranging from easy to hard. The phone can be used as a steering wheel to drive the bus towards the correct letters and words to win. 3D graphics and personalized car customization features of the Alphabet Car app, makes it interesting.

Available in : Android

21) Hello English App

The Hello English App helps kids to master the language from an early age. It helps to enhance reading, writing, speaking and listening skills, while building your kid’s vocabulary.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

22) Spelling Bee

The Spelling Bee app comes with over 2300 words and various levels of difficulty, ranging from easy to hard. Introduce this app to your kids and you will see them transform from beginners to advanced spellers in no time.

Available in : iOS, iPad

23) Duolingo: Learn Languages Free

If your kid is interested in learning new languages, this is the best app for them This award winning Duolingo: Learn Languages Free app can be used to learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Irish, Danish, Swedish and English in a fun way. You play a game and there, you get to practice your speaking, reading, listening and writing skills at the same time.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

24) eTABU Word Search

It is a fun app to improve your kid’s reading, word recognition, vocabulary and mental flexibility skills. See your kid’s language skills improve by using this enticing and highly entertaining eTABU Word Search app.

Available in : Android, iOS

25) Edukitty Preschool

This fun app by Cubic Frog Apps consist of a variety of games that include  matching games, 3D alphabet,  Biggest/smallest, Left/right, up/down, find the colour or shape and at the end of the game, the kids get to collect a sticker.  The Edukitty Preschool app comes with a customization option, where the parents can easily delete the games that might be too challenging or hard for their child.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

26) Kid Mode: Free Games and Lock

This  Kid Mode: Free Games and Lock app comes with a huge variety of educational games meant for children less than 8 years of age. It consists of live Sesame Street videos and games categorized by age, making it fun but also safe by its parental lock feature.

Available in : Android

27) Rocket Math

Math turns fun with this app for your kid. With this Rocket Math app, your kids get to build his own rocket and go for fun math missions, which include identifying odd/even numbers, doing square roots etc. At the end of each mission, the kids can earn a gold, silver or bronze medal and beat the high score.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

28) LumiKids

This app, meant for pre-schoolers, helps them take the first step towards sorting by colour, shape and size. LumiKids helps to improve your kid’s visual-motor coordination without frustrating them with complicated text or voice-over instructions. Also, the games adapt to your kid’s ability level, thus, making it fun yet challenging for them.

Available in : iOS, iPad

29) Phonics Genius

You won’t find a better app to improve your child’s vocabulary. The app, Phonic Genius, is loaded with 6000 professionally recorded words that have been grouped into 225 categories. It is meant for children aged between 1 and 6 years.

Available in :  iOS, iPad

30) Pizza Fractions 1

The concept of fractions gets simplified with the Pizza Fractions 1 app. It gives your child a visual approach to fractions and the adjustable difficult levels help the beginners to start from scratch.

Available in : iOS, iPad

31) Middle School Math Planet

Middle School Math Planet is another fun app to brush up your middle schooler’s math skills. The app comes with over 30 out-of-the-world games, where the users can fly spaceships and help aliens complete their tasks while learning basic math concepts like geometry and fractions.

Available in : iOS, iPad

32) ABC  Ninjas

Your kids will never forget alphabets after using this ABC  Ninjas app. It comes with a game where the kids are supposed to slice capital letters or lower cases with a name or phonetic sound.

Available in : iOS, iPad

33) Vocabulary Spelling City

Learning vocabulary is always stressful for your kids. However, Vocabulary Spelling City comes with games like Word Unscramble and Hang Mouse making it more interesting.

The app is meant for children of above 6 years. They can play 9 games using 10 word lists of the vocabulary. Parents can also add customized wordlists to the app for their kids to use.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

34) TodoMath

Designed for kids above 5 years of age, TodoMath guarantees to take your child on a daily math adventure. Ranging from a 10-15 minute drill practice session, a Mission mode to a Free Play Mode, this app is going to keep your naughty munchkin engaged for hours while brushing up his/her math skills. The app ranges for the children under the age of 6 to 10 years.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

35) Jack and Jill: A Toddler Adventure

Your kid gets to go on an adventure journey with Jack and Jill while completing puzzles, singing- along, participating in sailboat races and, searching and seeing games.

Available in : iOS, iPad

36) Storybooks

This fun Storybooks app loaded with free story books, with fun pictures, text, and audio, is perfect for the voracious reader in your kid aged between 2 and 8 years.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

37) Grammaropolis

The app welcomes you to the world of grammar. Different parts of speech inhabit Grammaropolis, whose personalities reflect the role they play in a sentence. For example, the pronoun is hell-bent in taking the noun’s place while the conjunction wants everyone to get along.

Available in : Android,

38) NASA

The NASA app provides a large collection of images, videos, mission information, news, NASA TV and other similar content for your little scientist to discover.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

39) Hooked on Phonics

The app comes with lessons in the form of games and stories to get your kids literally hooked on phonics.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

40) IXL


IXL provides your kids with additional lessons to the school curriculum in subjects like maths, English, social studies and science. On completing milestones, the kids earn online prize pictures. If your kid gets most of the problems right, he/she can easily jump to the next level and if then they’ll need to practice more. The app consists of written and audio explanations for each problem but contains no videos.

Available in : iOS, iPad

41) Scratch and Scratch Jr.

The Scratch and Scratch Jr. apps designed by MIT intend to teach programming to kids. Scratch is meant for kids aged above 7 years while Scratch Jr. is meant for those aged between 5 and 7 years. Using the app, kids can learn to program their own computer games, art and applications and share them with rest of the online community. The kids will get feedback from real users and they will get to see the number of viewers for anything they have created.

Available in : Android, iOS

42) Dragon Box

Dragon Box is an app that has successfully managed to get kids to learn math through their fun games. Kids easily move through 200 levels of games without even realizing that they are learning basic math concepts like geometry and algebra.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

43) Epic!

This Epic! app is an e-book library meant for kids less than 12 year of age and contains more 10,000 e-books in their collection.

Available in : Android, iOS

44) My Incredible Body

An amazing app that teaches kids about human anatomy through visuals, 3-D animated videos, informative narrations and virtual tour.

Available in : iOS, iPad

45) Wild Kratts World Adventure

With this Wild Kratts World Adventure app, kids get to explore habitats across the world. The game consists of 30 levels each of which is a mission on animal science with the help of creature power.

Kids earn creature power “selfies”, habitat stickers and WoW Facts at the end of each mission.

Available in : iOS, iPad

46) Shape Gurus

This enticing app teaches kids to match, sort and arrange according to colour and shapes. Shape Gurus offers a series of geometric puzzles that join together to tell a story. The puzzles get difficult as the levels progress.

Available in : Android, iOS, iPad

47) Pacca Alpaca

This fun Pacca Alpaca app helps your kids to learn numbers, colours and shapes in different languages.

Available in : iOS, iPad

48) This Is My Food – Nutrition for Kids

This Is My Food – Nutrition for Kids app teaches kids about food and nutrition. It is loaded with fun facts, animated diagrams, and mini games to keep your kids engaged.

Available in : iOS, iPad

49) Telling Time with the Smurfs

The Telling Time with the Smurfs app uses Smurf characters and a circumstantial storyline to teach your kids to tell time.

Available in : Android, iOS

50) PocketPhonics

PocketPhonics is an early reading and writing app that teaches letter sounds, first words, and handwriting to toddlers. It emails a certificate after the toddler has mastered each of the levels. It is designed to increase the challenges on higher levels.

Available in : iOS