This is an online bike rental app for both Android and iOS which allows users to have pollution-free rides by renting electric scooters for a day or longer. Users can assign pick-up & drop points and start their ride in just a few clicks.

This assures you to upload a valid Driving license to enjoy better and safe rides. You can select from popular bike models to accompany you in your cost-efficient rides.


We believes in the “GO GREEN” concept. Here, users can travel at ease and comfort in an environment-friendly mode. It helps users to enjoy rides on well-maintained electric vehicles reducing the cost of fuel and providing handy access to easy & dedicated travel needs.


Handling race conditions for bike booking was the major challenge we faced during its development. It was tough, as it is hard to manage multiple bookings on the same bike at a time. We applied the “First come first serve” concept here.


Redbytes always give prime concern to the user experience and convenience of the app. We ensure you pocket-friendly two-wheeler rides through a safe app solution. Boosting up flexibility & excellence in each aspects of app development makes Redbytes the best in the industry.

What we did?

We developed an intuitive user-friendly app available on both iOS and Android platforms which contributes towards the environment by providing electric vehicles that reduce pollution.

Users can register through email, mobile number or social media accounts. They can create a profile where details about their rides & payments can be viewed.

We also created two separate categories of ‘license required’ and ‘no license required’ vehicles. The former type enables users to book vehicles with a valid Driving License and the latter  to book vehicles from No license required category.

Key Features

  • Login / signup
  • KYC Verification
  • Upload valid driving license
  • My Account
  • My Rides to know ride details
  • Profile edit option
  • Select your location
  • Manage addresses
  • Select pickup/drop location
  • Choose vehicle model
  • Specify ride duration
  • Available coupons
  • Terms & conditions
  • About us
  • Send queries via support forum
  • View Recent Notifications

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