Uber is not just an inspiration for startups and aspiring entrepreneurs, its miraculous success is so infectious it provoked many market learners to think of going Uber way. The billion-dollar taxi booking startup Uber was founded by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp eight years ago in 2009 thought they might have felt shocked upon experiencing such a gargantuan success from their joint digital venture.

taxi booking app cost

No wonder young talents are impelled to recreate the same magic by developing Uber-like app for taxi booking. Ola and Grab has already made their mark on the map. Splendid! This is the reason why young startups are fanatically seeking affordable mobile app development companies who can calculate estimate cost to develop Uber clone to join the revolution of unique traveling. Let’s explore how you can approach cost calculation for developing the app.

The main factors that determine app development cost are:

  • Platform choice
  • Basic features
  • UI/UX design elements
  • Target demographics
  • Product maintenance and QA
  • Frequency of security updates

You need to build two separate apps to develop an Uber clone for any given platform. One for drivers and one for users (passengers). Both versions will house slightly different set of features. Check out these common features for both the apps that you can customize later to your requirements:

Passenger’s App: 

  • Register & login: Login and registration via Email or social media accounts, credit cards
  • Booking user interface: An interface on a screen to enter details needed to call a taxi such as pickup address, cab type or a specific driver, etc.
  • Tracker: A feature to track driver’s location and progress as they are en route to rider.
  • Price calculator: To estimate the cost of a ride from point A to point B before finalizing it
  • Payments: Debit and credit card, in-app and cashless, automatic debit, email invoice or directly on phone
  • Push notifications:  To update users on order status, taxi arrival time, cab details, offers and more.
  • Preferred driver: To pick specific driver based on personal experience or ratings
  • Booking history: To view previous taxi booking instances
  • Ratings & reviews: To view and leave personal opinion and experience

Driver’s App: 

  • Register/profile/login authentication: Registration and log in feature with detailed verification (tax number), profile authentication and approval by an administrator and status
  • Booking: Options to accept or deny the incoming booking requests from users, customer location details, and destination of a ride along with plus booking history
  • Push notifications: To receive alerts on taxi booking which includes data’s like  pickup location, payment mode, destination, order updates, etc.
  • Navigation: Use of Google Maps or Location services or iOS Map services to get clear directions to a customer and the ultimate destination, added voice-enabled services
  • Reviews, messaging, route selection

Admin Panel

You need a central control panel to administer and manage all the ongoing activities, requests and processes from a single point. This is called an Admin panel, a web app that facilitates crucial engagement between riders and drivers, and later on processes data regarding ride routes.

This mainly consists

  • Interactive dashboard
  • Customizable capabilities
  • Driver details
  • Manual Allocation of drivers
  • Manual driver alerts

Now, the next process of calculating the entire app development cost involves gathering knowledge about approximate time and development charges for each phase.

We have divided the complex process in an understandable break-up to comprehend the budget estimate easily.

1) Leading Cost Components

Considering the general major aspects of Uber-like app development, we can narrate the most common cost drivers as:

  • Backend development
  • Web development
  • UI/UX Design
  • Third-party service APIs integrations
  • Native experience qualities (Android/iOS)
  • Post-deployment maintenance & Quality assurance

2) Technologies and tools required to build the app

Uber has unveiled its unique API for developers. Hence, if you are planning to clone Uber you must tailor your own version to introduce original elements of server, maps payments. Having a viable server is key to efficiently processing thousands of user requests, driver routes and data everyday.

As for programming languages, we recommend the following:

Backend: Java, Node.js, Python, PHP.

GPS: OpenStreetMap API or iOS and Android

3) Platform-specific APIs for Native use

For Android: Google Maps and Google Location Services API

For iOS: MapKit or CoreLocation framework

4) In-app Payment solutions

Uber has robust In-app Payment solutions for credit cards and Wallet.

For third-party gateway integrations, you can choose Stripe, Paytm, PayPal Mobile SDK, BrainTree

Push notifications: Google Firebase (Android), Apple Push (iOS devices)

SMS notification services: cloud communication platforms like Twilio, Tropo, Plivo, Nexmo and more.

5) Programming the Backend Infrastructure

Writing a perfect architecture of the taxi booking mobile app backend is the foremost goal for the effective functioning of the app. Developers invest extra care and efforts while programming the backbone that creates immaculate poise and connections among its critical backend elements. This is where the story of success if essentially written and managed by enabling all the stunning features described earlier.

The skilled knowers of JavaScript, Python or CSS languages will work their way through building the app’s core and connecting it to UI of both rider’s and driver’s versions of the app. Database system like MySQL, PostgreSQL may come handy for storing crucial app data with emphasis on future scalability.

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The total amount of time and resources required to shape the entire backend is a little challenging question itself as the job is fairly prone to a lot of brainstorming and successive changes, which makes it an arduous task.

However, on an average estimate, it may consume 100-200 hours feature-wise though the process can be accelerated by putting highly experienced agile developers on the job.

6) Platform-specific estimation: Native iOS/Android

It is a general belief that developing a native app experience for any single platform leads to double the benefits and also helps curb overall cost. An app expressing simplicity with uninterrupted performance like Uber is what you target customer would wish.

Therefore, for your goal to align with end users, you should be clear about opting for iOS and android apps separately as this preference boosts usability of your mobile app.

Software development companies are capable of building native apps with native experience and feel for both platforms. With same backend and functionality in place, your iOS and Android will perform equally well.

