When the printing industry got popular, there was a whole new world of opportunity created for one and all. Literacy spread, and producing manuscripts became memory. Down through the ages, a lot of technological marvels have come and gone; with the next big wave hitting us in the form of mobile and networking technology.

The dawn of modern technology broke to witness the explosion of mobile devices and tablets. When cost reduced and affordability of personal mobile devices increased, there was a huge march towards mobile application development in almost all sectors.

Have you ever dreamed of turning your ordinary traditional content into extraordinary mobile app content? Redbytes is the right destination for converting your traditional content to mobile apps.

We convert:

Traditional content to mobile apps



Comics to Mobile apps

Comic maniacs never want to loose their favorite comic story collections. They will have fun reading it, and then they will read it again after sometime. This is a great chance for comic book publishers like you. Grab your comic app and create your own backup of comic archive. Update new contents and make income from your app.

Once the reader has had an experience of reading comics on their mobile phone, it will then become the only way they would want to read comics anymore. They will find it great and it will keep on getting better with time.

For comic fans, getting traditional content to mobile apps is their ultimate and most indulging reading experience; accessing their precious pastime anytime and anywhere. Enjoying them like never before! With ease of use, cinematic experience, scan and zoom reading and portability to offer, give your comic fanatics the best comic reader in the world.

Books to Mobile apps

Are you a trendy book publisher who wants to help readers who are fed up of carrying all their heavy books to the places they travel to? Don’t worry! Redbytes presents you with a wonderful way to solve the problem of book reading with the small screen.

Get ready to change the way how books are read. Let your readers carry their favorite books anywhere they go and with ease. Now your readers can get them instantly with the touch of their fingertips! Mobile apps also provide you with the opportunity of making your content fun-filled and interactive. And the great news is that nowadays more and more readers welcome converting traditional content to mobile apps. Best of all, it’s a great way to monetize your existing content.

Flash Games to Mobile apps

“Can you convert a flash game to android or iOS?” Ever thought of this question before? If yes, then you are at the right place. Redbytes is your destination to quickly and easily get your beloved flash game on your smartphone.

Reinvent the way your old flash games are played and turn them into hot mobile apps that yields you profit. These platforms provide new gaming experiences that are only available on them. Join with the Redbytes team to harness the potential of converting your dream projects into reality. Provide gamers with the thrill of diving deep into the gaming universe, all from their handy mobile device.

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