Wi-Fi Attendance helps an user to punch-in and punch-out attendance, get insights to latest news and blogs and also notify you about latest events going around your working Environment.

User can view weekly as well as monthly attendance records. If the User logins from outside the office then, notification is sent to the manager that a particular device has login from a particular location. Even the user can apply for leaves in the Wi-Fi app.


  • Live location tracking
  • Overtime management
  • Time saving results
  • Enhanced attendance evaluation
  • Attendance information can be accessed 24*7
  • More secure than conventional mode of attendance
  • Management of Absenteeism
  • Payroll Management

Wi-fi Manager:

  • Dashboard: This basically includes Total Leaves, Approved & amp; Reject Leaves, punching details like late punch in/out or early punch in/out. Within this, the Manager can categorize the employee on the basis of the punch in location like if employee punch in from out side can be have work from home today.
  • Absent people list
  • Team list contains, employee details like profile, attendance, rewards, leaves etc.
  • Notification: Leaves related notification, late punch details etc.
  • List of an announcement: Add an announcement, assign rewards, news etc.

TeamWork Organizer, the organizer par excellence. For private events, business events or logistics in operation.

With TeamWork Organizer you can communicate with each other. The administrator loads the desired participants and you’re ready to go. Using push messages, all participants are always up to date and lists can be easily created, edited, including the associated photos.

TeamWork Organizer is ideal as a logistics tool in the workplace. If the logistician is connected to the external employee, one or more push messages with or without a photo can be sent at any time. Once the tasks have been completed, the pendency is ticked off with the press of a button. Of course, visible to all participants.

Repeated work, with the associated tools, can be stored in self-made folders and retrieved at any time.