Of course, tools and framework technologies used will depend on the target platform. Time taken to address each platform may vary from 200 to 250 hours.

Finally, the total cost

In this section, the entire discussion on how and what factors influence the cost of Uber-like app development gets summarized. Hourly rates are sensitive to country’s respective economy and commerce practices.

For example, in USA, the rate is nearly $100-$200 and $50-$100 in European continents. In Asia, things appear affordable and the development fee may come down to $50 or $40 per hour.

The major cost belongs to the most time-eating phases of app development and QA where driver’s version and admin panel play a dominant role. Finally, to sum up in one sentence, the approximate cost range to develop the most fundamental Uber-like app in India falls to $25000 to $30000 for a single platform, considering $50 of medium hourly rate.

The total cost for developing Uber clone for both apps may boil down to $50000 or a little more depending on the demand and specifications from the client.

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With a world full of Android apps and iOS apps, it would be pivotal to make your app stand out from your competitors. And for that to happen, it is important to choose the right strategy for developing an app and not to spend your entire funds just on a single aspect. Well, there’s a way and that is MVP — Minimum Viable Product.

Of course, now you might be thinking that you all are familiar with Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and how it is helpful for start-ups and SMBs in reducing the unwanted costs and gives a chance to market test your product-related risks. But nobody knows how much it costs for mobile app development in India.

Let’s dig a little into the details.

But do we need an MVP at all?

Well, the app stores are heavily loaded with numerous apps and typically, 8 out of 10 apps fail to impress their users. Whenever you are planning to implement your concept or idea into an app, you need to be a more little careful than usual when it comes to mobile app design, the whole development process, costs, customers, etc. as these elements consume a lot of time.


This is where an MVP comes into the picture. A MVP mobile app helps your business to take a look at the future reflection of your concept and to learn the customer market significance of the app with minimum development costs and time.

How to build an MVP?

Usually, when you are developing a mobile app, you would start the process with selecting the right and flawless design and then work all your way up to the usability, reliability, features, and then functionalities. But, this way, there would be no end to the development costs.

Instead what you need to do is start with choosing the essential functionalities and features that you think would make difference and help your customers in solving their problems and then finally, choose a design that fits with the present app.

Now, coming to the main question. How much does it cost to build an MVP mobile app in India?

Honestly, an MVP costs nothing provided you do it yourself. But then again, it might not be as efficient as it could be if got it done by a professional and when it is not efficient, it would miserably fail to impress your target audiences.

When you try to find the cost of an MVP mobile app on Google or other search engines, you would mostly find vague answers and numbers. That is why we thought of providing a lengthy, actually a bit lengthy answer to your question.

It is no surprise that the cost of an app development is the primary factor in deciding whether you would continue building the app or not. However, when compared to the cost of actual, complete mobile application, an MVP app costs much lesser.

But what is the exact cost of an MVP?

Coming to the options of building an MVP mobile app, there are typically 2 ways (Excluding DIY).

  • Hire a freelance developer
  • Outsource it an IT company

Just like any other usual mobile app, an MVP cost also depends on the type of method you pick. The cost of hiring a freelance developer varies from country to country.

But India is certainly one of the most cost-affordable countries for IT solutions. However, freelancers would charge you anywhere between from $10/hr to $200/hr and mid-sized IT companies charges range somewhere around $2500 – $11,000.

For a better understanding, let’s dig a little deeper. Even if you consider the shortest possible timeline for your MVP development which is 30 days —

40 hours*$30 = $1,200/week

$1,200*4 = $4,800 — The total cost of your MVP mobile app

So this total cost could be ok or fine for some people and it may not for others. Also, this would be the cost of your MVP considering it only takes 30 days to build. But there are cases where it would take months, maybe 2 or 3 depending on the features and functionalities just like a mobile app.

Nevertheless, there are some common issues that could prolong your MVP development process a little more than you anticipated.

Keep the MVP design costs to minimal

Even before checking out what kind of features and functionalities your app has, first your customers will judge your MVP mobile app based on the design and how it looks. The design of your MVP is just as important as any other aspect because this is what the final output of the mobile app is going to look like. Anything other than the outline cannot be considered in this process. Additional changes are only done, once the app is launched.

The UI of your MVP should be simple and easy to navigate so that your users won’t find it difficult to search for anything. Depending on the number of screens of your MVP app, you can get a fair idea of how much it is going to cost you.

Also, what you need to understand is that the initial design is altogether a different and separate expense.

The Total Cost of MVP App:

As I already said, to figure out the final value of your MVP app cost, you just need to multiply the number of hours required to build it by the price of the hour freelance developer charges you.

The below table will give an outline of how much your MVP is going to cost.

There are certain elements beyond the development process of MVP such as:

Elements Beyond MVP Development

  • Initial release
  • Taking reviews and feedback
  • Data analysis

Once you launch your MVP, continue for a brief time as MVP is. If your customers love your app, then they will ask you to release a full-featured and functional app. By making the required changes and tweaks, you can release the final version of your app.

But, if your customers have mixed feelings about your MVP, then ask them which features they like and which they don’t so that you can improve their user experience.

In any case, you get totally negative feedback, and then stop the project for a while. Learn what your customers are expecting from your app. Otherwise, you would just be wasting a lot of money that would give you absolutely zero ROI.

Wrapping up

Now that you have understood how to proceed with your MVP mobile app development, this will surely give you an edge in negotiating with developers and IT companies. In addition to that, you know what to expect from your MVP, you can plan it in a better way on how to improve it and present it to your investors to raise more funds.